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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Download https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.6.7-x86_64.zip Open it up, and extract all of the bz* files (bzfirmware, bzimage, bzmodules, bzroot, bzroot-gui) in the root of the zip to the root of the flash drive Reboot
  2. FWIW, instead of entering in the command that might scare people off, you can also get the info via Tools - System Devices. And also via the various ACS override options, you can also potentially separate devices that are natively in a single IOMMU group to their own.
  3. contact the drive manufacturer or ignore the warning from FCP
  4. May or may not be related, but you need to run File system checks on the cache drive Jul 07 03:08:44 shoebox kernel: XFS (sdg1): Metadata corruption detected at xfs_dinode_verify+0xa5/0x52d [xfs], inode 0x40a71b6a dinode Jul 07 03:08:44 shoebox kernel: XFS (sdg1): Unmount and run xfs_repair
  5. FYI for anyone else (since its a seemingly minor problem) is that you would not have been able to install or update any plugin while it was in that state.
  6. ok. Added. I'll take this up with management
  7. Or if you only use the card for passthrough to a VM.
  8. This is honestly the first I've heard of it. 🤔
  9. @1812 is the most knowledgeable one around here on HP
  10. Because it's not a .cfg file But, is that a standard file that is executed by unRaid itself when stopping the array? If so, then I've missed the memo there.
  11. 0 4 1 1,3,5,7,9,11 * At 00 minutes past 4:00 on the 1st day of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, and Nov
  12. Not currently. Pause is implemented, but it won't pick up where it left off if you reboot
  13. You also have to reboot. AB hasn't been compatible since 6.3.5
  14. Just a forewarning, not all hardware is compatible with passthrough, and even if the manufacturer says that it is (ie: includes IOMMU in the BIOS, it does not mean that it actually works correctly) In your case, you are attempting to use passthrough on a motherboard that was first sold at least 8 years ago. First suggestion is to check for updates to the BIOS (it is dated 2011)
  15. You should post your diagnostics in a new thread it doesnt look like it has anything to do with plex Sent from my NSA monitored device
  16. Is the appdata share completely on the cache drive? Diagnostics would show, but also under the shares tab click on Compute next to appdata
  17. Is your date and time out to lunch? Sent from my NSA monitored device
  18. No, that's the syslog snippet. The logs from the container itself is different.
  19. Post the logs from the container (per the link above)
  20. Mover tuning predates the ability to pause parity checks, and what you're seeing is probably how it works. I'll look at it
  21. If you're using kodi then you can adjust its cache settings, and you'll never notice it again Sent from my NSA monitored device
  22. I'm thinking that if you're pointing everything to it that it's what's interfering. I don't use piHole, so can't really offer up any suggestions though.
  23. As my wife is very fond of saying, I don't pay that much attention Are you running anything like PiHole?
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