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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. RAID0 should be 1TB https://carfax.org.uk/btrfs-usage/ If you really want 1.5 I think you need single
  2. Unraid runs from RAM. The only persistent media is mounted at /boot (flash drive, don't write things there unnecessarily, people get upset if your plugin prematurely wears out their licensed flash stick), and any mounted pools and array drives in /mnt. Any modifications to the OS have to be reapplied on reboot. I suggest doing research on current plugins and how they operate, so you can see what is best practice when dealing with the somewhat unique Unraid ecosystem.
  3. Assign all the disks to data slots, LEAVE THE TWO PARITY SLOTS EMPTY, start the array, and hopefully only two drives will be unmountable, those will be your parity disks. Did you have email status alerts configured? Those contain a list of the drives, maybe dig a recent one out of your email trash?
  4. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/89702-plugin-docker-folder/?do=findComment&comment=1106150
  5. You can either set up a new trial, which will require reassigning your drives, or you can transfer your existing config, which will require transferring the license to start the array. At this point, I recommend setting up the new stick for a fresh trial, but DON'T yet assign any drives or transfer anything from the old stick. Just boot into Unraid and let it sit unconfigured and see if it shuts down. Have you set the CPU max power to a realistic figure, or left it to max power or whatever the board defaults to?
  6. Parity rebuilds exactly what is emulated at the time the disk is removed, corrupt or not. Parity does NOT have files, it only emulates the entire drive, filesystem as is. Now that you have replaced the drive, you should try doing a filesystem repair on the rebuilt drive, perhaps it may have better results, but only if parity was out of sync when the drive was removed. If parity was synced up, the rebuilt drive will be an exact copy of the drive that you removed. That's the point of parity. Filesystem corruption making the drive unmountable is not the same thing as a disk dying. Attach the diagnostics zip file to your next post if you want more informed feedback.
  7. https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md See Q4.
  8. I thought you were running in KVM / Unraid, not virtualbox?
  9. Unfortunately the next troubleshooting steps will severely limit your server usage, so hopefully the shutdowns have gotten more consistent. 1. boot in safe mode. wait for shutdown or not 2. if it still shuts down, boot in normal mode, and disconnect the network cable. wait for shutdown or not. depending on the results of those tests, we can make further recommendations for narrowing down the cause.
  10. I'm talking about a driver in the VM, not in Unraid.
  11. drivers missing for virtual network adapter?
  12. Try this plink.exe -batch -ssh -pw passwordhere useridhere@serveriphere powerdown
  13. No, it rebuilds the entire disk, just as it was emulated. If parity wasn't in sync when the drive was pulled, the emulated and rebuilt disk could have a corrupt filesystem and show as unmountable. If you then format the disk, you update those bits in parity that describe the formatted filesystem. Unmountable disks need their filesystem checked and repaired.
  14. Is it mounted in Unassigned devices?
  15. Post the docker run command for each container started individually.
  16. That location could be located on the array or on the cache, /mnt/user encompasses both locations. Shares, compute all will tell you which actual disk holds what. It will take a few minutes, just leave it on that page and refresh the page after a bit.
  17. Which disk are they using? VM's and containers typically perform very poorly when run from an array disk. The default configuration of Unraid uses the cache for containers and VM's, you would have had to manually put them elsewhere.
  18. Least steps I can think of. Set the array to not auto start in disk settings. Safely power down, physically install the 2 new drives in the server. Power up, go to tools, new config, preserve all. Main page, rearrange disks to how you want them. Be VERY careful with BOTH parity slots, any drives assigned to parity1 or parity2 will be PERMANENTLY ERASED. Don't accidentally put a data disk in either parity slot. Start the array, and let it build parity, optionally format the new data drive and old parity drive as well. Once parity is built, do a non-correcting parity check to fully exercise the new drives. All this assumes all your current drives are perfectly healthy and free of any errors. You can change the data drives to be in different data slots, or leave them how they are and just put the old 4TB and new 12TB in new slots at the end or totally rearrange the data slots, it doesn't matter. If your shares were included or excluded to certain drive slots those may need to be adjusted.
  19. Does unRAID support 3TB and larger drives? Yes, in the later 5.0beta series. (It was initially added in 5.0beta6.) Note that your disk controller must also support drives larger than 2.2TB. (many do, some do not) @JorgeB
  20. Yep, but for vanilla. That would be fine. I believe the line to be walked is whether any of their code is hosted somewhere out of their control. At least that's what I believe the intent to be. If they decide to change something or remove it entirely they want control of that. Out of curiosity, do you anticipate a VNC or RDP interface, or something else entirely?
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