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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. https://www.tripplite.com/keyspan-high-speed-usb-to-serial-adapter~USA19HS That specific model has a very good reputation.
  2. Parity is realtime, so any changes made are committed immediately. It protects against device failure, but not accidental deletion or corruption. So, no, parity is not backup. In the context of this thread, where files are being copied to a separate device on a schedule with the option of keeping aged copies, that is a backup, but adding parity doesn't make it a backup. Parity is not a backup. A versioned copy of your files kept on a different device, that is a backup. The array is a good place to keep a backup, but it's not a backup of itself. Maybe you already understand all that, but your wording concerned me that you may not have. Backing up VM's is a little trickier, at the moment I recommend treating their backup just like you would a standalone machine on the network, utilizing tools inside the VM. The tricky bit is concerning open files, if you are ok with shutting down the VM to do the backup it's easy to do with tools in Unraid, if you need to keep the VM running 24/7 then it's easier to use something like acronis inside the VM. This is very general advice, there are so many different ways to set up and configure VM's it's difficult to cover all the scenarios. If you are using a vdisk image file for your VM, then backing up the XML and the vdisk file while the VM is shut down is all that is needed.
  3. This is what works for me, but you will have to adapt to your situation. I don't use the typical swag configuration.
  4. How will you know if the emails are getting through? The purpose of the daily test mail is to be sure you can get an "all clear" message. Then if something does need to alert you, you know the email should successfully get to you. There is a good reason for a daily all ok message, I strongly suggest you turn that back on and use it as confirmation that everything is working as intended.
  5. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/98978-plugin-nvidia-driver/ Please read the first post in the thread.
  6. For now forget about increasing or evaluating security and GET THOSE THINGS BACKED UP. Once you have offline backup of items you can't afford to lose, then start dealing with the rest of this. Once you have a backup strategy in place, then you can start evaluating open ports and examining the security of each of the answering services. Of course all this assumes you haven't put your server in the DMZ or anything like that.
  7. Perhaps reading the first post in this thread will help.
  8. You are welcome. You would be amazed at the number of times people post things totally irrelevant to Unraid on the Unraid forums thinking they are helping other users when they are actually confusing the issue.
  9. No. If you want the files to end up in a user share named Media, just copy them to /mnt/disk1/Media/ All folders in the root of the disks ARE user shares already. Creating folders directly on the disk automatically creates a user share with that name. parity doesn't have a filesystem or a format.
  10. What benefit does this have over using Unraid's built in implementation? https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61413-ntpd-server-windows-client/
  11. Which means it's simply like running resistive heat strips, or a space heater. If you need the heat anyway, it's not really a waste, except that a heat pump is a little more efficient. When summer comes around however, you'd be paying twice, once to mine and once to move the heat outside with the A/C. So rest your environmental head, as long as it's cold outside and you would normally run a heater, mine away. At the very least it mines more coins than a baseboard heater.
  12. You are missing the distinction of a controlled shutdown / reboot vs. crash / lost power situation. The issue seems to be that on some systems and configuration the proper methods of shutting down and rebooting the array via the GUI or command line are not acting correctly, forcing a hard shutdown and triggering the appropriate parity check. Pushing the shut down button in the Unraid management GUI should NOT cause a parity check on subsequent boot, but something is going wrong in the shutdown routine. I believe there is a timeout to kill processes that is being ignored, and altering a setting and saving the changes fixes the issue. At least that's my recollection of the resolution. https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/691-parity-check-after-clean-shutdown-or-reboot-r1358/?tab=comments#comment-13674
  13. Apparently it didn't show up, all I see is syslog, not diagnostics as trurl requested.
  14. It does matter, as parity emulates the full capacity of the drive, regardless of content. You will need to set a new config and recalculate parity based on the desired set of data drives. Are you sure the emulated drive slot has no data? Most normal configurations start using empty drives for new data pretty much immediately, and removing the physical drive doesn't change the fact that parity is emulating the drive and can be written and read just like the drive was there. If there is data on the emulated slot you will need to manually move it before breaking parity with the new config.
  15. That's the issue, Unraid doesn't have any "native host audio".
  16. With the user script, privileged mode and duplicating these arguments my rate went from 700 H/s to 7K H/s on a dual E5-2667 v2 rig, using :latest tag. At 700, I was seriously considering pulling the plug, just not worth it. Tuning is key. 🤣
  17. Edit the first post in the thread and change the title.
  18. Sounds like a perfect back up server to me!
  19. It would appear indeed that you purchased a 2 pack of licenses, so now you have no excuse for not setting up a backup server with your cast off parts. 🤣
  20. Does it list a single license, or 2, with instructions about sending in a GUID to activate the second license? Many years ago it was "standard" to issue a 2 pack of licenses if you selected that option, as the ability to quickly replace keys wasn't yet implemented. That statement made me suspect you may actually have 2 full licenses.
  21. Do you have the email from your original purchase?
  22. I'll join the pile with a little technical reason why yanking the plug is bad. If you don't keep your equipment all referenced to the same ground with a large enough wire, any current imbalance generated will travel across wires you never anticipated, like ethernet cables. You can very easily damage network ports on your PC or router or switch, or any USB connected equipment not on the same UPS. If your monitor is plugged in to a different outlet, you can fry it or the video card. Either trip the breaker, or temporarily wire in a power strip with a switch so you can cut power to the UPS without interrupting the ground leg. Many UPS companies explicitly state that you are never to test the UPS by pulling the plug.
  23. That's because Unraid automatically uses the full capacity of each assigned disk in a single partition. It may be possible to set a HPA on the drive that would make the drive appear smaller, but I don't know if that would accomplish what you want with regards to drive longevity. Perhaps setting the minimum free space to 500GB would be easier?
  24. No, he wrote it. Parity is updated for all writes, including formatting to a new file system. I'd copy the data instead of moving it, much faster, and you can verify the copy is complete and intact before you format the drive. Before you update you may want to run for a little while to be sure everything is stable. It's not a good idea to make too many changes at once.
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