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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  2. Yes - to be able to use VFIO you have to be able to pass all devices in the group. To achieve what you wat you are going to have to be able to get them into a different group. Quite what the solution is with your motherboard I do not know - maybe trying a different PCIe slot might work? It might be worth clarifying why you need to isolate them? Maybe just bridging them onto the local LAN might be enough to achieve what you want to do without using VFIO?
  3. If a PSU supplies the wrong voltage to a drive it will probably burn out the drive electronics. We most frequently see this when users swap out modular supplies and try to use the cables from the old supply not realising there is a good chance they are not wired up the same. The PSU is not a place one wants to try and save money.
  4. You seem to have left out step 3.5? Copy OD2 to ND. Your procedure as documented would lose the contents of OD2.
  5. You should post your system's diagnostics zip file attached to your next post in this thread to get anything other than guesses as to how to proceed.
  6. If you want to set a static address make sure it is the same subnet as your router.
  7. The default setting for a new share is Export=No which means it is not accessible via the network. If you want it to be visible you will need Export=Yes.
  8. The strange size being displayed when you call up the history will almost certainly be because you have the Parity Check Tuning plugin installed. There was a change in the 6.11.x series to the format of the history file and the way showing history is invoked and this is not being accounted for. I am in the final stages of testing an update to the plugin that will correctly handle this (and also show the extended history information the plugin records). When the update is available (hopefully in the next few days) and installed then that field will have the expected value (even for the existing entries).
  9. As far as I know there is no way for end-users to reset the CRC error count.
  10. This is the recommended approach as it tends to be the most efficient. However if the Minimum Free Space value for the cache is set appropriately then you can leave it set to Yes and then when the free space falls below that new files will automatically overflow to the array. Has the advantage you do not need to later set it back to Yes if this is how you intend to end up.
  11. Nothing in Unraid is specific to running headless. It is administered via a browser that can be run across the network. It was only in Unraid v6 that the option to also run it on a locally attached monitor was introduced.
  12. But that message only appears when the machine is not trying to boot off the flash drive so have you checked the BIOS setting?
  13. I have a machine that will not boot if it cannot ‘see’ a monitor. I simply plugged in a HDMI dummy plug to get around this so I can then run the server headless.
  14. The most obvious reason for that message would be that the server does not have the flash drive set as the boot device. If this is happening regularly after a power off then bad CMOS battery on the motherboard might be the culprit.
  15. That is fine if you have enough RAM to store the files that the transcode process uses but it looks like you might not have.. If not then you need to set this to point to a physical drive location - typically one on a SSD pool.
  16. Those settings show that you have the transcode pointing to /tmp/transcode on the host which is a location in RAM.
  17. This can be a restriction on some motherboards. It is possible there will be a BIOS setting about this, but it is not always the case. Assuming you want to run headless, you can always get around it by getting a dummy HDMI plug and using that to keep the motherboard happy.
  18. Parity can still be valid if something caused file system corruption as parity does not understand file systems - only bit patterns on a disk. The correct handling of unmountable disks is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  19. Unraid is basically hardware agnostic and on every boot it freshly unpacks from the archives on the flash drive and installs to RAM.
  20. Any drive used by Unraid is a self-contained file system that is readable by itself in any Linux system.
  21. Have you tried booting in Safe Mode to eliminate one of the plugins being the cause of the problem.
  22. Unraid should never change its IP address unexpectedly Is the Unraid box set to use DHCP? If it is set to use a static address do you do this at the Unraid level, or by reserving the address for it within the router or both? When the address changes any idea what the change is from and to?
  23. The plugin is set to only be installable on Unraid 6.11.x series.
  24. Not sure why the link no longer works. I suggest instead getting to the online documentation via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  25. That SMART report suggest an unhealthy drive as it could not even complete the short SMART test let alone the extended version.
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