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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. What shares do you want to be moved from cache to array? Such shares must have a Use Cache = Yes setting. It might be worth turning on the Help in the GUI to see how the various settings affect the actions mover will take.
  2. What speeds are you getting that you are considering slow? Note that writing to the array is normally significantly slower than reading from it.
  3. When you use an explicit Linux path as y/u have done then you are by-pring the
  4. You can always look in the syslog as there should be entries there when trim runs.
  5. Install the Dynamix SSD Trim plugin to run trim at regular scheduled intervals. If you only have a single drive in the cache then XFS is fine, although if you ever add another drive to the cache it has to be switched to using BTRFS.
  6. I think it will occur on any Linux based system using the same kernel level as is being used by the Unraid release.
  7. That means no GUI on a locally attached monitor. GUI access over the network via browser is available in all modes.
  8. Not directly, but if you click on the flash on the `main tab and go down to the syslinux section and switch to the raw mode you can move the ‘menu default’ entry to be the part of the Safe Boot one you want.
  9. I do not believe that is possible to do this in any easy way at the moment as Unraid does not have users in the traditional Linux sense. As a result ‘root’ is the only one who can ssh in as standard. Making parts of the Unraid GUI accessible to non-privileged users is I believe a roadmap item, but as to any ETA I have no idea.
  10. Have you still got disk 8 intact from when you removed it from the array? Chances are high that it still has all your data in a retrievable form.
  11. The syslog server was introduced in the 6.7 series of release which will be why you do not have that page as I see you are currently on the 6.6.7 release. What you DO have is the config/rsyslog.cfg file on the flash drive which stores settings associated with that page - I wonder if this is a remnant of your previous update attempt? You could try renaming that file to see if it fixes things.
  12. The easier way is click on the flash drive on the Main tab and select the Backup option.
  13. There are network errors around not being able to contact the syslog server you have configured to be used at address Do you have such a server up and running a syslog server>?
  14. Are you sure you did not do a format at any point before doing the rebuild? If you did it would have created an empty file system and updated parity to reflect this.
  15. Looking at those diagnostics the error messages start appearing after the NerdPack plugin starts loading modules into RAM. Do you get the same issues if you boot in Safe Mode (which stops plugins running) or even just stopping NerdPack from loading anything. Using plugins always runs the risk of them loading code modules that are incompatible with the release of Unraid that you are running and thus de-stabilising the system.
  16. I do not believe you can change the permissions on the /boot device, so the docker would have to be running as 'root' to access it's contents.
  17. While not answering your question directly, I thought it might be worth mentioning that I saw similar symptoms on my own server at one point and it turned out to be due to the HBA not being firmly seated in the motherboard slot. I assume this meant that vibration could occasionally cause momentary disconnects. After reseating the HBA the problem disappeared.
  18. If you can get the diagnostics, then download them and attach them to your NEXT post. That will give information about your system that allows for more informed feedback. You also might want to give some basic information about the hardware (e.g. motherboard, cpu, psu, ram size and speed, etc) that is causing the problem.
  19. You want to make sure that you are writing to a share which has a Use Cache=Yes setting (turn on the Help in the GUI for a more detailed description of what the behabior of the possible options). At the Linux level this share will be one that shows up as a path of the form /mnt/user/sharename.
  20. A write failure can be from a wide variety of reasons - only some of which indicate a problem with the disk. Probably the commonest cause is cable/connection issues.
  21. You say the disk is ‘missing’? This would imply it cannot even be seen at thenBiOS level probably because it has dropped offline. If instead you merely mean disabled then this will happen if a write to the disk fails for any reason.
  22. Have you also checked the individual drives? Any values set at the individual drive level over-ride the global defaults.
  23. Having Yes would initially save it to the cache, but when mover kicks in copy it to the array. what you probably want to do is manually run mover to get the backup files onto the array, and when that completes change the Use Cache setting to No.
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