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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. I do not see what else you can do. If the drive never got formatted then there would be no data to lose. If it formatted and then something went wrong this is always a possibility but not much you can do about it at this point as far as I can see. Make sure before you do the format that it is only the drive you expect listed as about to be formatted - you do not want another drive which DOES have data on it to be formatted by accident.
  2. According to the diagnostics the flash drive has dropped off-line (or failed). You will need to reboot (possibly with a power-cycle) to rectify this. If you can while doing this I would plug the flash drive into a PC/Mac to check i can be read correctly (and make a backup if you do not already have one). If you have a choice of ports on the server use a USB2 one in preference to a USB3 one as they tend to be more reliable.
  3. That message talks about upgrading the My Servers plugin - not Unraid itself
  4. The problem with drives larger than 32GB is that the flash dtive needs to be formatted as FAT32 which standard Windows cannot do. As long as you can get it formatted that way larger drives should work.
  5. One of the recent fixes to the Parity Check Tuning plugin was around detecting mover was running, so I suspect that earlier the plugin was failing to pause things when mover was running despite being configured to do this. This error getting fixed then started showing the behaviour you described.
  6. What do you mean by ‘initialise’? Did you mean format? The drive needs to be formatted once it has been added to the array to create an empty file system.
  7. In that case it is highly likely that your new server will ‘Just Work’ once you have put it together and plugged in the drives without you having to do anything.
  8. In principle it should be easy to transfer to new hardware. Things to look out for that might cause initial hiccups on new hardware are: Whether your disks are or will be attached via a RAID controller which can mean that disk serial numbers can get reported differently If you are running any VMs with hardware pass-through the ID's of that hardware will be different. Many people regularly make major hardware changes without issue so I would not worry too much.
  9. Not an answer to your current problem, but you should set the Minimum Free Space setting for the pool to avoid it filling up completely which tends to make it misbehave (especially when using btrfs). I 'think' you could get past the current problem by simply unassigning the pool (for the time being) and starting the array but you may want to wait for someone else to chime in (e.g. @JorgeB) to see what they think. You would then need to take action to try and recover the pool contents and I am not sure what is the best way to go about this.
  10. It appeared yesterday so I am guessing the issue was probably a browser caching issue at your end.
  11. OK that command looks correct. If that command does not find the superblock at the start of the drive it may take it hours to find a copy later on the drive.
  12. It is definitely there I just checked !
  13. Is the file system explicitly set for that drive (rather than auto)? If not setting that should make the check option appear. When you say you ran the command, what was the exact command you ran? Getting it slightly wrong can produce the symptoms you got.
  14. The release notes for the rc releases are at the start of the announcement thread for a release under Bug Reports->Pre-Releases part of the forum.
  15. According to the diagnostics the Parity Check Tuning plugin is (correctly) pausing the array operation every time mover runs (as it is configured to do) and later resuming when it detects mover has completed running. How frequently do you have mover running - the default is once per day in the middle of the night. The alternative is to not configure the parity check tuning plugin to pause array operations while mover is running. do you have notifications enabled at the Unraid level? If so the plugin should have been sending you notifications as it does the pause/resume actions. EDIT: I see you do not seem to have the plugin set to run any type of checks in increments. Do you want the plugin pausing/resuming when mover runs then? If not simply unset this option in the plugin settings.
  16. Have you tried the process for handling Unmountable Disks in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  17. I think there is still some misunderstanding around how Unraid uses disks as I am not quite sure of the point you are trying to make? Have you read the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. It might help clear things up?
  18. Do you mean it actually stops (i.e. ends) rather than simply pauses? The diagnostics you posted do not appear to show any parity check running. Diagnostics taken after the problem has occurred might help shed some light on what is happening.
  19. No - disks are either in the array; a pool; or unassigned and these are mutually exclusive options. You are perhaps getting confused by the fact that a share can have a pool associated with it?
  20. It is normal for this path to exist in addition to /mnt/user. The user0 path is the contents of the share ignoring any files that are on a pool whereas the user one does include any pool files. /mnt/user disappearing is typically caused by the shfs process that supports user shares crashing.
  21. You are not safe if the Windows 11 system got compromised as it has full access to the data. You WOULD be safe against other systems who do not have this username/password being able to change files unless the Unraid server itself got compromised
  22. @Danuel It might help if you posted your system's diagnostics zip file so we can see more about your setup.
  23. No. When used in the array there is no redundancy at the file system level so you only get detection, not automatic fixing.
  24. You would get the detection of bit rot any time you tried to read/write the files. You will still need backups to recover any files with bitrot. it is worth pointing out that you have been able to do this for a long time in earlier releases of Unraid using btrfs as the file system type on array drives.
  25. That file is in config/go on the flash drive.
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