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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Make sure you try all the options (except check --repair) on the FAQ on both cache devices, if none of them work best bet is to ask for help on #btrfs on freenode IRC. It's usually frequented by actual btrfs developers or very experienced users and they are very helpful there.
  2. No, they only spin down with the array running (after not being used for the set time).
  3. The error is reported on the syslog as an actual disk problem, and same in SMART, though these kind of errors can sometimes be intermittent, you should run an extended SMART test, if it fails or if you get more similar errors on the near future you should consider replacing that disk.
  4. Correct, but copying it with dd is the same.
  5. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  6. https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Checking_and_fixing_drives_in_the_webGui or https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Drives_formatted_with_ReiserFS_using_unRAID_v5_or_later
  7. Though not sure it will work since now unlike in the previous diags it's not detecting a valid reiser filesystem, if reiserfsck doesn't work check if the old disk mounts with UD, if yes and no new data was written since it got disabled it might be better to do a new config and re-sync parity instead.
  8. That's very unlikely if not impossible.
  9. I don't see any errors on the diags posted, but you're using the Marvell controller and they are a known problem on those boards, not surprisingly disk4 is connected there, so first thing would be to stop using, don't connect anything to the first 4 white SATA ports, there are enough Intel ports for all your devices.
  10. You should ask on the appropriate docker support thread:
  11. Both the docker and libvirt images were recreated on array start, this means they didn't exist before, this would suggest either the device where they were is missing or they are being deleted before rebooting. After all is working (or if there is at least one docker installed) reboot and post new diags.
  12. Changed Status to Closed Changed Priority to Other
  13. This is a general support issue, please start a thread in the general support forum and make sure to include the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics.
  14. Not recommended at all to use RAID controllers with Unraid, you should use a standard HBA instead, still might have issues now if the RIAD controller wrote anything to the MBR of the disks, and it likely did, it could work if you rebuild all the disks one by one, like users need to do when going from RAID to HBA, but like mentioned it's not recommended. There should be no issues outside or inside an array as long as you don't use a RAID controller, with one it might work, it might not.
  15. That's expected, once a disk gets disable it needs to be rebuilt, disk should be fine but since you're running a SMART test wait for it to finish and then rebuild if OK. If it happens again make sure you try to get the syslog.
  16. No, only trial requires internet. Internet is required for array start (for trial), once it is started it won't be needed until the next start.
  17. Parity should be fine, but since you have a disk disable with single parity all the other disks need to be working correctly for the emulated disk to work, and disk7 is not.
  18. Emulated disk2 needs a filesystem check, but first you need to fix the disk7 errors, replace/swap cables on that disk.
  19. Post current diags but if you're still getting errors on multiple disks rebuilding the disable disk will be a problem.
  20. There's no set date but it should be very soon.
  21. No need if already started, check that data looks OK and if yes you can rebuild on top.
  22. Because besides the disable disk there were also read errors on all the other disks. Diags are missing the syslog, but errors suggest a controller problem, see if you can get the syslog, but in any case reboot and post new diags.
  23. Unassign the disable disk and start the array to check if the emulated disk is mounting correctly and contents look OK.
  24. Diags are after rebooting so we can't see what happened, I would start with updating the LSI firmware since it's very old: May 29 09:36:49 Unraid-G8 kernel: mpt2sas_cm0: LSISAS2308: FWVersion(, ChipRevision(0x05), BiosVersion( Current one is
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