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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. That is saying that there is a significant level of corruption so expect some files to either be lost or (more likely) end up in the lost+found folder with names that are not the original names making them hard to recognise. you might as well run the repair option as it should make the drive mountable again with the majority of files intact. do you have backups of any important data that is on the array?
  2. I am afraid that your suggested solution will not work A rebuild with only 1 parity drive requires all the other data drives to read error free for the rebuild to succeed. If the drives really are dead then you will not get anything off them without getting data recovery specialists (which tends to be expensive) involved. It the drive is not dead then you may be able to recover something by using tools external to Unraid. Do you have any idea what caused the drives to die simultaneously.
  3. Are you sure that the backup is not from a time when you DID have a 4TB parity drive? The SMART report agrees that it is a 4TB drive.
  4. I do not think you can achieve a graceful shutdown as you are getting hardware errors (quite likely cable type connection issues) on some drives so that the drives will never finish unmounting.
  5. Nobody else has had the problem of Unraid not emulating a failed/removed drive if all the other drives are OK and parity is valid. This suggests a problem that is local to your system or you left out some steps in what actually happened. Getting a hard lock at any point suggests you have some underlying hardware error. I am also not sure what you mean by the acs settings on the USB drive got reset? This sounds as if it might be hardware related?
  6. Crc errors are nearly always connection issues and related to the SATA/power cabling to the drive and rather than errors with the drive itself. Note also the CRC error count never get reset so you simply want to stop them continually increasing. With XFS format cache drive then backup/restore is the only method of protecting yourself against cache drive failure. There are a plugins that can help with automating this process.
  7. The transcode will definitely be going into the docker image as you have no path mapping for the transcode directory to an location external to the container.
  8. Have you set the permissions at Unraid level to be those that the docker says it requires to run correctly (uid=508, gid=508) on the mapped locations.?
  9. The CLI commands should work fine. What actually happens when you try them? You might get more information in the syslog if you have enabled debug logging for the plugin (although you probably do not want to leave it enabled if not investigating a problem with the plugin).
  10. The /mnt/user and /mnt/user0 are both logical aggregated views imposed on top of the physical paths. the /mnt/user version includes the files/folders on all the /mnt/diskX drives and the /mnt/cache drives the /mnt/user0 version includes only the Files/folders on the /mnt/diskX drives an omits any that are on the /mnt/cache drives.
  11. Yes, except that you reversed the order of the steps. You first use New Config to get a unraid ready to accept drive changes and then Unassign the old drive and assign the new one. You then start the array to commit the changes. The new disk will probably mow show as unmountable and need formatting before it is ready to accept files.
  12. No - all it means is that if the disk has never been used by Unraid before then it will be partitioned to UnRAID standards. If it is previously used by Unraid then its contents are left intact. Parity is also set to be invalid and thus need rebuilding. note that preclear is NOT part of standard UnRAID and thus it is never REQUIRED that you run it although many use it as a stress test of a disk.
  13. If you do a New Config then it does NOT wipe the existing contents although it does invalidate parity (if you have a parity disk).
  14. I would definitely consider going into Maintenance mode and running file system checks on each array drive.
  15. It looks as if the device has dropped offline as no, SMART information is available. Whether this is a genuine failure of the drive or something that can be rectified by power cycling the server I have no idea
  16. Never seen anything documenting this (I did not know it was the behaviour). My guess is that as people tend to not leave their Unraid servers powered on without the array started for any length of time it is not something that has come up before.
  17. Yes. Any disk that fails the extended SMART test should be replaced
  18. itimpi

    Newbie Help

    Technically this is not correct although I get where you are coming from. It is the fact that the cache is included in the drives making up a Use Share that makes them appear under the share name.
  19. Yes, but if the spin up causes a crash then it may never get around to creating the log entry indicating that. That seems far more likely than the spin-down causing the crash even though the spin-down is the last entry logged, particularly if changing the power supply has helped.
  20. It was probably the power draw of the spin-up of all the drives after the spin-down that was the cause of the problem if the power supply was not up to it.
  21. You should post your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics) attached to your next post so that we can see what is going on with your system.
  22. You should post your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics) attached to your next post so that we can see what is going on with your system.
  23. I would definitely think that recreating the flash drive might be a good idea. If the system had problems reading and/or writing to the USB stick that might explain your symptoms. Make sure you first back up the ‘config’ folder on the USB drive as that contains your licence key and all your settings type information.
  24. You can edit the syslinux/syslinux.cfg file on the flash drive and move the DEFAULT entry to the boot option you want
  25. Yes, use the ‘diagnostics’ command which writes the results to the logs folder on the flash drive.
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