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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Not necessarily. Many people pass through a local video card so the VM displays directly to a monitor connected to the server. I have a VM that drives a video card attached to my projector and sound system for my home theater.
  2. Post it here, if you feel like editing it you can delete it later. Trust me, you are not the dumbest person on this forum.
  3. Unraid itself will work fine, but you lose the ability to host content available outside the LAN, like SWAG and whatever you would want to reverse proxy through it. That may not be a concern for you though, if everything you use Unraid for is inside your LAN.
  4. Local console is only supposed to be used for management functions, if you want to use your Unraid tower as a daily driver, the normal way is to set up a VM with passthrough video and USB. You definitely don't want to use the built in GUI console firefox for anything except controlling Unraid, it's dangerous to use it to browse the web.
  5. I know for a fact they CAN do that, the question is whether they will or not.
  6. You need to tell Spectrum to put the modem into bridge mode, and put your own router in place to provide firewall and other services. That way you can control everything the way you need it. Relying on their router is going to give you nothing but headaches.
  7. Disclaimer, I've not tried this, it may fail spectacularly, but you may be able to use
  8. FYI, that's the same AP firmware version that's current on 5.14.23-ls76. I have no clue about switch FW, all I manage are ap's. I wonder if the new v6 AP's are running that same FW revision.
  9. You stopped the array and powered down before you removed the flash, right?
  10. As long as you work exclusively with direct disk paths, yes, that is the extent of the damage you can do. The real issue that can lose data occurs when you mix /mnt/user paths with direct disk paths, where the exact same physical file shows up in two paths, so moving a file can result in the OS erasing the content of that file. Normally we tell people to avoid disk shares and work exclusively with user shares, but you want to do multiple disk copies at once, so disk to disk is easier to deal with, and as long as you understand how to make user shares by creating root disk folders you should be fine. You can view and read your user shares over the network during this process so you see how things act. Any root disk folder automatically becomes a user share with default public access. You can update that however you wish in the GUI on the shares tab.
  11. https://unraid.net/contact
  12. Array disks will appear at /mnt/diskX where X is the data slot number the disk is assigned to. Foreign disks mounted using UD will show up at the path shown in the UD GUI. You can use midnight commander (mc) at the command line to get a text based GUI for navigating and copying. If you want multiple simultaneous copies going, you can have multiple consoles, the easiest way is using the screen command that is available in nerd tools. The warning about messing up shares is because of how disks and user shares interact. The user shares are a synthetic mix of all the root folders on all the disks, and show up at /mnt/user. If you want a user share named Movies, you can create a folder /mnt/disk1/Movies and also /mnt/disk2/Movies, and the contents of both folders will show up in /mnt/user/Movies.
  13. Do you have full backups elsewhere of all data you don't want to lose?
  14. Are the NTFS disks all simple basic volumes?
  15. If you are BIOS booting yes. If you are UEFI booting, you will need to download from https://www.memtest86.com/download.htm and create a new separate boot USB for memtest. The built in version of memtest doesn't work UEFI.
  16. Email support with the email address and approximate date of purchase and they will take care of you.
  17. Do you still have the email with your key file?
  18. How about containers? Do you have CA Backup set up?
  19. Were you starting and stopping VM's?
  20. Then you need to change all references to /mnt/cache in your container definitions to /mnt/user instead of /mnt/cache. Since you don't have a cache drive, anything written to that path only exists in RAM and will be gone after a reboot. Once you have removed all references to /mnt/cache, then reboot, you should be able to set things up permanently.
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