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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Torrent clients need an open incoming port to function as designed. I don't know how you would manage that with a dedicated VPN container, it's handled for you in this container.
  2. Memory ballooning for Windows guests under KVM is tricky.
  3. Not likely. Common computer support businesses are fluent in microsoft and apple products, not so much linux and variants. Typically people fluent in linux in general either have non public facing sysadmin type jobs or are just hobbyists. Honestly, if she isn't willing to learn to admin the server on her own with help from the forum, and you anticipate not being involved for reasons, then I'd advise you set her up with a mass market NAS that has corporate support and keeping the Unraid server for yourself. BTW, currently how are backups being handled? Keeping business critical files in only a single physical computer is suicide, regardless of hardware redundancy features like RAID or Unraid.
  4. @PeteAsking, are you planning on static tagging to unifi-controller:version-6.2.26 or are you going to roll the dice on latest?
  5. DoH! At least it's configurable, ostensibly you could set an exclusion for tower.local https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-dns-over-https#w_excluding-specific-domains
  6. Setting the appropriate entry in your local hosts file should take care of that.
  7. Clicking can also be a sign of a lack of enough power. I've seen many instances of a drive needing more spin up current than the wiring can support without voltage sag due to high resistance from splitters, or simply just a marginal PSU. Replacing the drive with a newer model tends to "solve" the issue because newer circuits need less current. I'm not saying your drives are good or bad, but it wouldn't hurt to put them in a different computer and run the manufacturers diagnostic on them.
  8. In your travels through the interwebs, have you run across anyone who has upgraded straight from 5.14.23-ls76 to this current release? Do you have reason to believe that there may be specific intermediate steps that may need to happen for a smooth database upgrade? I know you personally went through a few intermediate versions, but I was hoping to avoid that if possible. Thanks for being our test pilot, I really appreciate your willingness to "take one for the team" if needed with this whole years long saga.
  9. Tools, diagnostics, download the zip file and attach the entire file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  10. Didn't vote because the answer is yes or no depending on many factors. Are you a good seeder or a horrible hit and run person? How many active files? How large are the files? How large is the pool? How many devices in the pool? Do you keep copies for seeding purposes? How long do you keep copies? Etc. Etc. Etc. I'm not asking for answers or debating the questions I posed, just stating why I didn't vote or give a clear answer.
  11. Mover will only deal with the files that meet the criteria at the time it is invoked. Any files that previously would have been moved with the old rules will be ignored if the new rules don't cover them.
  12. Make a backup of your Unraid boot USB for safekeeping, then install a fresh copy of Unraid on the stick and copy the key file back to the config folder. Boot up to Unraid, and assign all the drives as data drives.
  13. The only reason for a cache : no share to have files on the cache is something misconfigured, or have files placed there on purpose that shouldn't be moved.
  14. See if the info linked here gets you anywhere. In a nutshell, get one server working with the UPS locally, and connect the other using the apcupsd signalling.
  15. Stop looking at the share disk allocation page. Seriously, the only way you are going to achieve total zen of disks being used totally equally while simultaneously keeping all related folders on a single drive is to manually move things from disk to disk. To do this safely without losing or corrupting data means learning how Unraid constructs user shares from disk shares, and using mc at the console or a similar file manager strategy to slowly sort things out. You have a royal mess on your hands OCD wise, it's going to take many many hours, probably weeks worth of moving files to completely reorganize things. The alternative is to let Unraid do everything as it's been doing it. possibly change to high water instead of most free so future additions stay better organized. Unraid is perfectly happy to present all your disks together in the user share structure, and retrieve all the files from all your different disks seamlessly without you even knowing unless you poke your head under the covers. If you really must poke, don't start actually moving things around until you have a solid understanding of what and why you are doing. You were warned, here be dragons. It's not particularly difficult once you get into it, but jumping in without full knowledge will burn you.
  16. Individual files can't span disks. I suspect you are using most free, which ends up scattering various thumbnail and nfo files all over. Consider this scenario. All disks are even to within 10's of MBs, so the main movie file gets written to one disk, then it no longer has the most free so the ancillary files that are in the same folder get written to various other disks. Most free allocation method means the drives are constantly filled round robin to stay even, effectively spreading the files all over and ensuring that any browsing will spin up all the drives. Good for free space OCD, very bad for performance and folder organizational OCD.
  17. Some things to check. Video card outputs. Sometimes a card won't automatically switch to the output you are using. Try each port on the video card. Is it really starting properly? While you have it running with VNC, install a remote access software like nomachine or teamviewer, get that working properly under VNC, then when you switch outputs to the video card you can verify whether the VM fully started and just has a driver issue.
  18. Good. I was just mentioning it because we seem to have a monthly post where someone blows up a whole string of drives after they replaced a PSU and used their old cables.
  19. A common error is assuming modular cables from one PSU will function in another. That typically results in burned out components. When replacing a PSU, you must replace all the modular cables as well, unless you know how to use a voltmeter to confirm proper function before powering up the system.
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