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Everything posted by VideoVibrations

  1. Greetings, My two virtual machines, Home Assistant and Pihole, regularly shutdown about every 4-5 days. It has happened about half a dozen times. Sometimes it is both VMs, others it is just Pihole. When this happens I also receive email notification that "/bin/sh: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable" for: user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/recycle.bin/scripts/get_trashsizes &> /dev/null user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.stats/scripts/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null I'm not doing any particular activity when this happens. dangertoes-diagnostics-20240425-1611.zip
  2. I just saw this on the featured apps. This would have been an incredible tool when I was a new unraider. Great tool, thanks for creating!
  3. I have the same issue. I don’t have any ZFS plug-ins installed.
  4. Adding that I have received the same error on unraid 6.12.2. I also have 2023.07.09b tailscale plugin. The app and connections are working normally.
  5. which are? Half joking, can you point me in the right direction?
  6. How do I access the container while it is running? Clicking on ">_console" results in this error: CI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "binbash": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown
  7. Is there a way to change the log level? I would like more info.
  8. Yes, seasonally etc. You have to edit the config file to do it.
  9. Plex meta manager also has pre-rolls built-in but it doesn’t work on my system and generates the same error.
  10. I need help. rollarr says it has a connection to the server and sent the pre-rolls to plex but nothing changes within plex. I can copy paste the paths from Rollar manually and the pre-rolls work fine. What am I missing?
  11. success! I noticed in testing that the RAM data will hardware transcode in RAM as well. Pretty awesome script.
  12. Previously I ran multiple paths but I don't have enough ram for all my files. I wanted to narrow it down to the shows I use most often. The paths are exactly as written. Some of the longer paths that did work like /mnt/user/Multimedia/Movies/PBS Specials work just fine. Is the script sensitive to white spaces? When it fails it says "Plex Preloader failed! /mnt/user/Multimedia/TV/Antenna is not used by a docker container!"
  13. Is there limit to the length of a path? This path works: "/mnt/user/Multimedia/TV" But this does not: "/mnt/user/Multimedia/TV/Antenna" But the working path will scan the "Antenna" folder and subsequent subfolders.
  14. Are you using version of plex and have tone mapping checked?
  15. Difficult question to answer as it depends on your hardware setup. My system idles at 54-60W (8 disk drives sleeping, 2 NVMes active, 12700k). About 75-80W if 1-3 disk drives are active. It can bump up to ~140-200W if transcoding. Speaking of transcoding... Confirming that tonemapping works on the linuxserver/plex container (currently need to be using the "latest" version). Hardware transcoding is now about 95-105W.
  16. I just confirmed, at least on my machine, that it will still transcode using the iGPU without a dummy HDMI installed.
  17. Tone mapping is still missing. I still have it enabled. For my setup, it will use the CPU to tone map HDR content and the iGPU for the rest. Correct. Run the upgrade compatibility check first. I agree; no need to make it unnecessarily mysterious. UNRAID: install intel GPU TOP and GPU statistics. GPU stats will show up on the dashboard page, click on the gears and chose intel. PLEX container: Add "--device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri" to the extra parameters section if you're using the linuxserver plex container. Test out some items that regularly transcode. You will see (hw) on the plex dashboard and GPU activity on the dashboard.
  18. Unfortunately, the issue remains on RC4. Diagnostics are attached. dangertoes-diagnostics-20220904-1217.zip
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