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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Admittedly I don't run the plugin. But, your code is this if ! [ -f /usr/bin/fusermount ]; then ln -s /usr/bin/fusermount3 /usr/bin/fusermount fi; But a prior user posted the output of which fusermount So your symlink is failing and the plugin install is failing. (Because it checks for fusermount in /usr/bin instead of /bin) So I would do something like if ! [ -f /bin/fusermount ]; then if [ -f /usr/bin/fusermount3 ]; then ln -s /usr/bin/fusermount3 /bin/fusermount fi; fi; Which *hopefully* would be future-proof
  2. Assuming that the "landing" page for the WebGUI is the dashboard, it will indeed take a hair longer the very first reboot (And if its not the landing page, then the first access to either the docker tab or the dashboard will take longer) This is due to a change in how the icons are now handled for docker. (They must redownload on the very first access after the upgrade). After that, there should be no noticeable difference in speed AFAIK
  3. Set the drives in disk settings to spin down automatically Sent from my NSA monitored device
  4. @Waseh Does 2019.10.13a Icon change and small corrections Mean that it now works on 6.8 without the symlink having to be manually run?
  5. Reboot into safe mode and see what happens.
  6. When it boots up, do a Tools - New Config, and assign drives accordingly (you can also check off Parity is Already Valid) With luck, everything will be back the exact same it was *. With no luck, reinstall CA, and see if Previous Apps has anything in it. If not, then install everything you want (your appdata will have survived all of this) * If everything did come back the way that it was, go to the docker page and see what happens if you try to edit a container. If an error pops up something to the effect of "Was this created with this plugin", then you're ultimately at some point going to have to delete the docker.img file and reinstall all of your apps from scratch (although your appdata will be intact)
  7. Completely off topic, mods feel free to delete, but I always get a kick out of people who type with a southern accent
  8. You would have to post your diagnostics. Should be able to easily get them via the GUI boot mode
  9. OK Since I'm sure I'm not the only one who has no real clue about what to enter here, any hints? Sorry for being so dense
  10. Assuming that you've got /media in the template mapped to /mnt/user (which is default), then in order to access any unassigned device you have to add another path mapping of say /unassigned mapped to /mnt/disks with an access mode of RW:Slave
  11. Maybe the help text / pic should get updated to reflect this?
  12. I know squat about networking, but isn't Remote Access To LAN supposed to accomplish this?
  13. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564314
  14. Then delete the docker.img and reinstall the apps https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564309 It's probably an orphan for some reason
  15. Because calculations are different. htop doesn't show waiting for IO processes in its bar chart, but the dashboard does.
  16. Looks like it started up fine. What's the problem with the webUI or are we back to just Krusader not working
  17. On the BBS (Boot Order) priorities, does the USB show up as a hard drive As for the other, it appears that the Promise RAID ports can only be setup as RAID 0 or 1 and good luck having unRaid recognize such an ancient controller. On the other hand, if its the Promise ports that work, but the ICHR ports aren't working, then there's also an option in the BIOS for Serial ATA as RAID which should get disabled.
  18. The relationship is that your problem description boils down to "There's something wrong, I don't know what, but help fix it", and the link will hopefully supply the information that will answer the "I don't know what"
  19. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  20. Are the disks the same size? If they are, then After disk 1 hits 94% then it should start filling 2 until its at 94%
  21. It sounds like the issue on 6.7 where simultaneous reads and writes bring the system to a crawl. You should update to 6.8.0-rc1 which fixes the issue.
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