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Everything posted by nxtiak

  1. Renewing certificates is working for me now!
  2. Yeah I'm having renewal issues too and if you try to renew you get the error and then whatever docker you have using it is unreachable. Have to restart the dockers.
  3. Everything working fine until today. Getting this error when trying to access Krusader. Any ideas?
  4. So the controller updated to 6.5.3 and now my router ER605 v2 is constantly provisioning, adopting, provisioning in a loop. Power cycled it and still doing it.
  5. The internet capacity input box doesn't show up for me. It's been like this for months. I've tried different browsers, different computers.
  6. My USB flash drive got corrupted, I restored backup on a new flash drive but my WireGuard won't Activate. Slider goes to off position when I click done or refresh the page. Running command wg-quick up wg0 gives me: Error: Unknown device type. Unable to access interface: Protocol not supported [#] ip link delete dev wg0 Cannot find device "wg0" Any ideas?
  7. Thanks, I changed USB flash drives and new one wouldn't show GUI, intel-gpu-top plugin fixed it for me.
  8. So I did that last week and it found errors. So today I decide it's probably time to swap out the USB drive. Just did it and I'm able to save configuration but can't activate wg-quick up wg0 now gives an error: root@Server:~# wg-quick up wg0 [#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard Error: Unknown device type. Unable to access interface: Protocol not supported [#] ip link delete dev wg0 Cannot find device "wg0" root@Server:~#
  9. root@Server:~# wg-quick up wg0 wg-quick: `/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf' does not exist root@Server:~#
  10. I just tried with Firefox and same thing happens. Screen refreshes when I click Apply.
  11. When I type anything in the Local Name (anything like 1234 or myserver) and click Apply, the cursor goes to Local Public Key to enter a value, I click generate keypair, then I click apply and the page refreshes and nothing is saved. I go to advance and type something in all the fields and same thing happens.
  12. Thanks I figured this out last night, but then when I tried to set it up again, nothing would save. Type a name, generated key, etc.. clicking save would do nothing. Think my USB is bad or ?
  13. I was on vacation for a week, when I got back my flash drive had some issues so I restored from a week old backup. Anyways everything is fine except my WireGuard isn't working. It won't stay Active. I click slider, it shows Active, I change tabs and go back and it's Inactive. I uninstalled the Plugin, reinstalled and same thing, my old Peers still there too. Any ideas? How do I completely erase WireGuard so when I install it, it's brand new? Logs show nothing.
  14. Mine I can't reach. Restarting the docker I can connect to it and do stuff, then later when I try, it's dead. Been like this for a couple weeks now. Also today my Dashboard got reset, went back to default Wi-Fi metrics only. ARGH.
  15. I just went to linuxserver/unifi-controller:latest and all is working.
  16. So I updated my config folder so the latest version works. All is working, BUT if I use Sonarr or Radarr to download a torrent, it adds to it qBittorrent but it just sits there, says it's downloading but none of the file information/contents or anything loads. If I manually download the torrent file and add it to qBittorrent, it'll then start downloading. Any ideas?
  17. Okay, so default shm size is set to 5G. I have 16GB ram in my unRAID server, and Zoneminder /dev/shm shows 15%. If I set shm size to 8G, dev/shm shows 10%. What should I do? I'm a total noob and I just started using Zoneminder a few days ago.
  18. Krusader broke for anyone? Was there an update overnight or something? It opens but no file manager. Uninstalled and deleted the docker and appdata folder, reinstalled and same thing. has an X and says server disconnected 1006 error. UnraidIPAddress:6080 doesn't work but UnraidServerName:6080 works.
  19. Radarr switched to V3 because it's now official and the latest version https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/releases
  20. Alt Shift U, Or go to File and select Unpack
  21. Hi, how can we update Chromium to a newer version in VNC Web Browser docker? v68 is very old.
  22. Thanks for the reply, but didn't work. Decided it's time to move to Nginx Proxy Manager docker and that works great.
  23. Hi, I'm a noob, how do you do this? I use Letsencrypt with TheLounge docker only. Thanks.
  24. I like unRAID because it's very easy to use and the freedom of using any hard drive size. I'd like to see faster updates to the unRAID platform.
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