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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  2. It's logged at boot time as Unclean shutdown detetced But will not disappear after after a clean reboot
  3. Other then the schedule one a parity check is done after any unclean shutdown.
  4. Also, if this keeps growing in the future you might want to consider replacing it.
  5. SMART test passed so at least for now disk is OK.
  6. If the data on the emulated drive isn't available possibly there's a filesystem problem, and rebuilding won't help, if you still need help please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  7. Yes, that was one of my suspicions, hence why I asked for the diags, since not sure the LSI BIOS would detect a 520b sector device.
  8. Memtest isn't 100% reliable finding errors, only when if does find some you can be sure there are problems, not finding doesn't mean you can rule out bad RAM.
  9. Sorry, don't understand the question.
  10. Very unlikely the SSD is the problem for this, also don't forget you have corruption on the array disks, first candidate would be RAM, followed by the board or controller.
  11. I forgot to mention that for SAS devices you need to run the tests manually: smartctl -t long /dev/sdX
  12. Disk9 needs a filesystem check, but that's likely a result of the previous crashes, not what caused them, since the syslog doesn't survive a reboot best bet to catch the reason why it's crashing (if it's not a hardware issue) is by enabling the syslog server/mirror.
  13. It appears dockers were stopped for the CA backup and never started back up, @Squidmight have an idea why?
  14. A full disk write might fix it for now, but once a disk has issues it's more likely to have more in the near future.
  15. You need to find out what's corrupting the data, or else you fix one file and you get more errors an a new one.
  16. Locked since OP already re-posted on the plugin support thread.
  17. Please use the existing plugin support thread:
  18. SMART test failed so that drive needs to be replaced.
  19. Just do a regular copy, you can use for example midnight commander (mc on the console), not sure all data will be available since it was a raid0 pool, copy what you can.
  20. That's normal, parity swap procedure needs to be done from start to finish without any assignment changes, if there are any after the copy (or a reboot) it will be reset and you need to start over.
  21. There's filesystem corruption on cache, best bet it to backup, re-format and restore any data there.
  22. That doesn't make much sense, if a file starts writing to cache it will finish writing to cache, or give an error, it can't change to the array mid-write, it can if there are several files.
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