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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Not currently. At the moment, if a VM has access to the hardware of a GPU, it can't also be used by the host. Multiple containers can use the GPU hardware if the drivers are loaded in the host, but then VM's can't use it.
  2. nope. two totally independent and different calculations.
  3. No. Adding parity2 only writes the generated data to the parity2 drive, it doesn't touch or verify the information on parity1. Sorry, you are correct, parity1 is checked.
  4. Be sure to do a parity check immediately after completing the removal process to be sure everything worked properly and is in sync.
  5. The controller you linked is marvell, not asmedia, like jorgeb linked. It's not a version of the same controller, it's totally different.
  6. Sure, just don't accidentally erase the wrong drive.
  7. have you tried a direct sata connection? some usb adapters mangle the drive geometry.
  8. In my experience, that script takes multiple days to run, even on a small drive. You are probably much better off following the normal method and recalculating parity.
  9. Is the motherboard BIOS latest version? Is all overclocking or XMP turned off? Even if the memory itself is rated for a specific speed, the motherboard and CPU are capable of significantly less aggressive timing. Try turning the memory speed to the lowest setting and see if the symptoms change. Also, make sure CPU to heatsink interface is proper, as in correct amount of heatsink compound and spring tension holding the heatsink evenly against the CPU.
  10. Unraid's autostart is limited anyway, no conditionals or timing. Much better to manage yourself with scripts. I've posted elsewhere on this forum how I manage it.
  11. Probably referencing connecting 2 different LANS with a VPN. https://serverfault.com/questions/548888/connecting-to-a-remote-server-through-a-vpn-when-the-local-network-subnet-addres
  12. No. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network#Private_IPv4_addresses The very first line in that section means that if the address starts with 10.X it's private. You need to Either search the model number of the modem and find directions on how to accomplish this, or call your ISP tech support and get them to walk you through it.
  13. If the WAN IP is on the list of private IP's, (192.168.X.X or similar as mentioned in the wiki) then it's private. If it's not, then it's public.
  14. Is the WAN IP listed in that router a public IP or a Private? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network
  15. Plenty of examples of server hardware in use on the forums if you search. Primary issue is typically disk controllers, servers may come with RAID only, where Unraid needs plain IT mode HBA's. Some controllers can be flashed, others you must replace. You will need to research the specific hardware you are looking at.
  16. Given this statement plus the fact ZFS is not natively supported in Unraid, I'd recommend network transfer. Internal transfer wouldn't be much faster than gigabit anyway, so not worth the risk and hassle.
  17. No. Contact support, ask them to update your registered email. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/106074-multiple-keys-one-email/?do=findComment&comment=978607
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