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Everything posted by cinereus

  1. What happens if you have a file e.g. user/share/file (stored as /disk1/share/file) and you then create a file at /disk2/share/file?
  2. And, in addition, I have several packages that did not install last time I "applied" and it hangs on a white screen when I try again:
  3. I still haven't got any further unfortunately Does Time Machine just not work at all?
  4. Okay, thanks for a comprehensive reply. So the includes/excludes seem to only affect disk writes and only when using the /mnt/user/share form not the /mnt/diskx/share form? What's a "dirk share"?
  5. Another couple of questions. 1. What happens when there's no free space on the disks enabled for a share and you try to write? Does it automatically include another disk? Does it tell the user there's no space? Does it silently fail and lose the data? 2. What about if you explicitly copy to a disk where that share is no allowed? 3. What happens to files on a disk that is then excluded from that share?
  6. Hang on. A "bug" this big doesn't seem to be mentioned often! Is this still an issue in 2020? I have been reading so much about unraid for the last months and have never heard of it. Would I be right in thinking move/copy commands explicitly mentioning the disk numbers would be a workaround?
  7. You can change with the environment variable LS_COLORS. The dircolors command allows you to import a new set of colors: eval `dircolors dircolorsfile` e.g.
  8. Why isn't it possible to change this? I have installed zsh and oh-my-zsh and then installed a Solarized theme. The only thing that hasn't changed is the fg/bg colours for directories.
  9. 40MB/s read bottleneck? 😢 Would it not be closer to max read speed of a disk (WD Reds so about 100 MB/s)?
  10. This is what I don't understand. This is what I'm doing: Mount SMB over 1GbE with UD. Ensure no other processes are accessing the write or read disks. For example, writes to the target are >150 MB/s with preclear. Test network performance between two systems with iperf3. I get sustained transfers of 115 MB/s over Cat-5E. Use either rsync -avPR or rclone copy to perform the transfer. Transfer speeds are about 40 MB/s max with rclone (tested transfers 1–10) and even worse with rsync
  11. No compression with either rsync or rclone and I purposely disabled parity for data ingress so I don't think that should be an issue?
  12. Weirdly it turns out preclear was just uninstalled for some reason when I rebooted.
  13. No, I absolutely understand all that. I just mean what I say: because they have the same serial ID, it causes undesirable behaviour when using the rename function.
  14. Was in the middle of preclearing and had to reboot server. Now when I go to Main there's no option to unpause/resume the preclear nor to start it again. I only have format: How do I preclear these disks?
  15. I'm just tested mounting the other server as SMB though UD. Even though iperf3 gives speeds of 0.9Gb/s, I'm only seeing transfer rates of 40 MB/s. What's causing this to slow down so much and what can I do to get everything transferred in as quickly as possible?
  16. Sorry not following? I wasn't claiming it helps. That was my point. Is it not possible to not rename them both if we are set on serial ID being the only identifier?
  17. Seems it works (for some values) if you make sure you set fan settings before enabling fan control.
  18. A two-bay dock presents both drives under the dock serial number rather than the drives' serial numbers.
  19. When you click on the name and it says something like "type a new name" and the that's the name of the folder under /mnt/disks/
  20. The issue is I now can't even add the disks independently as they have become entangled and changes to one reflect in the other. Sometimes it even mounts the EFI partition instead but there's no consistency. I want aware of auto mount issues but that is a fair point. Perhaps the best way to avoid such issues is to prevent renaming when two connected disks share the same serial number? I'm not sure if the best way to approach this or if there's a unique data point that could be used.
  21. I know. I wasn't saying persistent device ID. I just meant for avoiding this renaming bug once connected.
  22. There's an issue using WD My Book devices since they com up under the same serial ID. If you try to rename the readable partition, it renames them both! Meaning you then can't mount them both. It should check to rename by device ID not Identification ID maybe?
  23. Thanks. That's what I though (I did have one previously if that helps you debug). Your suggestion did the job!
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