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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. And those folders go directly in the media share? If yes make sure the folders don't already exist, some utilities like for example rsync or krusader create all the folders first, so they would be created on the first available disk, and then because of the split level all contents would be forced there.
  2. If it boots with just the other identical 18TB it suggests tome that one has a problem.
  3. Where exactly do you see that message, can you post a photo? I'm seeing a GPT issue in the log but clear which device is about.
  4. No, rebuilt disk will be exactly the same as the emulated one, but once it's done you can remove it an run UFS explorer, if you want to try that.
  5. OK, good, if I understood correctly disk15 was formatted, so we are assuming data there is lost?
  6. Docker image is corrupt, delete and re-create.
  7. Depends on how bad the disk is, and that one doesn't look very good.
  8. Yep, didn't read that far before, and that's not stock Unraid or UD config.
  9. A 24H memtest while not definitive will catch most issues.
  10. Like mentioned the solution for that is to check the filesystem on that disk.
  11. There's a single report from one user affecting a single disk, I guess you're a glass is half empty kind of guy [emoji4] Also if there really is previously undetected filesystem corruption you want it to be detected so it can be fixed, the other IMHO less likely option is that xfs is detecting false corruption, time will tell, in any case it's not an Unraid issue.
  12. Reboot is not needed, just tested since I hadn't' tested with v6.11 yet.
  13. hmm, it's working for me with v6.11.0
  14. To recover the array yes, docker templates were stored in the flash drive, so without a backup you'll need to reconfigure them.
  15. Go to Settings -> SMB -> SMB Extras and add: log level = 3 logging = syslog Then check the syslog, note that Samba will get very chatty so it can fill it up after a few hours.
  16. That's not a problem, to show as an SSD you'd need to pass-through the device.
  17. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/128576-intel-video-driverspassthru/?do=findComment&comment=1174726
  18. Array and VMs are not difficult to recover, you might need to re-install the docker containers though. https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Changing_The_Flash_Device#What_to_do_if_you_have_no_backup_and_do_not_know_your_disk_assignments:
  19. Most likely, do you have a backup of the flash drive?
  20. See here to enable unmap/trim: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/51703-vm-faq/?do=findComment&comment=557606
  21. Power off the server, power back on, what do you see? Normal post process or just that code, or initial BIOS post and that code? If you only see that try resetting the CMOS.
  22. That looks like a BIOS post code, does Unraid start booting, i.e., do you see the Unraid boot menu?
  23. The problem is not the new disk, contents are being emulated for now, so it looks like the same problem as the other filesystem, vert strange, you can try rebuilding and then also run UFS explorer on that disk.
  24. See if this helps: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Security#Securing_webGui_connections_.28SSL.29
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