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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Even though you've already ordered memory, would be good to try disabling XMP / any overclocking you've got.
  2. Probably best to install the Krusader app and manually delete the share from it. Or alternatively, Tools - New Permissions (and select the PlexMediaServer share you want to delete) and then you'll be able to delete the contents of the share via the Network and then remove the share from unRaid.
  3. What happens if you click this link? https://github.com/jbrodriguez/unbalance/releases/download/5.6.3/unbalance-5.6.3.tgz How long does it take?
  4. no Why not connect the SSD directly to your motherboard port?
  5. It's basically because you've got mover logging enabled (which FCP warned you about), and the PlexMediaServer share set to use cache: yes. In a nutshell, you're logging every single file that mover moves or tries to move from that share (which at least on my system is around 200,000 files) Also, generally you would set any docker appdata share to instead be use cache: Prefer to keep the files on the cache drive for performance purposes. (And possibly backup an appropriate appdata share via the appdata backup plugin) Are all your docker applications using a separate share for their /config mapping? While not a problem in and by itself, generally the way to do things is to keep them all within an appdata share (and separate folders from that), if only for management purposes
  6. Open a new thread, and include your diagnostics in it.
  7. Not that I've ever used it, but it appears to me by looking at the help is that enabling the syslog server and having it set to store logs on a share is for remote systems to connect to. Not for it's own syslog.
  8. Enable the syslog server and set it to mirror the log to the flash drive (Tools - Syslog server). Wait until the next reboot and then post the syslog from the flash drive here. Also would be great if you could also upload your diagnostics
  9. One thing I'd like to see changed (was a problem on the early versions, but not so much now, so its only OCD) is that after the app has finished executing (either because it actually finished, or it aborted because the XML / VM images already existed) is that the container stops instead of still showing that it's running. More or less an OCD thing now that you've got the checks in to not redownload if it's already done it.
  10. Copying or moving / renaming? If you are moving / renaming from one share to another share, then the underlying system will ignore any and all settings (split levels, allocation methods, includes / excludes), and leave the file(s) on the same disk as the source, and potentially giving you the results you're seeing.
  11. Restart in safe mode. If that continues, then it's a problem with the GUI. If it doesn't then it's a problem with a plugin. Since (presumably) it happens with every page, off the top of my head it'll be a problem with one of the following plugins Community Applications (highly unlikely though - If it's up to date) Dynamix Buttons Preclear (There may be others that I'm not aware of) If it only happens on the Main Tab, then it'll be either Unassigned Devices or Preclear
  12. Under 6.8 any change to the icon url will always update the icon Sent from my NSA monitored device
  13. Long running commands do not get aborted. Sent from my NSA monitored device
  14. No, you wont lose amy data (so long as you dont inadvertently assign a data drive to the parity slot) Sent from my NSA monitored device
  15. Or to put it another way, the backup plugin does not support the unassigned devices plugin. This is actually done to make it more user friendly, as supporting UD as a destination via the GUI means that other folders are also accessible that don't need to be (user, user0, direct disk shares etc) and could potentially cause an issue under certain circumstances. But, as noted, you can set the destination anywhere by simply typing it in.
  16. type it in /mnt/disks/USB_BACKUP/folder_name
  17. Disable plugin update checks (Settings - Notification settings), then see what happens.
  18. The run command was right above the error message. Re-add the app. Apps - Previous Apps, click the install icon on the app, apply when the template comes up and post the docker run command that appears if it gets an error.
  19. If you're talking about removing something you've added, there's a red icon next to every tab section when hitting this plugin's settings. If you're talking about removing a tab that comes by default with unRaid, then its basically impossible.
  20. The plugin does not support only restoring a single folder from the zip. This is a feature req that has been iterated multiple times, and is nearing the top on my white board (ok, that's what's written on my hand). You can however do a google search for "tar man page" in the meantime that should be able to give you the appropriate command options to use manually Sent from my NSA monitored device
  21. Not even close under Windows when you have Plex. Plex make very extensive use of symlinks, which basically take up no bytes, but windows will count them as the same size as the linked file. EG, on my system on a 500 Gig SSD, my Plex folder if I take properties of it via Windows is about 800GB in size, but the actual size on the SSD is about 30Gig In your case though, /dev/sdb1 932G 845G 86G 91% /mnt/cache you are using 845 GB total on the cache drive which makes me think that when you upgraded your cache drive size you copied the original via Windows (or rsync with inappropriate flags) that wound up ballooning the size of the appdata significantly You can check the usage of each share by going to Shares and hittting Calculate and then see which share(s) have files on the drive.
  22. I'd hit the contact page for LT and fill out the form https://unraid.net/contact AFAIK they do have an AD setup themselves
  23. You should post your diagnostics to your next post
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