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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Did you reboot after turning off the nerdpack items?
  2. Personally I feel uncomfortable if there is less than 10GB or so free. It's probably smart to leave even more free, as sometimes file system corruption recovery requires some free space to work properly, and also as file systems gain features there's more overhead, so a full disk with an earlier version of a file system may very well not fit on a freshly formatted disk of the same capacity.
  3. I was going by this page, halfway down. https://unraid.net/policies No Key Transfers Lime Technology does not support the transfer of an Unraid Server OS Registration Key to a 3rd party for any reason whatsoever.
  4. Can you link to the OEM sales? I'm not finding it in my quick look around.
  5. Ahh, things must have changed since I looked last. Like I said, I'm not an employee, just been using Unraid for many years.
  6. flash is the default share name if it's exposed over SMB, so the go file would be \\tower\flash\config\go if you wanted to edit it over the network, and the flash share was enabled.
  7. Currently Unraid isn't meant to be resold, and as such if you buy the license under your credentials, it remains your license. Reselling is against the TOS. However... I get where you are wanting to go, and if you are up front with your clients that the hardware is theirs, but the license remains yours and they are ok with you being the only point of contact for official support, then I see no issue in doing what you propose. The "my servers" credentials aren't used to actually manage the servers, the root password is still needed. My servers is just a way to get to the management login remotely, and the clients should only need to manage the servers locally. If they need remote management as well, I suggest setting them up with the wireguard VPN that only connects directly to their server. Disclaimer: I am NOT a Limetech employee, my statements are based on what I have learned and experienced over many years. If you wish to discuss resale of licenses you will need to talk to Limetech directly. I would strongly suggest not doing what you are proposing, only because the ongoing support to keep your clients happy is likely to be more time consuming than they are willing to pay for. Don't get me wrong, I love Unraid and have helped a few select clients set up their own Unraid machines, but they bought the licenses and manage things themselves with minimal handholding. I do not promote Unraid as a typical business solution, only because somebody on the payroll needs to be running it, the ongoing support for an office with only basic tech experience would quickly sour the client on the support needs. @jonp would be a good person to contact if you want a more official answer.
  8. Are you running any containers with their own IP address? I see macvlan mentioned, and that is a known issue with some setups. Also, blake2 is shown, are you by any chance using the file integrity plugin?
  9. Please add a note about using the correct port, I wasn't very observant when I updated the field and spent a few minutes figuring out why I was getting connection refused messages. Simply adding the default entry to the description of the field would have been enough for me to figure out I needed to use the 14444 port.
  10. @SpencerJ, could you please put this into the queue of fixes to be validated and implemented?
  11. The make bootable script could probably be rewritten to solve this, and I'm sure it works as is on some distro's. For now though, it's a perfectly acceptable work around, and I didn't feel like spending the time to troubleshoot the script properly. I think, but not sure, that the issue involves the way some distro's automatically mount inserted media, and unmounting manually before running the script solves that.
  12. The screenshot shows status online. Does it change when you turn off the outlet that supplies power to the UPS? Obviously all such testing needs to be done with the server powered on a separate circuit.
  13. Try stopping and starting the array, hopefully that will untangle things.
  14. Read this thread for the reason I said NOT to work directly on the cache until you know how things work at a lower level.
  15. Yep, just delete the corrupted files. The only damage is the zero length files.
  16. In all seriousness, if a character is going to break the login, it shouldn't be accepted as a valid entry. @bonienl?
  17. Here are the steps I followed that worked. Format drive fat32, label UNRAID Extract archive to mounted drive copy make_bootable_linux to hard drive unmount (not eject) USB drive sudo bash ./make_bootable_linux
  18. If you open up the Shares tab, click on the MOVIES share, and set your MOVIES share use cache pool to Cache: Yes it will work exactly as you are saying. No need to do anything except write to the MOVIES share, new files will be created on the cache pool, and when the mover runs they will get transferred to the main array. This is the original function of Unraid's cache, it's been working this way for 10+ years, no need to do it manually.
  19. Cache pools are disks just like disk 1 disk 2, etc. If you really want to directly access the disks, you can turn on disk shares, but I STRONGLY urge you NOT to do that, at least until you understand what actually is on the disks. It's too easy to erase files permanently doing things you think should be normal and safe. A better question to ask is... Why do you want to access the cache pool directly? You can create a new share and designate it to be cache only if you wish, then it will write directly to the cache pool you designate and not be moved to the array.
  20. What about the USB creator tool? https://unraid.net/download
  21. It can use BTRFS RAID pools natively, but not any mdadm defined pool. Unraid replaces the mdadm code. Unraid's secret sauce and reason for existing is the unique method of allowing individually formatted disks to be used in a fault tolerant array with pooled directory listings. From your description, I don't think you can use Unraid without changing how you operate.
  22. So don't use extended characters in the password. Length is more important than complexity anyway. https://xkcd.com/936/
  23. Is your VM successfully obtaining an IP address from the DHCP service on your router? If you are using br0, it should act exactly like a standalone PC on the network. No interaction with Unraid's IP at all.
  24. Does it crash if you don't enable the nvidia drivers?
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