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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. You can't use an older version once you've run a newer version with that config. The best you can do is specify the tag for the version you are currently on, and wait for LTS to catch up. That, or redo your config from scratch with LTS, which is extremely outdated at the moment. Since that specific exact scenario isn't likely to happen, you are better off using specific tags and keeping up with needed updates whenever you feel like a new tag has been sufficiently tested. Currently I've personally moved from LTS to 5.14.23-ls76, as I said in the pinned post, but @PeteAsking has had good luck moving to the later tags, I may move up in a month or two. I recommend you just use the specific tag that latest currently points to, and hold there while keeping an eye on this thread and the unifi forums.
  2. Can you access it if you set VPN to no?
  3. Name brand full size usb 2.0 sticks are a much better bet for the Unraid boot stick. USB 3.x sticks have a spotty reputation for compatibility and longevity, and there isn't a difference in speed while running Unraid, since the OS runs from RAM. That said, if you can get the drive to boot and run properly with the trial version, you can simply copy your pro.key file in to the config folder on the flash drive, delete the trial key, and Unraid should walk you through transferring the license to the new drive.
  4. type powerdown at either the attached keyboard or in a ssh session.
  5. Why are you still running such an outdated insecure version? First thing would be to see how it behaves under the latest stable version, then try the latest release candidate. There have been many changes made that effect spinup, and nobody is interested in troubleshooting outdated versions.
  6. Wild uneducated guess. What happens if you remove both NVME drives?
  7. Wait until it's publicly available.
  8. That combo makes me think too many drives on one power supply lead.
  9. Break may not be the right word, but it will definitely be effected, pretty much the same as if you replaced a motherboard with active TPM. At the very least Bitlocker would need to be recovered, there may be other effects I'm not aware of yet with 11.
  10. That sounds like hardware, not software.
  11. https://roonlabs.com/pricing
  12. While not advisable because of the extended time running unprotected, you can already do exactly what you propose with the Scatter function of Unbalance. Once the transfer is done, set a new config, keep all, remove the failed disk from the list, start the array and rebuild parity with the remaining drives. It's much faster to rebuild to a new drive, but the option is there if you need it.
  13. So this is rate limited to real time? As in, the download of a 45 minute TV show takes 45 minutes? Otherwise the viewing and downloading take significantly different amounts of bandwidth.
  14. https://wiki.unraid.net/The_parity_swap_procedure
  15. https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Shares#Disk_Shares
  16. What indicator is telling you that?
  17. So having the file extension test, results in all video files being added to be processed, regardless of whether they meet the conditions of the other tests. If I parsed this correctly, what we really should be doing is putting the video test at the top and removing the file extension filter? I was working under the assumption that all conditions must be met, logic AND, and you are saying the tests are logic OR? Sorry, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the logic here, I assumed we wanted to first determine whether the file was a video file, then whether it needed to be video converted, if so add it to the queue. What I'm getting is that the file extension filter shouldn't even be in the list of tests, because we only want to check video status to add it to the list. Maybe I'm just thick, but this is doing my head in. I wanted to avoid running the video test on all the other metadata, image, and subtitle files, and only run the video check on likely candidates.
  18. In the library management file test workflow block, are all conditions checked before the file is added, or does it add the file when the first matching condition is met? Is it possible that adding a plugin to that list in the wrong order could cause files to be added that should be excluded by other plugins in the list? I hope I'm being clear enough, I can't seem to construct a sentence that conveys what I'm trying to ask without confusing myself.
  19. I spent 5 minutes looking over the support links you have posted, including poking around and finding https://hotio.dev/containers/plex/ which mentions the environment variable in question, but doesn't spell out the explicit need for it to be populated correctly so the app will work in bridge mode. Perhaps adding a line or two explaining how to fill it in properly on that page would help, at least it would help those who try to help themselves by reading the docs.
  20. Each parity disk must be the same size OR LARGER than any data disk. Each parity disk operates independently. Each parity disk combined with all the remaining data disks can rebuild one failed disk. Parity disks are replaceable at any time, and can be replaced with a disk the same size as the largest data disk or larger.
  21. That may not be the best idea, it seems that BTRFS is indeed more fragile, and XFS doesn't react as poorly to hardware issues, but that doesn't mean the hardware issues are gone. Properly behaved hardware doesn't have issues with either filesystem, so it's best to solve the hardware issues instead of masking it with a more forgiving filesystem.
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