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Everything posted by cinereus

  1. /plugins/networkstats/vnstat.php?i=bond0&s=y&debug=1 vnstati -s -i bond0 -o /tmp/phpKevsWr /plugins/networkstats/vnstat.php?i=bond0&style=3&dh=h vnstati --style 3 -h -i bond0 -o /tmp/phpo2hUAX That's very cool. Is the debug parameter universal? root@fs:~# vnstat rx / tx / total / estimated docker0: Not enough data available yet. erspan0: Not enough data available yet. eth0: Apr '20 1.57 GiB / 2.44 GiB / 4.00 GiB / 5.24 GiB yesterday 69.28 MiB / 106.30 MiB / 175.58 MiB today 1.50 GiB / 2.33 GiB / 3.83 GiB / 4.21 GiB eth1: Not enough data available yet. gre0: Not enough data available yet. gretap0: Not enough data available yet. ip_vti0: Not enough data available yet. lo: Not enough data available yet. tunl0: Not enough data available yet. veth00073b1: Not enough data available yet. veth0e1f563: Not enough data available yet. veth0e6806b: Not enough data available yet. veth1477f2e: Not enough data available yet. veth1cbc675: Not enough data available yet. veth2400941: Not enough data available yet. veth24aac09: Not enough data available yet. veth2692dbc: Not enough data available yet. veth2fdba7b: Not enough data available yet. veth551d1c1: Not enough data available yet. veth5ca9984: Not enough data available yet. veth5dd187d: Not enough data available yet. veth6c1dd40: Not enough data available yet. veth743f3bb: Not enough data available yet. veth8040f42: Not enough data available yet. vetha19bdfc: Not enough data available yet. vethab2bc05: Not enough data available yet. vethb31a5b1: Not enough data available yet. vethc20780b: Not enough data available yet. vethc3e5264: Not enough data available yet. vethd58d01f: Not enough data available yet. vethd973cb3: Not enough data available yet. vethe1c5d7d: Not enough data available yet. vethe3ce0c6: Not enough data available yet. vethee32d42: Not enough data available yet. vethf2f531e: Not enough data available yet. vethf56c2fd: Not enough data available yet. vethf5fb3a8: Not enough data available yet. vethfcd68fe: Not enough data available yet. virbr0: Not enough data available yet.
  2. It's been a couple of days...
  3. This seems to be the most recently topic. I've followed the guide at https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Configuring_Apple_Time_Machine Regardless of whether I make it Time Machine (private) or just regular, I can mount the share but Time Machine itself refuses to let me add is as a backup target. I've read loads of threads on here but haven't found anything that works...
  4. Wanted to test SSL but ran into issues as it immediately logged me out. I can now only log in by IP address or in incognito mode (even after clearing cache/cookies). Even turning SSL back off doesn't fix it.
  5. I realise that now. I thought they were both just standard NTFS and exFAT but 🤷‍♀️
  6. Also alternating table row colours does not work with other themes. Is it possible to fix this?
  7. If this is impossible, how can I limit the size of a Windows File History target? I'm using 12 TB drives so per drive free space isn't a workaround.
  8. There's two broken links: /plugins/networkstats/vnstat.php?i=bond0&s=y /plugins/networkstats/vnstat.php?i=bond0&style=3&dh=h
  9. There's a broken link to the image: /webGui/images/blue-on.png
  10. I have to seed a new server with 30 TB+. I have a gigabit network connection and 12 TB USB 3.0 attached drives. I realise this will probably take the best part of a week. I looked at cp, rsync, rtrr, advanced copy, smb and rclone. Currently my MO is to copy via rclone (to try and saturate the 1 GbE and hopefully not miss any data that was forgotten or changed in the meantime) via smb with the command run on the target. Simultaneously I'm rcloning to the USB disk at about 100 MB/s and manually copying that over again for a net boost of about 50 MB/s. Hopefully I'm getting close to maxing out the disk read speed but increasing the speed even 10% would make a big difference. What are best practices for doing this with a particular emphasis on not missing anything and speed.
  11. That doesn't explain why I can't mount that. I'm not 100% sure but it out that it doesn't recognise the disk filesystem(?) even when formatted as JBOD in a WD My Book Duo.
  12. I have three hard drives. One brand new WD Red. One xfs formatted shucked drive with data on. One NTFS formatted shucked drive with data on. When I put them in the server, there's no option under UD to either format them or mount them. What am I doing wrong?
  13. Have enabled /boot/ but when I open it in Krusader nothing shows up?
  14. Is this the current preclear script in 6.8.3? Which is fastest of the two provided by default?
  15. Thanks for your help. Think I got IPMI working okay now using the Java console Don't get how it chooses its IP address though or how it works with a different NIC through the same physical interface...
  16. Okay so I've been playing about with this and can't get it to work. It won't let you set 200 but even if you try 300 for all the settings, the fans instantly spin up to max speed. If you go to the Supermicro IPMI web gui you can see that Configuration > Fan Mode has been changed to "Full Speed" instead of "Optimal Speed". I then tried tons of other permutations of threshold values. Does anyone have working settings for Supermicro boards? I've read tons of threads about how to set the thresholds and precisely what these four settings mean and nothing seems to work for this particular board.
  17. I have a keyboard/mouse. It's just the monitor I'm missing. Looking at IPMI I can't see how to run memtest via the command line tool but perhaps using the web GUI is easier. The only issue there is I can't get the Java console to work at all (edit okay got it working in IE). But if you say it's pointless with ECC RAM can I just skip this step and just keep an eye on the IPMI system event log?
  18. I missed your post. Are you saying there is a way to run it headless after all? How do I do this with IPMI then? I can't get Java to ever open .jnlp files. (btw found reference to a weird version of memtest that does seem to allow saving a report: https://www.idownloadblog.com/2017/06/08/test-ram-integrity-memtest86/)
  19. Any idea why my fanspeeds have suddenly disappeared from netdata this morning (or how to get them back?)
  20. Direct from WD as mentioned: https://shop.westerndigital.com/en-gb/products/external-drives/wd-my-book-duo-usb-3-1-hdd#WDBFBE0240JBK-EESN Coupon as per WD site: https://shop.westerndigital.com/en-gb/promotions/education-and-senior-discounts £16.04/TB The 8 TB Elements is only £15.51/TB Amazon did have 6 TB and 10 TB at less/TB for a day earlier in the week though.
  21. I know, I've used memtest for years and I didn't mention limetech. Presumably memtest itself takes up some memory which then can't be tested? And is there any reason why it can't write its results?
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