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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. CRC errors are a connection problem, also a single error is nothing to worry about, just acknowledge it on the dashboard, if it keeps increasing re-seat the device.
  2. Please don't double post, the other post was on the correct forum, likely didn't get much help because it's a very specific question, not because it wasn't seen, but if anyone else has any idea how to help the OP please reply in the original thread.
  3. If you current cache if btrfs (and it was on the last diags you posted) and you can connect the new device while keeping the old one connected you can do an online replacement, see here, but see the notes, especially the bold parts.
  4. We need the diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics), grabbed after the problem manifests itself and before rebooting.
  5. Make sure you're respecting max officially supported RAM speed depending on the config, a common source of problems with Ryzen.
  6. That's a hardware issue, most likely RAM, CPU or board related.
  7. That's old news, and the WD blog I linked above is also about that, WD clarifying which models are CMR and what which are SMR.
  8. Usually the Barracuda Compute SMR, ST8000DM004 for the 8TB, other sizes usually use disks from the same family, SMR disk are usually fine with Unraid, but these Seagates do have a low workload, for whatever that's worth, not even enough for a monthly parity check.
  9. Could be a disk issue, SMART looks mostly OK, run an extended SMART test.
  10. No, cancel current check (since it's non correct), start a correcting check, then run reiserfsck.
  11. https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Checking_and_fixing_drives_in_the_webGui
  12. They are, and SMR is also PMR (with SMR), that 's why now CMR is preferred when referring to conventional PMR drives, for example: https://blog.westerndigital.com/wd-red-nas-drives/
  13. That's odd, pv is usually much faster than rsync and closer to real device speed, if it's not working for you you need to find another tool to test with, like I mentioned rsync is not a good tool for benchmarking.
  14. If there are sync errors you'll need to run a correcting check, auto check is non correct, that can be done before or after the filsystem check.
  15. Is that an SMB mount? Try to another local device first.
  16. rsync isn't built for speed, try pv
  17. User or disk share? If user try a disk share.
  18. Pleas post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics.
  19. Same, I have a 6 SSD RAID5 pool, get around 800MB/s each way.
  20. That will happen if the fs for that device is set to the original filesystem, set them to auto by clicking on the device on the main page.
  21. Like mentioned on the link above with SSDs it's usually a cable/connection issue
  22. And it's not the first time it dropped, see here for better pool monitoring.
  23. It's likely a faster model, or the other ones are under performing.
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