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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Yes - but you need a new feature introduced in 6.9.0 releases to use this option.
  2. I have had this behaviour with other VPN type connections from my iPad. In your case maybe it is something in the iOS WireGuard app. Certainly not anything that Unraid can do anything about.
  3. You can probably ignore this safely. Note that the message is from the plugin and not from standard Unraid whereas the next one is the built-in message Have you had any unclean shutdowns? Are you still on Unraid 6.8.3 as your signature indicates?
  4. I suspect the issue is that UD does not include any support for DVD type file systems.
  5. I think you will find that is normal behavior on iOS. I have noticed in the past that the moment you try and activate any VPN (regardless of whether it connects successfully) the VPN symbol appears. You should be reporting this to Apple (if anyone) if you think this should be changed.
  6. What version of Unraid are you using? If it is recent hardware then you may well need to use the 6.9.0-rc2 release to have support for your NIC - particularity if it is a 2.5Gb variant.
  7. Those diagnostics are not much use as they are just after booting and the array has not been started, and there is no SMART information for any drive in them.
  8. The diagnostics is only 1 file (a zip file). Are you trying to do the contained files separately?
  9. Crucial SSD’s are known for doing this - and apparently they have no intention of fixing this firmware issue.
  10. No obvious reason from your description that you should get a failure. The Diagnostics might provide a clue as to why. The diagnostics should be taken after such a failure so that they cover the problem period.
  11. Without more information it is impossible to say. What are the names of there files? Open files cannot be moved. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post.
  12. That is a bit worrying - that file should ALWAYS be present.
  13. Because there is a. significant overhead at the point the file is created.
  14. /mnt/user includes all files in a share on both the array drives AND the cache. The /mnt/user0 location only includes the array drives and omits any files on the cache.
  15. PreClear has nothing to do with clearing corruption - it is primarily about testing whether a disk is faulty. Simply formatting a disk again will create a new empty (valid) file system. It if you Continue to get corruption either the disk is faulty or there is an external factor (e.g. cables, PSU, RAM) causing the corruption.
  16. It occurs to me that it might be important that docker containers are built to incorporate this fix?
  17. Under the bit shown in your screenshot there should be a Download button that will give you a zip file that can then be uploaded to the forum.
  18. You can never re-use a drive that has previously been used with Unraid as once you have done a licence transfer the old drive is blacklisted and that cannot be reversed. It is a requirement that the USB drive used to boot Unraid have a unique GUID so if the drive you have does not meet that requirement you are going to have to purchase a new one. I am using Kingston Data Traveler SE9 (USB2) and Sandisk Cruzer Fit (USB2) with no problems on my Unraid systems.
  19. it is normally a file with a .key extension. the easiest way is to see if it is listed under the Plugins or the Docker tabs in the GUI. It would have been downloaded at the point you selected it from the Apps tab.
  20. The Plus licence for v6 allows for more attached devices than under v5 you will be glad to hear You should have a .key file for the licence. I think under v5 it could be in either the root of the flash drive or the ‘config’ folder on the drive. In v6 it needs to be inside the ‘config’ folder. It is just a case of copying the file into that location for it to be used. If you are using the same flash drive as you used for v5 then the licence is valid for that drive. If using a new flash drive then when you boot Unraid it will take you through the automated process for transferring the licence to that drive (which also blocklist the old one). yes, next to the button for starting the array. under v6 you should use the docker container versions of these. You can get them via the Apps tab which will show if you have installed the Community Applications plug-in (an essential item under v6).
  21. Did you have a licence for v5? If so then it is worth pointing out that the licence will also be valid for use with v6. You can tick the ‘parity Is valid’ checkbox before starting the array. Despite any warning messages that will leave parity unchanged. You still might want to run a parity check to confirm it is valid. Have you read the wiki article on Upgrading to v6 ?
  22. this card has not been recommended for use with Unraid for some time as it has a propensity to drop drives for no obvious reason. If you are not running VMs with hardware pass-through then disabling IOMMU seems to help.
  23. Have you tried clicking on the partition name and changing the name and then pressing Enter? Works for me
  24. When you have a parity disk installed you will instead get a parity check. In principle this involves reading a sector of every data drive, calculating what should be on the parity drive for that sector and then reading the sector off the parity drive to check that it has the expected value.
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