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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Click on current encrypted devices and change filesystem to a non encrypted one, start array and formatted them, all data will be lost.
  2. Look for a bios update or try a different NVMe device.
  3. Also note that usually using a SATA M.2 device disables a SATA port, again check manual.
  4. Yes if the motherboard supports SATA devices on both m.2 slots, sometimes only NVMe devices are supported in one or more slots, check the manual.
  5. First check filesystem on disk1 since it's unmountable, then re-sync parity, and if it happens again make sure you grab the diags before rebooting, you should also upgrade Unraid and fix the advanced buttons plugin spamming your log.
  6. If the isos folder exists on cache is enough to have the warning, check if it does exist on /mnt/cache, or set the share to cache="yes" and run the mover, the folder, if still there and empty, will be deleted.
  7. The btrfs device errors are most likely the result of one NVMe device dropping offline, see here how to reset them and monitor so you'll be warned if it happens again, if/when it does grab the diagnostics before rebooting and post them here.
  8. Don't understand what you mean by this, if parity was assigned it would remain valid. Usually solution for this is to rebuild one disk at a time, more info here:
  9. There's already a report for this issue, and you know since you posted there, please don't start a new one for the same thing, you can and should add your diagnostics to the other one, it might help, though this this looks more like a fuse issue.
  10. Agree. Probably best to use Windows to fix NTFS volumes.
  11. Sorry, never used Plex so no idea how it works regarding config.
  12. Marvell 9230 has known issues with vt-d enable, this works for some, failing that get a new non Marvell controller.
  13. Post new ones if it starts getting larger again.
  14. Describe the problem(s) as best as you can and post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  15. You're also using a SASLP, can't see SMART since the disk dropped offline but those controllers are known to drop disks without a reason and not recommended for a long time.
  16. IOMMU is disable and as far as I can see all disks are mounting correctly, we need diags showing the problem.
  17. Also if none of those options work and for more advanced help from actual btrfs developers or just very experienced users recommend trying #btrfs on freenode irc. They are very helpful there.
  18. It doesn't matter as long as all members are connected to the server. Always use only one device, for a healthy pool you can use either one, the other device(s) will be found automatically, but in a case like this always try both, one at a time.
  19. Though better this is still slower than it should be, with just a single data disk Unraid works basically like RAID1, start by running a single thread iperf test to confirm network is working correctly.
  20. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/88217-issues-with-10g-network-transfer-speed/?do=findComment&comment=820272
  21. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=480421
  22. You can enable system notifications and will receive a warning if the cache gets to the set warning thresholds. You can expand with any size, using the single profile, see the FAQ. It will fill it up to the size of the vdisk, but the vdisk itself can use more space than expected with time if not using unmap, though only have experience configuring that for Windows VMs.
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