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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Did you put it into the ‘config’ folder on the flash drive before booting?
  2. Yes. That will result in the file being generated in the ‘logs’ folder on the flash drive.
  3. You cannot transfer trial licences to a new flash drive, but you could start a new trial with the new flash drive.
  4. Users typically use the Appdata Backup and VM Backup plugins for this purpose.
  5. I can see quite a lot of Power-on or device reset occurred messages in the syslog, but not sure what device(s) they refer to.
  6. The syslog in the diagnostics is the RAM version that starts afresh every time the system is booted. You should enable the syslog server (probably with the option to Mirror to Flash set) to get a syslog that survives a reboot so we can see what leads up to a crash. If using the mirror option the syslog file is stored in the 'logs' folder on the flash drive.
  7. If using SATA->SATA splitters, make sure that you do not attempt to split any SATA connector on a cable from the PSU more than 2 ways as doing so can cause issues.
  8. You would need a 10GB compatible swich instead of the 1Gb one so that the router can be bypassed, or alternatively have a direct 10GB connection between the Unraid server and the Mac. In a multi-hop link the slowest part always determines the max attainable speed.
  9. If you want a share to be visible over the network then you need to change the Export setting under SMB to something other than the default of No. which value you select depends on your security needs. Linux is case sensitive for folder/file names whereas SMB is not. Therefore if you have two folders at the Linux level with the same spelling but different case then only one of them will get picked up by the share with the same spelling.
  10. If you now have the basic .key file in the config folder on the flash drive, then I think you need to reboot to activate it.
  11. It might be worth checking there is nothing scheduled to run at around that time. I would be looking through the various .cron files stored under /etc/rc.cron.
  12. If you have more than one ram stick you can try running with less for a while to see if the symptoms change or only occur with a specific stick. This tends to cater both for ram sticks going bad, and also the case where too many ram sticks are overloading the memory controller when under load.
  13. If you must use them then try and avoid putting too many drives on a splitter as this can lead to voltage sags under load. SATA->SATA splitters are more prone to this than Molex->SATA splitters.
  14. The Unraid documentation is available via gitHub, and if you have skills in this area you might want to contribute improvements, or at least suggestions for where such improvements can be made. It is always a moving target as new Unraid releases come out so is in continual need of improvement. It can also be difficult for someone who is very familiar with Unraid to understand what might be confusing to new users, or those less familiar with it.
  15. If you want to check the drives out then the best way to do this is to run the Extended SMART test. Any drive that cannot pass that has issues and should be replaced.
  16. That still looks like a cabling issue. Make sure the power side of the cabling is also OK and avoid using power splitters if possible. You could try swapping cables over between drives to see if the issue follows the drives or the cables. Just a thought - you have not recently added a new drive so that the PSU might now be struggling under max load?
  17. he syslog shows you getting read errors on disk1 after a large number of resets that look like the type we see when there is a power and/or sata cabling issue to the drive. I would carefully check the cabling to that drive. Later you got similar errors for disk3. You should carefully check that all cabling to all drives is well seated. Also make sure any HAB is well seated into its motherboard slot.
  18. You might find this section of the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI to be of use. In addition every forum page has a DOCS link at the top and a Documentation link at the bottom. The Unraid OS->Manual section covers most aspects of the current Unraid release.
  19. You will need to run without -n or nothing will be done. If you get prompted for it then add -L.
  20. Those look to be related to the built-in parity check scheduling. The fact the entries are invalid suggests to me that you either have RAM issues or you have corruption on your flash drive.
  21. Have you gone into Settings->Management Access->Unraid Connect to activate that option?
  22. Why should it as format is not a way to recover data? Or have I misunderstood your statement?
  23. That is a last resort and may not be needed.
  24. That is not quite the right command as one would need to include the partition number. Also that command invalidates parity so had consequences. These can be handled but one needs to proceed cautiously. i looked at the diagnostics listed earlier and could not see the ‘sdq’ device you mention. Perhaps you should post a new set of diagnostics so we can be certain they are current, and a screenshot of the Main tab would be useful as well. The Parity2 disk is definitely going to require a rebuild. However if it had a red ‘x’ against it then it is currently not being used so fixing it can be left until the issue around the data drive is resolved.
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