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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. There have been some instances recently where software blocked https because it's being redirected to a local private IP. Some programs are more aggressive than others, not all adblockers / protection software is created equal. Like you said, most blockers work just fine, but if someone experiences an issue, it's something to investigate. It's a troubleshooting step, not a blanket requirement. The car door analogy is flawed for multiple reasons, but if you are parked inside your locked garage, leaving the doors unlocked is perfectly natural and not an issue.
  2. If you are just using it exactly as you say, then it should work fine. The issue comes when people see just how much else CAN be done, with the correct hardware, and try to extend beyond. Like I originally said for WAN access, it's purely for third party addons or optional services. Granted, Community Applications plugin is getting closer and closer to being built in, but it's still third party for now. Any communication out of the box is purely optional based on what functionality you want to enable. Trial mode is the only exception for the core product. Set your 2TB as array disk1, and your SSD as a single member pool. All your system files and container applications should be on the SSD, all your bulk storage on the HDD. You didn't mention what your actual use case is, so it's possible you may want some files to first temporarily go to the SSD and be moved to the HDD later, that's managed by the share settings and the mover schedule.
  3. How are you planning on attaching storage? USB doesn't play well with the parity array, too unstable. For external drives SAS is best, followed by eSATA in a pinch.
  4. Licensed Unraid works fine on a network with no WAN access. Trial needs WAN and correct date / time to start the array, but can be isolated after that. Various add ons that have become part of a typical setup need WAN, but the core NAS is fine totally isolated.
  5. Which user are you using to connect? root is not allowed network share access, only management access.
  6. Enabling secure access was what changed, you can run this plugin without that, but you won't be able to reach your server over the internet through this plugin without secure access enabled. You can still use this plugin for flash backup.
  7. Use https://<ip address> instead of http://<ip address>
  8. No experience with that model. My favorite is Kingston SE9 USB 2.0 version https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B4G2YXA/
  9. You can't unblacklist a drive, so you will need a different model of flash drive. Typically the reason a new drive is blacklisted is because the manufacturer decided it was too much work to assign a unique GUID to each drive, instead they just use one ID for all of them.
  10. You're welcome! If you see another noob struggling with the same issue, pass it along.
  11. You really should tell your router to reserve a specific IP for your server, that way this shouldn't happen again.
  12. What happened was your server was assigned a different IP, and the *.unraid.net long ID hasn't been updated with the new IP yet. I can't remember what triggers an update, the information is somewhere here on the forum.
  13. That's normal when you specify the IP. Continue anyway.
  14. login user is root, password is what you set for the web GUI. Just like logging into the GUI.
  15. Can you successfully ping an outside address from the server console? I.E. type ping www.google.com and get a reply? CTRL-C to stop it.
  16. Depending on what exactly you mean by that, the CPU GHz may be very important. Plex transcoding will crush a CPU.
  17. Does the IP listed in the router match the IP shown on the attached monitor?
  18. Power supply looks a little light. The rated numbers rarely tell an accurate tale of what you can expect in real life. Since power stability effects every aspect of the server and a bad one can kill everything attached to it, I tend to shop on the high end for power supplies, and it's critical to find current recommendations from people who have actually tested the specific model in question. There has been some hinky stuff going on with power supplies recently, involving some big names. How many 3.5 hard drives are you planning on running?
  19. Please add models to this list, clicking on multiple links just to find out what parts you chose is asking a bit much.
  20. Kingston is the memory module maker, the limiting factor is the motherboard and CPU, not the memory.
  21. It would probably be faster to attach the drive to the windows machine and copy to it across the network.
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