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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Yes you can mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,sec=ntlm,vers=1.0,username=andrew,password=xxx '//WINDOWS10/PICTURES$' '/mnt/disks/WINDOWS10_PICTURES' root@ServerA:/ ls /mnt/disks/WINDOWS10_PICTURES/ Camera\ Roll/ Dennis/ Saved\ Pictures/ Screenshots/ desktop.ini*
  2. Yeah, that makes sense in retrospect. #015 is a \r which is part of Windows end of lines (\r\n), but generally everything in the rest of the world only uses \n In the future, don't use Notepad to edit things as it doesn't understand line endings correctly. Use Notepad++, or CA Config File Editor
  3. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-564355
  4. Something else was going on. The plugin does handle missing scripts and will exit gracefully without an error. Too late now though to figure stuff out.
  5. Doesn't necessarily mean a driver is loaded for it. What does lspci -k show?
  6. Instead of having another potential cause of issues in a plugin, why not just create this script and run it whenever you want to use dive? #!/bin/bash docker run --rm -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(which docker):/bin/docker wagoodman/dive:latest $1 Then just execute it via something like dive.sh 71065fde9039
  7. Because you have Disable Mover running on a schedule set to Yes. Pressing help yields
  8. What you could do is give the source of appdata a b.s. folder name (ie: /Chode) and some scratch share on the array for a destination. In advanced options, set every container to stay running. Then it'll just backup the flash I do see however that the plugin has an issue with 6.6.3 where the dropdowns for selection are not showing the text unless you hover over them (some styling issue with dynamix), so you've got to type it in.
  9. Complete shot in the dark, but is the access mode for the mount (edit the template) the same between Radarr and Sonarr?
  10. No. Its primarily for appdata, and flash/vm is basically an afterthought for it. Use Main, Boot Device, click on Flash then click Backup
  11. Windows will get some information about the folder when it mounts it which may or may not be cached. Additionally, if the mapped drive is indexed, then a mount will trigger Windows to reindex the share which will also most likely cause all the drives to spin up
  12. After editing the custom.Schedule.cron file, update_cron You found a bug where it doesn't update that file if you delete a script that runs on a custom schedule. (It does update it if you disable the schedule)
  13. I would delete config/plugins/community.applications.plg from the flash drive (and config/plugins/community.applications), reboot then reinstall. I've done another clean install / reinstall and there is no problem with the txz. I'd guess an issue with RAM or the flash drive (or GitHub was just deciding to not play nice with you)
  14. Previously reported https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/docker-templates-are-no-longer-grouped-by-repo-r228/ But IMHO, the comments in the above link still stand
  15. Just did an uninstall / reinstall with no problems. All I can suggest is to delete /config/plugins/community.applications from the flash drive and try it again.
  16. If you can associate with Bubbles, then today's update finally gets around to supporting the Dynamix feature since 6.6.2 of Default Font Size (it also will support it via your Browser's setting if it has it). Basically, everything will be resized according to whatever the font-size is set to. Other changes:
  17. lol The forum as an example. After clicking through around 100 errors about some protocol not being supported, it does load. Whether its usable or not is a different story.
  18. Personally, I prefer development on production systems. Forces me to make damn well sure that zero data loss can occur.
  19. Surprising, v9 (last version) does install on Win 10 64 bit. Took a bit of searching though to find a download of it when it popped into my head to make a joke
  20. Tools - Update OS - Switch from Next to Stable and install 6.6.3
  21. Just an Update here: I figured that maybe, just maybe NN was out of date, so I checked for updates and I am running the latest version of it, so there has to be something wrong elsewhere...
  22. I beginning to think I should downgrade unRaid to version 3.x because of these issues.
  23. This is getting even worse now. Not only does IE have problems, but Netscape Navigator doesn't work properly THIS HAS TO BE FIXED IMMEDIATELY
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