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Everything posted by Elmojo

  1. That sounds about right. I'm not sure why mine is running so slow. The rest of my network is plenty fast. In fact, the very first backup I ran seemed to be pretty quick. I wonder if it's because I'm using the "uncompressed" file format? I wouldn't think so, but anything is possible. Hopefully, @binhex (does tagging not work here?) or someone who knows more about how this docker works under the hood can chime in and offer some suggestions.
  2. There is no ISO backup. An ISO is a disc image, like of a CD or DVD. This software makes images of hard drives, containing operating systems (it also does file backups, but we're discussing full disk imaging), that can later be mounted as virtual machines. In the context of unraid, we will most likely be essentially backing up a VMD (Virtual Machine Disk) to a VMD, rather than backing up a physical disk to a VMD, like you'd be doing if you were running this software on a regular computer.
  3. Not exactly. You get a virtual hard drive image. It's an exact replica of the drive, in file form. You can mount that image back into a VM (which is how it was before the crash), or you can mount it in another software (as a drive letter in Windows, for example), if you only want to extract data from the image, and not actually boot it again.
  4. No, I just installed it today. I have no idea what the restore process is. I'm actually more concerned with getting the actual backups to work properly before I worry about restoring them. lol
  5. Yeah...something is amiss... lol With my setup, I mean.
  6. Has anyone experienced very sloooow image backups? I'm backing up my VMs, and the images are only about 50-60GB in size. The transfers over my local network are running at about 15-20Mbps, which means they take 5-7 hours to run. I'm using the uncompressed (VHD) image type, so that I can (hopefully) mount an image in Windows or VMWare in the case of a VM corruption. Is this a bad idea? I'm brand new to this software, so I'm likely doing things bass-akwards. Suggestions appreciated! I also notice that one of my VMs seems to be running the backups pretty much continuously, even though I have it on the default 7-day schedule. Is that a known issue?
  7. I have similar questions, but we're probably better off asking in the support thread for URBackup, so we don't pollute this thread. See you there!
  8. Yes, I know, thanks. I'm trying to determine if I can get away with using this docker and self-hosting, or if I need to just through all the hoops required to get the physical UDM playing nice with my pfsense box. So far, I'm not having much success either way. Actually, that doesn't quite seem to be the case. I have only 1 U6 Pro AP adopted, and I now have all the icon categories along the far left available, and under settings, I have WiFi, Networks, and System. However, the wifi isn't really working. My phone says it "can't connect", but the Unifi dashboard is reporting that my phone is indeed connected with a "good (70%) experience", which is really worrying, since the AP is sitting about 8 feet away from my phone. If this is the type of "experience" I can look forward to with Unifi devices, they may not be for me. I realize I'm likely doing something (or many things) wrong, but this all just seems far more difficult than it should be. Running the Unifi controller software behind one of the world's most popular router/firewall software should be a well-documented process. It baffles me that I'm having such a hard time finding clear, step-by-step tutorials for how to make it happen. Sorry for the rant, it's been a rather frustrating couple days... EDIT: Got it (kinda) working. It had prompted me to create a new network, but that wasn't working, so I deleted it and changed the wifi back to use the "default" network, and that seems to be working, sorta. It will drop the connection on my phone randomly, but at least it's connecting now. I'll investigate more later...
  9. I don't. My switch is a managed TP-Link POE+. It sounds like I might only have the WiFi tab. Oh well. Better than nothing. Anyone wanna buy a UDM-Pro with 3TB HDD, like new? lol
  10. So what's the deal, is this plugin defunct or what? My unraid just flat refuses to install it anymore. I'm on 6.12.8. If I go to the plugins page and click the "Plugin file install errors" tab, it shows vmbackup.plg as status:error, with no explanation. My only option is [delete]. Anyone found a way to get it working? I'd really like to have backups of my VMs....
  11. Oh okay, so that's normal to not have the "network" tab? I was thinking that in the video from Lawrence systems, it showed that tab as available. I might need to go back and watch again. Thanks for the help!
  12. The Unifi Controller webUI. I'm logged in, but it's mostly unavailable. It's telling me that I don't have internet, or access to any of the network or WiFi screens, because nothing is connected. I understand the WiFi part, since I have no APs connected yet. The rest I don't understand. How do I connect this controller (docker) to my network, is basically what I'm asking. See the screenshots.
  13. Now he tells me! lol Ok, so it's back up, and I'm in the webUI, but I still have the same screens. Most everything is shaded out and unavailable. It says I need a gateway...
  14. Gotcha! Yep, pfsense is handling DHCP duties. I assigned an IP outside the range and applied. Now, when I start the docker and launch the webUI, I get a blank screen with "about:blank#blocked" in the address bar. EDIT: The logs are totally blank, but the console appears to be running.
  15. Oh boy, you just leapt right over my skill barrier... lol Okay, let me see if I follow... I changed back the ports to the defaults. I changed the network type to custom: br0. Now, under 'fixed IP address', what would I put? Just make one up, or does it need to be one that already falls within (or outside) my existing subnet? This stuff is a little beyond my comfort zone, but I'm learning. EDIT: I see that it's suggesting my existing subnet, so maybe I need to pick an available IP within that range?
  16. Hi all, Okay, so I'm totally lost here... I'm trying to get this up and running from scratch, not restoring from any sort of prior Unifi system. The initial instructions on page 1 all seem to relate to migrating from a previous install. I can install and run the docker, and I can even log into the WebUI, but it tells me I have no access to a gateway, so most everything it grayed-out. I suspect it may be because I have 2 ports that I was forced to change (I know!); ports 8080 and 6789 are used by other dockers on my system, and can't be removed. Is this a dealbreaker? I edited them in the Unifi template, which I know was noted as a very bad idea. Is there any hope for me? lol Assuming that this isn't the cause of all my woes, what's my next step? How do I connect to a "gateway"? I'm using a pfsense box as my router/firewall, and it's an external machine, not hosted in unraid. I'm sure that matters. I watched a video by Lawrence systems about setting up Unifi with pfsense, and that's actually what got me thinking about self-hosting the controller software, as he didn't seem to like the UDM Pro very much. I have one here, but I'll probably just sell it if I can get this working. However, Tom was talking about having to have 2 networks for the UDM Pro to work correctly, is that also the case when using this docker? As you can tell, I'm rather confuzzled...
  17. I'm having a similar issue as @icepic0, except that I can't connect at all. I can open the settings for the plugin, but it won't connect, and I see no sensor data. I've changed nothing, except for standard plugin and docker updates.
  18. I've seen this mentioned, but haven't figured out how to do it. Can you share the steps, or the tutorial you used?
  19. Nope, didn't work for me. I even tried a different browser, and it's still stuck on the weird black theme. Making my eyes go crossed. lol
  20. Weird. Okay, so not just me at least. I guess we'll just have to wait for a fix or update then. Thanks for the confirmation.
  21. Has anyone had their current theme just revert to the default "Black"? I suddenly (as of this morning) can't apply any theme, including my custom one. When I try, I get a message as shown in the attached screenshot. That doesn't really appear to be an error, per se, but my settings are not applied. Any ideas?
  22. So I feel like I'm having a similar issue to some others, but I'm just not smart enough to figure it out... lol Everything has been working perfectly up until maybe a couple weeks ago, although I'm just realizing that I have a problem today. Nothing in my config has changed, other than various dockers updating along the way, as they do. like most others, I have Radarr, Sonarr, Jackett and Plex all working together, along with SabNZB and qBit handling the downloading. As I said, everything has been great, until recently. Today, I ran a manual search for a certain show. The results came back as usual, and I selected one for download. It was an NZB. A few minutes later, I saw that it was complete, but not showing up in Sonarr. I looked in the unraid file manager, and the file is there, but it's not being moved or acknowledged in any way by Sonarr, as best as I can tell. The odd thing is that there are no errors in Sonarr. This is a key difference from previous times I've had trouble. Before, it's always been that Sonarr saw the file, but had some permissions or mapping issue. This time, it's like it doesn't knw the file exists, even though it was the one that initiated the download request. As I said, now that I look, I see that I have lots of files backing up in the downloads folder, waiting to be imported, but Sonarr doesn't seem to know they are there. I'm not even sure where to begin looking. I'm not good at parsing logs, or even finding them always. I'm happy to provide info, if anyone can tell me what you need to see.... I saw a mention above about there being an update from v3 to v4, and custom preference tags causing some issue? How can I tell what version I'm on? I do use preference tags, in an attempt to get Sonarr to pull smaller x264/x265 files, rather than huge 1080p rips. Could that be part of the issue? EDIT/SOLUTION: So I found the solution, at least for my specific issue. Maybe this is your problem as well. It seems that in the update to Sonarr v4, it's now aggressively enforcing the "Category" thing, whatever that is. I've never needed, cared or wanted to know anything about "Categories", but without assigning one, Sonarr just refused to import my files. I found this out by digging through my settings, looking for what I thought was maybe a bad mapping, based on the comments above. Everything looked okay, though, and had been working just fine for many months. On the Settings > Download Clients > SABnzbd screen, I tried to run a [test] and got a warning. It said "Adding a category specific to Sonarr avoids conflicts with unrelated non-Sonarr downloads. Using a category is optional, but strongly recommended. A category is recommended". In this case "recommended" means, 100% will not work until you assign one. I knew nothing about what it wanted for input, so I tried "Sonarr", which it rejected, since it didn't exist in SAB already. Okay... to I went over to SAB, checked the [Categories] tab, and noticed that they were more like {TV}, {Movies}, etc... Fine, I went back to Sonarr, put in "tv", and clicked [test]. I got a green check, so I manually ran the tasks, and lo and behold, all my files are importing! This really could be documented a bit better. Or better yet, just left alone! TL;DR - put "tv" into the [category] field of SABnzbd's settings (within Sonarr), and see if that fixes your import issues.
  23. Oh weird, I just noticed that mine is gone as well! I wonder if it's because I recently upgraded to v6.12? Perhaps it's just not compatible?
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