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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. With that mapping for /media you will only see the User Share level view of your files - not the physical drives view.
  2. That is an error generated within the Parity Check Tuning plugin's code that should only be possible if there is something wrong with the /etc/unraid-version file on the system (that is being used to check what version of Unraid is currently running). Since the contents of that file are built into Unraid it's contents should always be correctly formatted. That implies to me that there might be some RAM issue that has lead to that file being corrupted, especially as the rest of the logged message looks like gibberish. As a check I would be interested if you could start up a console session and use the command cat /etc/unraid-version and post the results. I would expect it to be something of the form version="6.8.3"
  3. The encryption will be invisible to any operations that are carried out over the network so the Windows File Explorer directly causing a problem is not really a concern. The point about encryption interfering with any data recovery if you ever get any sort of file system level recovery is valid though. This can be caused by any sort of hardware/software glitch within the Unraid server itself (even if only a temporary one).
  4. Unfortunately that does not guarantee that you got a clean shutdown If you want to make sure you get a clean shutdown then you need to successfully stop the array before using the Shutdown option.
  5. Maybe mention it as an alternative to Krusader and provide a link like this one might be worth doing?
  6. Yes - any passed through device needs to be directly connected to be used as a passed-through device. perhaps giving some more context on exactly what you are thinking of doing might help with getting more/better advice?
  7. This is quite normal in the current version. If you look carefully you will see one has come from the built-in UnRAID support while the other from the plugin. The UnRAID one only covers the last increment and so is typically wrong for the duration and speed of the whole check. The plugin version correctly takes into account it was run in increments and thus gives the correct duration/speed as well as providing additional information. I have not (yet anyway) found an easy way to suppress the built-in one. If you last tried changing the settings using the 2021-01-01/02 versions then there was a permissions issue that would mean the pause/resume would not have been correctly scheduled to run. Redoing the settings using 2021-01-03 version will correct this. If it does not then I would welcome a syslog covering the problem period with at least Debug logging set (Testing level is even better but more volumous).
  8. In what context? When opening inbound ports you normally control at the router end of it is allowed at all. When done from UnRAID end it would be opened to whatever issued the open request and limited to the requested port. Offhand the only place I can think of this being used as part of standard UnRAID is when opening an inbound port via UPNP for WireGuard.
  9. I think that if you start the array manually that the VM autostart setting is ignored?
  10. This is to be expected as the chances are high that you still have the virtio iso assigned to the VM. However it is unlikely to be accessing it much after initial startup so leaving it on the main array is not going to adversely affect performance and you may not want to use up the space on your cache. The alternative is to remove the assignment from the VM configuration which is OK as long as you do not need to access it again for any virtio drivers.
  11. You have to email Limetech with the details of your current licence and the GUID of the replacement stick you intend to use so they can do a manual transfer of the licence. as a stop-gap you could try bringing up your UnRAID system on a trial licence.
  12. You can normally re-install docker containers with their configuration information intact via the Previous Apps section of the Apps tab.
  13. The /dev/sdX type names can always change between boots as Linux assigns them dynamically during the boot process so you should avoid using them if at all possible. You should use one of the /dev/by-id ways of identifying the drive instead as they are invariant.
  14. Actually i think it would be 10 sec as the delay is the time after a docker has been started to wait before attempting to start the next one . The idea is the time specified should be enough for that particular docker container to finish starting up which is relevant if other containers depend on it already being running.
  15. Unraid does not REQUIRE a GPU to run, typically such a requirement to is imposed by the motherboard. If the motherboard does not require a GPU present to be present to boot successfully then UnRAID can quite happily run headless.
  16. Every array drive in UnRAID is a self-contained file system so can be read when not part of the array. This means that they can be individually mounted when removed from the array and as long as they are not actually failing their contents read. The easiest way to mount drives that are not part of the array is the Unassigned Devices plugin. once mounted you can use your favoured method for copying files. There are a wide variety of choices such as cp, rsync, or mc from the command line, Krusader docker container for an UnRAID hosted graphical file manager, or over the network from a client PC/Mac using its file manager.
  17. I think the only way to do what you want is to use the New Config tool and reset the array to only include the drives you want to keep. You can then mount the ‘suspect’ drives using Unassigned Devices to copy the data off them. This will save time but if any of the suspect drives now fail you will have lost their contents. However if the drives are suspect this may be the best approach anyway as any read errors on them would stop the rebuild using the other approach being error free.
  18. I have no idea whether testing can make the drive unusable. if you have to use a new USB then you will have to go through the process of transferring the licence to it (and blacklist the old one). You can use the automated process once a year but if you have done a transfer more recently then you need to contact Limetech to do a manual transfer.
  19. Yes. Depending on the test you run you may need to run the appropriate make_bootable command off the flash to make it bootable again if the test you use has destroyed that status.
  20. Are you saying that the system crashed running memtest? If so you definitely have a hardware problem that is not Unraid related Obvious candidates would be cooling and power supply. The other option is something wrong at the motherboard/CPU/RAM level but hopefully not as that has no easy fix.
  21. There is the one supplied with UnRAID if you are using legacy boot mode. If you are using UEFI boot then you should download and use the version from the memtest86 site.
  22. In principle all personal information such as usernames, passwords is anonymised (unless you have mover logging enabled). If you are not sure then they are all text files that you can examine for yourself. As an example some people do not like the fact that disk serial numbers are included, but most people do not consider these sensitive information and they are often needed to help make sense of the other included information.
  23. Not tried it, but you might be able to set up the external server to act as a WireGuard server and then configure WireGuard in UnRAID (using the Server <-> Server option) to connect to it. If that tunnel is set to auto-start you should then have an established link between the two that you can use. be interested to get feedback on whether this works (or if others have done something similar).
  24. If using a key file have you checked that there is no new line character at the end of the phrase? This seems to be the commonest error when trying to get a phrase into a key file. I must admit I tend to steer clear of using any encryption (except on my test server) as if you ever get any file system level corruption there is a good chance that the data on the drive will end up being lost.
  25. You would be better off providing your system's Diagnostics zip file rather than just the syslog (diagnostics includes the syslog and much more).
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