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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. The lower case one 'system' with the contents you mentioned is the default created by Unraid if Docker and VMs are enabled! What do you have in the 'System' one as knowing its contents might give a clue as to how it got created.
  2. It depend on whether the controller has RAID or IT mode firmware loaded into it (the cards can have either). Unraid wants IT mode so if you get a card with the RAiD firmware then it can be cross-flashed to the IT firmware. If you get one that already has IT firmware it is plug&play.
  3. There is no hot-swap for array drives officially supported. Whether you can do it simply by stopping the array seems to depend on a variety of factors such as motherboard, bios, Linux kernel, disk controller etc. I know the actions you tried would work on my server without needing a reboot.
  4. Removing a parity disk is covered here in the online documentation. Since you started with 2 parity disks you will still be protected against a single drive failure (which is the current state of your data disks). You can now use the 4TB disk you just removed and follow the Normal disk replacement process.
  5. Have you checked that the BIos still has the USB drive set as the boot device? That error suggests it might have lost that setting.
  6. The standard Libvirt XML Format applies.
  7. Giving the path mappings for the Krusader docker might help. If you want to see paths that are mounted as Unassigned Devices then the relevant path mapping should be using one of the ‘slave’ options for the Access allowed.
  8. If your Split Level setting is too restrictive then you will potentially still get problems as Split Level over-rides the Allocation Method or Minimum Free Space setting when choosing the disk for a file.
  9. Glad to hear that the issue is now solved.
  10. As long as you move the USB drive then you do not need a new license as your current license is tied to that USB drive.
  11. The only other thing I can think of is for you is to search for Limetech. Failing that if you email Limetech giving them enough information for them to locate your account they can probably resend you your key.
  12. In principle it should just work Only caveat would be if the disk controllers on one of the machines is nor a standard HBA and is not presenting the drives in the same way on both machines.
  13. OK Seems a valid reason You will have to use Tools >> New Config to reset the array drives for the new server.
  14. Actually you only lose the contents of the failed drives and not the whole array as with Unraid each drive is actually a discrete self-contained file system (one of its strengths in severe failure scenarios). However the gist is correct in that with untrustworthy drives in the array you are at a significant risk of data loss.
  15. All the configuration information is in the config folder on the flash drive. If you simply copy that over then the second server will think it has the wrong drives so I am not quite sure what you are actually trying to achieve and what configuration information you want to transfer?
  16. The server should never be exposed directly to the internet as it is not hardened for that. If you want to access it remotely then it is recommended that you use the built-in WireGuard VPN facility. As far as Windows is concerned Unraid is just a network device exposing shares. There is no concept of a single sign on but Windows can remember passwords. In fact with Windows one of its quirks is that you cannot have a single user signed on twice at the same time to the same server with different passwords. If you have any problems in connecting from Windows then ask in the forum as Microsoft keep changing things at the windows end via their updates which can cause unexpected behavior Any drive plugged into the server at the time you start the array counts regardless of whether Unraid is using it or not. Drives plugged in after array start do not count but it is convenient if your license is of a tier that allows you to leave such drives plugged in. There is no (currently anyway) any built-in backup capability, but running your own script to do this is easy enough via the User Scripts plugin. There are also a number of docker based solutions that many user use. Unraid identifies drives via their serial number. so if this is not easily visible many users attach a label giving the last few digits of the serial. The one that is deemed essential is the Community Applications (CA) plugin as this adds App store type capability that can be used for finding and installing any further plugins and/or docker containers. Unassigned Devices (UD) will help with managing the USB drives you mentioned Fix Common Problems (FCP) will help identify mistakes that are frequently made in setup. User Scripts provides an easy way to run scripts either on demand or on a schedule. Their are plenty of other addons available and many users will have their own views of what they consider essential. If in doubt ask in the forums.
  17. Have you ever changed the config/go file on the flash drive? That is where the webGUI is started from.
  18. You can click on any drive on the Main tab to bring up the SMART information that includes this information.
  19. Just for interest - why not roll back to 6.8.0 stable rather than the RC?
  20. Yes you can. however I would first try backing up your current USB stick and then recreating it with a fresh 6.8.1 install to see if it boots. If it does you can then copy across the config folder to be back up and running with your configuration unchanged. There seems to be a higher incidence than normal where writing the new release to the usb stick during an upgrade does not always write it correctly for the 6.8.1 release. Please let us know if this works.
  21. No idea I am afraid. I personally would not consider exposin MySQL directly to the Internet as I do not believe it is sufficiently hardened for this? When I want access this type of service on my Unraid server I always do it via VPN link so that the type of port forwarding that you are trying to use is irrelevant.
  22. On what IP? I would expect and to be the forwarding details based on your screenshot.
  23. I believe that when they are on bridged mode that port mappings are not relevant as the containers simply use whatever ports they have been built to use.
  24. Multiple arrays are not possible although I believe it is a roadmap item, but with no ETA. Having the 8TB as parity is over-kill at the moment, but it does mean you are in a position to add 8TB data drives going forward.
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