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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. That's fine, they are x8, and they are plug'n'play and use the sames cables.
  2. Disk17 is really failing, still with a good controller it would just get disable instead of bringing all the other disks down with it, you should replace them with and LSI controllers when possible. Check filesystem on disk17 and if all OK then replace it. https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Checking_and_fixing_drives_in_the_webGui
  3. This is a general support issue, please start a thread in the general support forum and don't forget to add the diagnostics: Tools - Diagnostics
  4. Looks like the one of the typical SASLP problems, reboot and post new diags so we can check the SMART reports.
  5. It usually is, but we'd need the full diags to confirm, and if it is it needs to be recreated.
  6. Not necessarily, a failing PSU can cause stability issues.
  7. Not me but there are some post of users with 4TB parity, IIRC there's one with like 16 4TB SSDs. For parity you want an SSD with good performance and high endurance, since parity can never be trimmed, even when LT adds trim support for the array, also it will have to endure much more writes than the array devices, I would recommend a good NVMe device or an enterprise level SSD.
  8. smartctl -t long /dev/sdX Should be.
  9. I would start by ruling out any config issue first, by running in safe mode with all dockers/VMs disable, if stable start enabling one by one. If it's a hardware problem it's difficult to catch anything in the logs, you'd need to start swapping some hardware and test.
  10. https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/683-docker-image-huge-amount-of-unnecessary-writes-on-cache-r733/?do=findComment&comment=9527
  11. All files already on the disks should be fine, if there were any files being written when the controller crashed those are likely corrupt.
  12. Now it's the other NIC, possibly you have some custom IP config that is causing issues, did you check the link above about docker with custom IP addresses?
  13. Only did a quick test but this appears to make a notable difference for me, I tested moving my problem VM to an unassigned device first using the default partition alignment and then align it to 1MiB, watching the i/o stats for 5 minutes writes decreased about three times, performance at least on that device was also noticeably better, still high writes though, but most likely a step in the right direction.
  14. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/93941-cant-connect-to-network-on-new-unraid-build-maybe-ethernet-driver-issue/?do=findComment&comment=868329
  15. You're overclocking the RAM for that CPU, see here, note also the power supply idle control setting, if not yet done.
  16. Check filesystem on disk3: https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Checking_and_fixing_drives_in_the_webGui
  17. 1 found corruptions can be fixed only when running with --rebuild-tree Run it again with --rebuild-tree
  18. Yes, but no need to unassign it first, just shutdown, replace disk, power on, assign it and start array to rebuild.
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