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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Yeah, No. I'm not clicking on links to some random filesharing site. They decided to ask for help after exhausting their knowledge on the subject. As unpaid volunteers, all we ask is the user provide a good picture of the situation so we don't have to spend hours going back and forth figuring out what the user does or doesn't know, what steps they already may have tried, etc, etc. We are just a group of users trying to help each other.
  2. The issue with assuming the user already knows anything is that many people "know" things that are flat out wrong. Almost every question possible has already been asked on the forum at some time, so when someone asks the same question that has been answered many times in the past, we assume they haven't searched for answers, and just want the best advice to not lose data. That involves getting a sense of the overall health of the machine, something that is easy to see in the diagnostics file, but tough to get good answers from someone unfamiliar with the inner workings of the product. One of the worst offenders is people "KNOWING" that rebuilding an unmountable drive will reconstruct their data and make the drive mountable, even though a disabled drive and unmountable drive are totally different conditions with different solutions. Recovering from a situation like that improperly can put the machine on a razor's edge away from losing data permanently. We would much rather err on the side of collecting too much information and keeping someone from losing data than flippantly handing out only the asked answer and having major data loss. I guess it shouldn't bother me when someone shoots themself in the foot and loses data, but it does bother me, and I do everything I know to help prevent it.
  3. Prepare the USB stick with the latest release, copy your key file to the config folder on the USB, boot Unraid and assign all the drives as data drives. Be absolutely sure you don't assign any drives to either parity slot. This assumes you are sure all the drives are good.
  4. If you don't hear back by 10AM or so west coast USA time email directly.
  5. Correct. Which is why I asked At this point in time it would probably be better to wait on support, probably be quicker than walking you through a safe temporary workaround. You already emailed, correct?
  6. Good counterpoint. It's a relatively new concept here at Unraid to have forum accounts NOT created for the sole purpose of forum access. I'll get it eventually. 😁
  7. Journaling. Each worker reports in with start and stop status, if Unmanic starts up and shows a worker with a dangling start status it can clean up the lock file. Yes, that means if the container's appdata is reset you could end up where you where saying, but a fresh install is detectable as well, or you could flag detected lock files in the queue. A locked file could be clicked and selected to be unlocked. Come to think of it, it could be a useful function to add a lock toggle to the queue anyway, maybe you want to leave a file in line but untouched for an arbitrary period of time, and come back to unlock it later. The only issue I see remaining with that is the lock would only show up in a second Unmanic instance queue when the library was rescanned or a locked file was assigned to a worker and passed over, but that's not a huge issue.
  8. Which functions are critical to get running while waiting? Getting temporary access to the shares is easy, getting containers and VM's running is harder.
  9. You have no posts, so why not just sign up with the username you want? @SpencerJ will probably fix you up anyway, I just wondered.
  10. Well, since the intent is to make sure any processed files have stereo, then why not only process files without a stereo track? Maybe I'm thinking too simplistic here, but with the new setup, it wouldn't be that bad to set up a workflow that periodically is invoked to scan through and only add stereo to the files that need it, and reverting to the typical "new file" workflow chewing through the files that need the full treatment. Or, to complicate matters, have multiple workflows simultaneously defined, each one having a certain number of workers assigned to work on the queue of files that fit that particular workflow. Or, what would happen if you have multiple Unmanic containers pointed at the same library with different objectives? Maybe you could add a temporary lock file into the directory when a worker starts to work on a file, signalling any other worker instances to move along to the next file in the list if the lock file exists for that specific file. Actually that could easily enable multiple machines to team up on a single library without collisions. You did say you were open to suggestions 😀
  11. It's certainly worked well for me so far, I guess I'll stay the course. Totally unrelated, could you possibly post an example of what to put in the extra parameters of the audio encoder plugin to duplicate the "Create a stereo clone of streams" that the old version had? I'll understand if you say RTFM. Just hopeful it's a quick addition to the "write your own custom audio options" section.
  12. About the new worker pause feature. In the future are you planning on exposing the ability to pause workers to an external trigger, or an API of some sort? Until that may happen, is it still the preferred method to pause the entire container, or will that cause issues? When my home theater VM is actively in use, I scripted a container pause to give the processor a break, when the theater is shut down, it resumes . It would be nice to leave Unmanic running but automatically pause and resume the workers with a scripted command.
  13. This means stop the array, and choose the option to power off the machine. This means to take the flash drive out of the server, and connect it to your desktop or laptop computer. This means copy all the files and folders that are on the USB stick to a folder on your desktop or laptop. This means put the flash drive back in to the server and turn on the power. Observe what is displayed on the server's monitor, and report back if there are still issues. Did this translate ok?
  14. Did you have status emails set up? Do you have any diagnostics from when the server was running?
  15. Normal for some video cards. They don't properly reset until they get a real reboot cycle, as they were never designed with VM's in mind. Some cards can be forced to reset with scripts or other configuration changes, search around and see if someone else has already dealt with the reset issue for your specific card.
  16. Start the array with the parity slot blank, then it should allow the new assignment.
  17. It would probably be faster to do a new config preserving all, make sure the parity is valid ISN'T checked, and let it build parity. That way you don't have to wait for it to read, compare and correct the parity during the currently necessary correcting parity check.
  18. Why not? Assuming your desktop has internet.
  19. You do know we have easy access to the spoiler tag, right?
  20. Tha's not part of a plain install of Unraid, you must have installed a plugin for that. Plugins have their own support thread.
  21. Try slowing down the memory timings and see if that helps. Unstable power can cause issues too.
  22. This. KVM ballooning doesn't work the way you think it should.
  23. NO!!!! If you understand how to use a multimeter, you can fix them by repinning if necessary, but there have been more posts on here than I can count on one hand where people blew up MULTIPLE drives at once by reusing physically compatible cables that didn't output the voltage to the correct pins. If you don't know exactly what you are doing, NEVER use a cable not specifically meant for that PSU.
  24. Yes. No. Kinda. Stop, Reboot, Power are all present by default. Sleep is additional, I would guess the S3 sleep plugin.
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