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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Otherwise, you *may* wind up in a situation where you have /mnt/user/appdata, but the user uses a share "AppData" I would set it as a required field.
  2. One possibility: Is your date and time out to lunch?
  3. Or just do what I do with NetData. Set it to URL (Open New Tab). Close enough
  4. Actually, nothing to do with it. What that change is doing is blocking any image as an example being loaded via http if you're on https The issue is that its a browser enforced security system where an iframe cannot be displayed if the frame is HTTP and the main page is HTTPS, and has been in place for years. There is no way around that* short of or disabling SSL on your server. * There is one way around it that I experimented with, which is where I run a script to download the appropriate http page, and then display that within the iframe via https. But, any auxiliary support files referenced within (eg the CSS) don't get loaded, which means that in the end the success rate doing this and having it actually look right is so close to zero percent that it might as well be.
  5. Mirroring the syslog to the flash drive isn't meant to be on permanently. Only for troubleshooting purposes
  6. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/large-file-transfer-failure-error-0x8007003b/1946f3b3-779c-46f4-8329-2f7154ace974
  7. In NerdPack, stop atop from installing and reboot. Any other solution and you're probably going to be on your own.
  8. That doesn't actually work. (Note also that the Volume section of the xml is completely ignored, and the system looks at the Config section instead) The way that the system does work is that any container path of /config is automatically remapped over to the user's appdata. Either way, the real problem here is that the default mapping for recipes and database explicitly references /mnt/cache/... instead of /mnt/user/... Not a problem if the user has a cache drive, but since many don't this would wind up getting created into RAM which would then cause some weird issues with unRaid.
  9. You can create a cache pool which has redundancy, or there is also various methods including a plugin to backup the appdata share on a schedule you decide
  10. unRaid does not support WiFi. You need to use a cable. (Or something like a wifi to ethernet adapter)
  11. The log rotation is per app. 1 file @ 50MB is more than enough.
  12. basically My mother probably knows more about iptables than I do. And since she's computer illiterate, that shows why I didn't reference iptables directly
  13. Settings - docker. Stop the service, increase the size, restart the service Wherever you've set it in Settings - Docker. Usually on the cache drive What you want to do is go to Docker, and then hit Calculate Container Size when that happens, and before you get Net result is that some app is storing stuff within the docker image and then it gets moved out / deleted. Plex is a possibility, but download clients are IMO more common for this.
  14. To survive a reboot, you just need to make an appropriate script to apply whatever changes you want, then run it via User Scripts plugin at first array start.
  15. Something went wrong with posting the diagnostics. Can't download. Post again.
  16. It'll give slightly better reliability than the built-in realtek. But, if you've got zero problems, then I wouldn't worry about it.
  17. This will cover everything https://support.plex.tv/articles/200931138-troubleshooting-remote-access/
  18. Open a new thread and attach the diagnostics. Can you connect to the terminal either locally or via Putty? If so, diagnostics
  19. And it will give RW access to anyone and everyone You won't. BUT, be aware that any changes to the drive outside of unRaid (including running that command) will invalidate parity if/when you put the drive back into your server.
  20. Have you forwarded port 32400 to the applicable IP in the router?
  21. Since you're presumbly doing this on another *nix box, just give the appropriate chmod command IE: chmod 0777 -R /path/to/whereever Should do it for you
  22. Sure... Give the correct answer simply because you know what you're doing 🤬
  23. Even with a "tested" speed, it is still an OC (and if not an OC, then out-of-spec timings). (And as you've noted, even hide the fact that the advertised specs are an OC) Unfortunately, the manufacturer's of everything are touting OC as such a good thing, and are trying to make it easier, while downplaying that there are (and always will be) issues possible.
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