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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Probably need to enable SMB V1 https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/server/configuration/windows-smb/ But you should plan to upgrade Unraid if you want to keep using it. I recommend budgeting for a new pair of hard drives at the same time, that way you can be sure of having enough free space to do the recommended file system conversion after you upgrade.
  2. Manual recommends A2 B2 https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/SocketAM3+/SABERTOOTH_990FX_GEN3_R2.0/E8041_SABERTOOTH_990FX_GEN3_R2.pdf#p22
  3. Yes. The most direct reason being that Unraid allows you to use any combination of hardware that you wish, and it's up to you to configure and customize that hardware to meet your needs. There is no possible way to back up Unraid such that it will always restore to an unknown set of hardware with all containers and VM's functioning identically. What you are asking would only be possible if Unraid controlled every piece of the machine, allowing you to use only a specific tested combination of hardware. Now, you say, I don't care about different hardware, I just want to be able to restore back to my own hardware exactly as I backed up. That scenario is covered already, and has been for years. File level copies of all drives taken with the services stopped is all that is necessary, it's always been that way. Making valid backups with services still running ranges from tricky to impossible, as has been covered multiple times in this thread and elsewhere.
  4. In the parity array on the dashboard and main pages, currently the green ball only reflects parity status. I would like to add file system health to the list of things that will change the green ball. I propose changing the layout on the main page so that when a disk slot is having an issue, it expands in the slot list with lines indented below it listing the current error conditions that apply to that slot. Emulated Emulated rebuilding in progress Disabled No filesystem detected Corrupt filesystem unmountable Corrupt filesystem mountable Corrupt filesystem mounted read only Each error condition should have a brief explanation of appropriate action in the same line, help text should elaborate. The dashboard should stay compact, with the green ball replaced with an error indicator linking to the appropriate slot on the main page. Comments? Additions? This is just my quick take on the subject, but it's bugged me for a long time that the green ball could be hiding a multitude of issues. When I see green ball, it should mean all clear.
  5. Only major issues when the drive is unmountable or disabled (two separate issues with two separate indicators) show up on the main GUI. File system corruption minor enough that the drive still mounts don't show up there currently. I'm probably going to submit a feature request, it may or may not ever get any attention.
  6. The Unraid power users that care already back up the things that they feel the need to. All the info is either easily searchable, or available for the asking if you are motivated enough to ask. I get that you want Limetech as a company to step in, but @jonp already made their current position clear when you originally asked in this thread. VM's are tricky if you insist on backups while they are running, but cold backups are simple to handle either with the existing plugin or manually. Personally I backup my VM's exactly like I do any other machine on my network, with a client that runs inside the VM (I use UrBackup that's running as a container on unraid) or your client of choice.
  7. The green status indicators means the drive hasn't returned any write errors. Nothing to do with the validity of any filesystem on the drive.
  8. If you rearrange drives, parity2 is no longer valid and must be rebuilt. Parity1 is still valid, but it takes some maneuvering to keep from having to rebuild it. Tools, new config will allow you to rearrange things, as long as you don't accidentally assign a data drive to a parity slot no data will be lost, and both parity drives will be rebuilt.
  9. Did you remove the corresponding appdata folders?
  10. Yes. When you say a data disk failed, what do you mean?
  11. Because there are too many different ways to accomplish remote access to resources, some safer, some so risky it's a guarantee your server will be hacked, I doubt you will find a guide. Also, mac backups seem to be hit or miss on the LAN, let alone across a WAN, that it may end up being too much hassle. My best advice (others may have better) is to get it working on the LAN, then use a self hosted VPN to extend it to WAN. Unless your server is on a symmetric 1 Gb internet connection it probably won't work well enough anyway.
  12. The only way to find out is to try. The motherboard may not boot from an add on card, but newer motherboards stand a better chance. Whether your groupings improve as a result is also a mystery, as the group could also include some of the pcie slots. If you get a successful boot then at least you can move the card around to different slots and see how the groupings change.
  13. Cache in unraid isn't used in the traditional computer definition of the word, it's a temporary location for new files while existing files are read and written from the permanent destination. Currently only moves between the main array and specific assigned pool are supported, pool to pool moves are not yet supported. Multi pool support is new, so this may change with future versions.
  14. Include and Exclude only apply to array disks, not pools. To create a share that uses only the specified pool, select the "Use cache pool" to Only, and set the "Select cache pool:" to the pool you want to use.
  15. Are you saying the reported power is lower or higher than measured?
  16. The UPS is probably reporting power consumed by connected equipment, not power pulled from the wall. Try putting the external monitor in line with the load after the UPS and see if the figures match.
  17. Your thread, your prerogative. Just edit the first post. 😎
  18. I'm really tempted to change the title of this thread to something like Cipher Message of the Month or just Soon™️ Especially when the forum automatically inserts the "4 weeks later..." 🤣
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