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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Yellow color in the dashboard means cache only shares, only on the "Shares" tab it means unprotected.
  2. It's logged as a disk error, there's a recent SMART extended test, if it was before the error run another one, if not keep monitoring, but SMART is showing some issues, so probably going to get more errors in the future.
  3. Disk looks OK but run a long SMART test to confirm, for the VM issue best to start a new thread in the KVM section.
  4. There's something writing to the array during rebuild, disks 2 and 3 are being rebuilt while there are writes to disks 1, 6, 7, 8 and 9, this will make the rebuild (and writes) extremely slow.
  5. There are called traced logged that suggest macvlan is the problem, and it is a known problem, ipvlan should have no impact on CPU usage.
  6. We need the syslog at least to confirm if it's the same issue or not.
  7. Look more like a power/connection problem, check/replace/swap cables and re-sync parity.
  8. Almost all disks disconnected and reconnected at the same time, including both parity drives which are using a different controller, so most likely a power problem, even if you do anything else for now you should at least reboot.
  9. Number of reads/writes is basically meaningless, it can vary a lot, even for similar devices, monitor read/write speed instead.
  10. Yes, USB 2.0 is best, and you are having flash drive issues, so try that first.
  11. Basically yes, SMART looks good for both.
  12. The mover starting and ending should be logged if it really ran at that time, though it won't help much with this issue.
  13. Start by checking the LAN link speed and/or running iperf.
  14. Enable the syslog server and post that after a crash.
  15. You can use this procedure: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=511923
  16. I assume there's nothing relevant before the call trace?
  17. This has been reported to help: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/6103-samsung-980-temp-warning-r2007/?do=findComment&comment=20180
  18. Oct 30 02:00:01 thebox kernel: md: recovery thread: check P ... Oct 30 03:00:01 thebox kernel: mdcmd (63): nocheck pause This suggests parity is set to pause after 1H, try re-applying the scheduled parity check settings.
  19. modprobe i915 chmod -R 777 /dev/dri Did you add this now or was it added to an older release? Try removing those lines from your go file.
  20. Unassign one of the data drives, start the array, if the emulated disk mounts and contents look correct rebuild on top, once the rebuild is complete repeat for the other data disk.
  21. Enable the syslog server mirror to flash option then post that after a crash.
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