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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Haven't used it, heard good things about it. No clue how hard it is to set up in a container for Unraid. https://www.meshcommander.com/meshcentral2 I actively use nomachine, but that requires either port forwarding or vpn between the computers. https://www.nomachine.com/
  2. Try blkdiscard /dev/sdX at the console, where the X is replaced by whatever designation the drive happens to be assigned on that particular boot. That command will fully erase any content on an SSD, so be sure you have the correct /dev/sd designation.
  3. Don't bother, at least until you research what exactly you can expect, and whether the hassle is worth the possible benefits. I see many posts here where people set up aggregation and don't see any real difference.
  4. Docker containers are similar to VM's in that they have their own packages and package managers. In which area is the script supposed to be run? The mailcow container, the nextcloud container, or the host? Perhaps a link to the instructions that you are trying to follow would be helpful.
  5. Running Unraid as a VM is not supported, but some people do it successfully. Try booting bare metal. Most likely there is an issue either reading the boot USB or communicating over the internet.
  6. If you have daily status emails sent to you (you should) that info is in every email. There are other ways, but having a daily update that everything is working as it should is the best practice.
  7. Faster disks or controller, depends on where the bottleneck is. Typically it's the disks.
  8. Try hitting the insert key and see if it turns the highlighted item yellow, if so, that's a selection, and you can select multiple items to operate on.
  9. What does disk management in the VM show?
  10. Type diagnostics at the SSH prompt and attach the resulting zip file created on the flash to your next post in this thread. Do you have any port forwarding rules or the dmz in your router pointed to your unraid machine?
  11. SMB (via cifs) is one way, NFS is another. "correct" is not a term I would use, it's all about what works best in your specific application. Treat a VM the same way as you would any other network client that you would connect to your Unraid shares. The VM just has a more direct network connection, the packets don't necessarily need to leave the machine.
  12. It's implemented already, that's what I tried to say.
  13. Not your fault. It's confusing because Unraid has evolved and changed immensely over the years, and some legacy settings haven't been renamed because of inertia and nobody came up with a universally accepted way of upending tradition and starting over with new terminology.
  14. Unfortunately that is not the case. A real backup allows you to recover older versions of files after the current version has been deleted or corrupted. RAID1 will delete or corrupt both copies simultaneously, so not a backup. Redundancy yes, backup no.
  15. Not directly. You could have the standard array with parity1 and data1, which acts like a RAID1 as long as there are no other data disks, then define a pool with BTRFS RAID1.
  16. Try a different browser or incongnito mode.
  17. Perfectly plausible to have copies of docker.img on multiple disks, but only one will be the currently used copy. Recommend you delete the extraneous ones.
  18. Unraid doesn't run from the USB, it's only used at boot time to unpack the OS into RAM and read the saved settings. If properly managed, the USB stick is very reliable, there are many examples of 10+ years of service, moved from system to system as needed for motherboard upgrades. A full sized USB 2.0 stick of 32GB capacity is ideal. In the rare event of failure, it's simple to take the latest backup and create a new stick, as soon as Unraid gets online it will prompt you through the license replacement process.
  19. Unplug the cable feeding the unusable front panel USB and plug the key in to that socket.
  20. Sorry, it's not my intent to make you feel stupid, I was genuinely wondering why you thought the current content of the drive mattered even though both itimpi and jorgeb told you that the drive would be completely overwritten with the emulated content regardless of what was already on the drive when it was reassigned to the slot. I'm trying to improve how technical concepts are explained to people unfamiliar with them, and there was clearly a breakdown in communication somewhere. Not knowing how something technical works doesn't make you stupid. Everybody regardless of intelligence needs new concepts explained at least once, I'd like to know how to better communicate this specific concept.
  21. Does it show the Unraid boot menu with the option to memtest, Unraid, or Unraid GUI on the attached monitor?
  22. If the motherboard doesn't POST or allow you to access the BIOS, then it would appear your system has other issues, not related to Unraid. You must be able to show and select the USB stick as the boot device.
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