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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Diagnostics would help better
  2. try rebooting the mac? using all lower case on username?
  3. Diagnostics would always help. Rosewill bays while they do work (I have 24 bays total), they can at times be flakely and always require that little extra push after they are locked in place
  4. .8 won't really affect anything other than TM. Is the password super complex or something? Try simplifying
  5. This is the user you're trying? valid users = n...5 Also, for absolute best Mac (especially with TM shares) you should be on 6.12.8+
  6. The pics you've posted are broken links. And also what OS version are you on?
  7. Just pointed out to me. Working it
  8. Keeping. Doesn't affect anything
  9. The permissions would be incorrect. Use Krusader or File Manager (both available within Apps) to delete or alternatively the command line
  10. So everything works though if you boot in one of the NON GUI modes and you access via another computer? (this is how 99.9% of the times you would manage the system. Fundamentally, GUI mode is there if your daily driver you use is a VM on the Unraid Server itself. Curious if when booting via the non-gui mode after you log in at the prompt and then enter in the command slim if the GUI comes up.
  11. Instead of using your router as your DNS servers, setup DNS #1 and #2 with a dedicated DNS server. Use and (OpenDNS servers)
  12. This all looks like an actual terrible USB flash. (Or possibly a counterfeit one)
  13. IDK. What this plugin very slightly changes on 6.12.8 isn't needed on earlier OS versions
  14. Depends upon your point of view. Since 2015, I've never even considered leaving an "empty" path on any docker template and instead of simply deleted the path from the template. With 6.12.8, docker is now enforcing a specification and returning an error if you left an empty path on a template when installing it or updating it. Since there is already a number of users with this issue (self-caused), the plugin is changing how the docker run command gets generated to ignore this problem. There is NO bug with the OS. There is NO bug with docker. The plugin lowers support requests in the forum on what the issue is when all of a sudden they update their containers and they disappear. You don't need the plugin if you have no templates with empty paths and always delete any empty paths on new installations from CA.
  15. This plugin has nothing to do with any other settings etc you may have. I've moved your posts (and itimpi's) to here
  16. I'd recommend to install the Docker Patch 6.12.8 from Apps due to docker now treating as an error a common mistake that users may have made (leaving unused paths empty on the template) when installing from Apps. It's not a bug in the OS, but now docker enforcing their specification on the run command
  17. This plugin does a quick patch to the docker system on 6.12.8 only to prevent any empty host paths or container paths which may be present in an already installed template (or on a new installation) from triggering an error (and creating an orphan image) when updating the application. This is NOT fixing any bug in Unraid at all. Previously, the docker run command (eg: on 6.12.6) would not return an error if there was no container path specified. The docker system in 6.12.8+ does return an error (which is the proper operation). This quick patch simply has the docker system not add in to the docker run command any paths which has either the container or host side of it blank. If you did update an application and then had it orphan due to an empty path, then simply installing this plugin and then going to Apps, Previous Apps and reinstalling will get you back and running without changing the template to how it should be set up
  18. A quick patch plugin will be done shortly. FCP will warn if the plugin isn't there. This isn't fixing any bug but rather changing the behaviour. If there is a bug per se then it's with previous versions of docker
  19. If it’s still there in docker edit it (if not previous apps and actions reinstall) and you have a path sitting in there that doesn’t have an entry next to it. Remove that path
  20. Its from Unassigned Devices. Since you're already up to date on it, reboot and if it happens again post in the UD support thread
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