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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. To try and eliminate as many variables as possible do you get the same symptoms if you disable the docker and VM services under Settings and then reboot in Safe Mode to suppress plugins?
  2. I am afraid I do not have an Android system to check this on The closest I have is an iPad ant there funning the chrome browser seems to work fine. I can see your problem in the screenshots and that is not the behaviour I see. on my iPad. Hopefully someone with access to an android tablet will be by shortly and be able to comment. Just had a thought - it might be worth cheeking what the TERM environment variable is set to (mine is "linux") once terminal starts
  3. The only one of these symptoms that is normal is the exit command not exiting (a known bug) and having to close the window to get out of the terminal. Everything else you mention works fine for me (and I think most people). What browser are you using? There is no specific documentation as when terminal opens you should simply be running bash and standard Linux documentation covers that.
  4. When writing to the array then the cache drive is not involved. Have you read the description of Unraid write modes to understand how Unraid handles array writes? If you want to eliminate the reads from the parity drive then the Turbo write mode achieves this.
  5. That is not how things work. In such cases the web server For the container GUI is running inside the docker container and so requests do not go anywhere near the web server supporting the Unraid GUI.
  6. This IS mentioned quite frequently! However whether that is a good approach varies from person to person as if you do not have good backups then getting the data parity protected ASAP can be more important than maximising the transfer speed.
  7. FYI: Diagnostics always includes the SMART reports for all drives (amongst other things) so need to supply it separately.
  8. You need to disable the docker and VM services, not just the containers and vm’s.
  9. If you are talking about Plugins then it is up to the author of the plugin where things appear. You can always make suggestions in the support thread for such plugins if it is a standard Unraid feature that you think should be located elsewhere then perhaps you can give examples.
  10. It has been superseded by the Theme Engine plugin that provides more customisation options.
  11. There seems to be something wrong with the diagnostics file you posted as it will not unzip (and it looks far too small). It might also be worth you mentioning which share(s) have files on the cache drive that you think should be moved to the array. You can get more information about what mover is doing when it runs by turning on mover logging under Settings >> Scheduler. When this issue is resolved remember to turn that off again as it tends to generate a significant amount of additional log output which can obscure things when looking for issues that are not mover related.
  12. If it still will not move then check that there is not already a copy on the cache drive. Mover will not do anything if the file already exists on the target.
  13. You should post your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics) attached to your NEXT post if you want any feedback that is not just a guess. one thing that might be worth checking via the Unraid GUI is that you do not have an ‘appdata’ folder present with different capitalisation of the name on any of your drives. If that ever happens only one of them will show over the network as Linux is case sensitive while Samba is not.
  14. Unfortunately I do not believe there is any way to avoid this except to avoid Crucial drives in the first -lace. It is an artifact of the firmware on the drives and apparently Crucial have mo intention of fixing it.
  15. The syslog in the diagnostics show the system getting gGeneral Protection Faults which suggests a hardware error of some sort. Have you tried running a memory test recently? If not that might be a good idea?
  16. When setting up a new array one always needs to go through building the initial parity. This is required despite the fact thzt there is no dzta present as parity does not understand data - only bit patterns. In your case since it appears you had valid parity you may be able to use Tools >> New Config to reset the array and then tick the "Parity is already valid" box. However this is risky and I would recommend rebuilding parity to play safe.
  17. Diagnostic files are generated from the GUI via Tools >> Diagnostic or from the command line using the 'diagnostics' command.
  18. You seem to have share with that starts with an invalid character listed under config/shares in the flash drive. Not sure if this is what is causing your problems but it should be fixed (by deleting the .cfg file).
  19. No, this should work. The fact that it did not suggests that not all files in the config folder got copied from USB #1 to USB #2.
  20. It is worth pointing out that if you are short of PCIe slots that the LSI cards also come in 16 port variants.
  21. I did not spot anything obvious, but it is worth pointing out that you are running a very old release of Unraid (6.3.5) whereas the current stable release is 6.8.2.
  22. Unraid does not support any of the traditional RAID types in the array (hence it's name). The closest you would get is to use the BTRFS variant in the cache pool.
  23. Any time a memory test does not return 0 errors you need to resolve the problem as memory errors can cause unpredictable symptoms.
  24. It is unlikely to be the Nvidia plugin as all that does is control whether the Unraid OS files on the USB stick that are the standard version should be replaced by the version that includes the Nvidia drivers. This replacement will only happen at the time you load a new version via the Nvidia settings - it will not have any affect the rest of the time as once a version is loaded onto the USB stick it boots just like the standard Unraid. As was mentioned it is likely that the USB stick going offline for some reason caused the problem and rebooting fixed this. I guess there could be an inherent fault in the version of Unraid OS that the Nvidia plugin has installed, but this seems unlikely or more people would be having the same problem.
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