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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. If that is what is being reported in the log, then yes you do need to convert them to 512 byte sectors before Unraid can use them.
  2. Once a card is bound to VFIO it is not available to be used either by Unraid or by any Docker container.
  3. You can do this by specifying the IP range allowed when defining a tunnel at the Unraid end. a point to note is that if you want to access the IPs on your local LAN form a remote point across a WireGuard link then the client must be on a different subnet to that used on your home LAN. This may well mean that you want to avoid using commonly used subsets like 192.168.0.x and 192.168.1.x on your home LAN as you will find there is a high chance of the client being on one of these subnets.
  4. I believe tHe frequency is determined by Settings -> Disk settings -> Tunable (poll_attributes): which has a default of 1800 seconds (30 minutes). I normally change it something shorter like 300 seconds.
  5. It is a requirement of Unraid that each disk is passed through with a unique serial number - is this the case with your hardware? If you posted your system’s diagnostics zip file(obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) it would give us enough to determine if this is your problem or whether something else is going on.
  6. Sounds as if you have some parity errors and are running a non-correcting check so each run is reporting the same errors.
  7. This is effectively there already. You get parity Update if the checkbox to write corrections to parity is checked, and Parity Check if it is not. if you have the Parity Check Tuning plug-in installed then you get some extra information recorded in the History file including what type of Check an entry refers to.
  8. In most cases one tends to set it and then not change this setting so putting this (and other switches that do not change often) under the Settings icon makes sense as it saves screen space.
  9. You are trying to run the commands before starting the emhttp daemon. Also /mnt/disk8 will not be available until after the array has successfully been started. Maybe you would better off running commands that need the array started via the User Scripts plug-in?
  10. The Unraid GUI is available over the network (using a web browser) once Unraid has booted successfully.
  11. I think that you have to stop the array before you can make changes to the network settings.
  12. Where do you have qbittorrent configured to store files that are not yet complete? I suspect that you were looking in the wrong place. Also worth noting that files may not be visible across the network if permissions are wrong.
  13. If you are running Unraid 6.8.3 then the setting for the cache drive is under Settings => Global Share Settings. With 6.9.0-rc2 it is under the settings for each pool so each pool can have its own value.
  14. This sounds wrong. It should be the full path to the vdisk file on the NVME drive and I would expect it to be something along the lines of /mnt/disks/nvme_mount_point/vdisk_file_name. You may have ended up specifying a location in RAM
  15. What do you have set as then”Minimum Free Space” setting for both the cache and the shares in question. These settings are important to stop Unraid selecting a drive in the first place for any particular file as once selected you will get an out of space error if the file does not fit on the selected drive. Ideally you want these settings to be larger that the size of the largest file you intend to transfer.
  16. In principle the time for a parity check is primarily determined by the size of the largest parity drive - not by whether you have single or dual parity. Having said that you can also have other bottlenecks such as CPU or disk controller bandwidth. you CAN write new files to the Unraid server while parity is being built but you will find that you take a performance hit while doing so both on the speed of file transfer and on the speed of the parity check due to disk contention between the two activities. You have to decide if the trade-offs are acceptable. You could always initially try a small transfer as a trial.
  17. This sounds like it might be a router issue so have you checked the settings there? It is not unusual for routers to have a setting that does not allow LAN connected devices to work with WiFi connected ones. Giving the model number of your router might allow others to chime in as to whether this is likely to be the case.
  18. The comment was about how you are going to tell the final server to boot from the USB drive in the first place? Normally this requires going into the BIOS settings of the server and that part is outside of Unraid control. If the server supports IPMI then you can get into the BIOS settings that way over the network from another computer. If it does not then you are almost certainly going to need a graphics card and keyboard + monitor attached (even if only temporarily) to get the BIOS settings correct.
  19. This sounds like what I would expect as you made changes to the disk outside Unraid control. As far as Unraid is concerned you have corrupted the disk which is why it is unmountable.
  20. Probably because it is thought to not need special instructions as it is just stop array; assign 2nd parity drive; start array to build 2nd parity drive.
  21. It is a requirement of Unraid that each drive present a unique 'serial number' as that is how Unraid identifies drives (not by how they are connected). It sounds as if the bay is massaging this information and not doing this. It is a known limitation of some bays while others pass the information through just fine.
  22. I think you will find that this section of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI is what you are looking for?
  23. I may be wrong about that particular NIC needing 6.9.0-rc2 If you boot in non-GUI mode do you get the option to login? If you do then logging in and using diagnostics then the system diagnostics zip file will be written to the 'logs' folder on the flash drive. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach this diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  24. Just checking, what version of Unraid are you using? With a 2.5Gb NIC it needs to be 6.9.0-rc2 to have driver support for the NIC.
  25. You should never have a vdisk used by a VM that has a logical size larger than the physical drive on which it resides or you will always get problems at some point.
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