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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Updated to include the infected file in the notification #!/usr/bin/php <? exec('/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "Antivirus Scan" -s "Antivirus Scan Started" -d "Antivirus Scan Started" -i "normal"'); exec('docker start ClamAV'); for ( ;; ) { $status = trim(exec("docker ps | grep ClamAV")); if ( ! $status ) break; sleep(60); } exec("docker logs ClamAV 2>/dev/null",$logs); foreach ($logs as $line) { $virus = explode(" ",$line); if (trim(end($virus)) == "FOUND" ) { $infected .= "$line\n"; } } if ( ! $infected ) $infected = "No infections found\n"; exec('/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "Antivirus Scan" -s "Antivirus Scan Finished" -d '.escapeshellarg($infected).' -i "normal"'); ?> script
  2. Probably best to post in general support Sent via telekinesis
  3. There would be more info within Plex's log's (Troubleshooting, download logs) for whomever uses Plex (not myself) to peruse
  4. You would make another instance of the container. Each instance scans whatever is specified
  5. To schedule scans, Disable autostart on the app from the docker tab (otherwise it will do a scan everytime you start the server) - up to you. Run this as a user script on a schedule which you choose. Will send a start / stop notification with the # of infected files. You'll have to look at the logs to determine which file(s) are infected #!/usr/bin/php <? exec('/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "Antivirus Scan" -s "Antivirus Scan Started" -d "Antivirus Scan Started" -i "normal"'); exec('docker start ClamAV'); for ( ;; ) { $status = trim(exec("docker ps | grep ClamAV")); if ( ! $status ) break; sleep(600); } $infected = system("docker logs ClamAV | grep -i 'Infected'"); exec('/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "Antivirus Scan" -s "Antivirus Scan Finished" -d '.escapeshellarg($infected).' -i "normal"'); ?> script
  6. Those are installs that you did from the CLI and didn't name
  7. Template works for me. You don't need to issue the cli command. Just start it from the docker tab. When its finished the container will stop and you can look at the logs
  8. Post the docker run commands for all 3 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  9. There is a patched version of the script buried within the post unraid-tunables-tester.sh
  10. Linux is case sensitive. You've got mapped and Deluge is putting stuff in /Downloads, but radarr has mapped /downloads. Different folders. Change the container path on one or the other to match
  11. It saves as many backups as you have set it to save in its settings
  12. Look at the status before and after applying them. Any that stay mitigated are being handled via microcode Sent via telekinesis
  13. Because the min version I have it set for is 6.7.0 stable Sent via telekinesis
  14. Probably memory full. How much RAM does your server have? 4G is the functional minimum
  15. You have "none" set for the Network type in the template. You want either host or bridge (or custom with a dedicated IP address)
  16. Not a complete solution, but only run the parity check during off hours when no one is using emby by scheduling it via the Parity Check Tuning plugin.
  17. Or pretty much any Windows software via Wine
  18. True Dat! But, had a brain storm of how it may be possible for a user to be able to do this, and 6.7.1-rc2+ prevents this particular chain of events.
  19. Checking for plugin updates (Through the GUI) should only take ~30 seconds Jun 9 00:00:01 Tower Plugin Auto Update: Checking for available plugin updates Jun 9 00:00:31 Tower Plugin Auto Update: Community Applications Plugin Auto Update finished Since you've got CA Auto Update installed and running, I wouldn't particularly worry about ever checking for plugin updates, as the Plugin page will show automatically whatever CA found, regardless if you have CA automatically install the updates or not. Same thing goes for docker updates. If CA is configured to check for docker updates (regardless if you're installing the updates or not), then the docker tab will always be up to date based on when it last ran. Not sure though why checking for updates on the docker tab actually times out.
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