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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Just a check - the number of attached devices limits for the Basic/Plus licenses includes all devices - not just those allocated to unRAID. Probably not an issue for you, but some people think having other devices plugged in that are not assigned for use with unRAID do not count.
  2. Install the CA Backup Plugin. It backs up all such information.
  3. Just thought it was worth mentioning that a similar issue (and I assume a similar solution) exists fro Dev Pack.
  4. I would have thought you should be able to set these scripts up under the User Scripts plugin? Then you can run it from the unRAID GUI without the need for ssh.
  5. Also empty on my system! Plugin probably needs an upgrade to be compatible with 6.6.0-rc1.
  6. I normally run unRAID headless, but I do have a little local screen attached running at 1080p (1920x1080) resolution. When I boot unRAID in GUI mode with 6.6.0-rc1 the Username/Password fields obscures the bottom part of the unRAID logo (see attached not very good photo). Functionally everything is fine, but this looks untidy so I think it should be fixed.
  7. No. You can add a script to do this at regular intervals via User Scripts.
  8. Mover can move files in either direction! What you see is expected behaviour if you have set a user share to Use Cache=Prefer. You want Use Cache=Yes for mover to move files from cache to array. Turn on the Help in the GUI to get more details on how the setting affects mover.
  9. Have you raised a formal request to get the groups file included in the Config folder on the flash drive? If there are no other ramifications I expect LimeTech would implement this as being a trivial change. This is obviously a much smaller change than getting full baked-in support for groups but still worth asking for as a small step on the way.
  10. I thought you might have simply gotten away with copying the /etc/group file onto the flash drive and back into position rather than recreating the users? This would be simpler than recreating the groups on each boot. However it may well be more complicated than that and recreating the users each time may be easier to maintain?
  11. Good to hear! Have you copied the files that get altered (e.g /etc/groups) to the flash drive, and then added entries into the ‘go’ file to copy them back into position during the boot process? This is needed as unRAID is running from RAM so you need to take positive action to make such changes survive a reboot. Perhaps at the end you could create a brief ‘How To’ post in case anyone else has similar needs in the future?
  12. I find the VNC connections are rock-solid so this is definitely unusual behaviour. It suggests there is some sort of problem at the networking level. I would suggest that you post the diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) after the problem has occurred to see if anyone can see any information there that might suggest the cause.
  13. Thanks for the feedback. I may decide to mention it anyway next time I have a reason to drop an email to them. i see they have now updated the Change Log on their web site(I complained that they had not been doing so) so as long as they continue to do this it will be easy to see when/if this gets implemented.
  14. Have you raised this with MyMediaForAlexa support? If not mention that here and I will do so to get a definitive answer. Since any transcoding happens locally it feels more like a bug than an intentional limitation and I certainly could not find any mention of such a limitation on their web site.
  15. Well that proves there is a working connection at the network level and the router is working fine, so there must be something blocking things at the software level. Since it is only this PC exhibiting problems it has to be something on the PC rather than at the unRAID end. No idea what it could be though?
  16. It might be worth opening up a command prompt on the Windows system and try to ‘ping’ the IP address of the unRAID server. If that does not work then you know there is some sort of issue blocking network communication between the two machines. Quite what it might be I have no idea as I have a Virgin Media Hub 3 acting in router mode and there is no such issue. Have you tried something simple like moving the cables to different ports on the Hub 3? It should not make any difference, but who knows. Another idea is that It might also be worth checking there is no setting in Windows Defender that is blocking the PC from accessing other machines on the same LAN.
  17. Isn’t the custom field at the end meant to have 5 values rather than 4?
  18. Although unRAID is based on Linux, this will not easily done without a lot of command line work. You have to work out how to get this to be handled correctly at both the share (samba) and Linux levels. It might be possible by manipulating the permissions at the Linux Level on the folders to stop users without appropriate permission being able to get into folders but there is no built-in support for this so you would be on your own in getting it working. Also since unRAID runs from RAM and is loaded ‘fresh’ each time you boot the system you then have to do additional work to reinstate into RAM the files (e.g. etc/groups) needed to maintain the groups. Since unRAID’s primary market seems to be home users there has not been much demand for such capability. You could consider raising a feature request for such a capability to be added but I have no idea if it would be considered something Limetech would want to put in the effort to implement, and if they did what the timescales might be.
  19. There will be problems doing things the way you want as on unRAID the security is by user, and is at the Share Level - not subfolders of the Share.
  20. This is one of those issues that while genuine is very hard to reproduce in practice. The timing window for hitting this error will be very narrow so probably not an issue for most people in typical usage.. Definitely will not be an issue if running mover at its default of early morning when nobody is likely to be using the server.
  21. Do not forget that python is not included in the standard unRAID distribution. You would therefore have to install python (typically done via the Nerd Pack plugin) to be able to run the script.
  22. The problem is that the latest releases of Windows 10 have broken name resolution for SMB shares. There are various workarounds for this, but the easiest is to simply use the IP address. You can also add an entry to the ‘hosts’ file on the Win10 machine to be able to get the name resolved to the correct IP address. Another option is to click on the server part in the Explorer address bar and drag it to the desktop. This will create a shortcut that can be used to bring up the full list of shares.
  23. If you only want to read the drive on unRAID then I would go with XFS. If you want to read it on another system then I would suggest formatting it on that system to a supported file system before plugging it into unRAID.
  24. This is definitely possible. This is how I handle my VMs.
  25. Plugins are installed every time unRAID boots. If you want to avoid a reinstall every time you would need to go the docker route as dockers are persistent across reboots.
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