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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Run a file system check on disk 10. Click on the disk in the main GUI, and follow the instructions.
  2. One option you could try is looking in the BIOS for a setting that controls the primary GPU.
  3. If it's a 92XX series and says it's brand new, chances are it's fake. Current production is 93XX Look for used pulls and refurbished to increase your chances of getting genuine product. New is a red flag for products no longer being officially produced.
  4. Yes, cache was a singular pool, now you can have multiple pools, so the name changed. Assuming your signature is accurate, and you are only sending and receiving data over a 1GB LAN, then SSD write speed won't make very much if any difference in your day to day usage. If you decide to enable docker containers to migrate your plex and 'arrs to Unraid, or the vm service, then you would benefit. If you do decide to start using containers, it's easier to set them up correctly with the SSD installed when you enable the docker service. If the docker service is enabled prior to there being a pool defined for it, the system will get created on the array drives and it's a several step procedure to get them moved properly.
  5. Which model? Try google search site:unraid.net poweredge and add your specific model, like r720. Some models are more difficult to get running than others.
  6. You are asking Limetech to change the thing that put them where they are, IMHO. Moving to a microsoft type model where a license dies when the hardware dies is just not tenable for 1000's of long time loyal users. One of the strength's of Unraid comes from being able to take a set of hard drives and the boot flash and move it to any system you want. Another strength is the promise directly from @limetech that the core functionality that you pay for when you purchase a license will never be removed. They reserve the right to ask for payment for new enhanced functionality, but to this date, all prior licenses have gotten full functionality of each new release, even increasing drive number limits on the lower tier licenses from version to version in some cases. This philosophy has earned them a HUGE community of hard core enthusiasts that help make Unraid the product it is today. Without the community, Unraid wouldn't exist. Whether or not this overall company trajectory is leaving money on the table is not up to us users, it's purely Tom's decision.
  7. Can you elaborate on your specific request? What I'm reading, perhaps in error, is that you want Limetech to change their longstanding and well tested licensing model to accommodate a specific use case, that is, not tying the license to a unique GUID on the boot USB flash drive. How do you propose that they verify that your unique license is being used on only one machine at a time? Note, any licensing scheme that relies on ongoing communication with a licensing server is a nonstarter, as many Unraid users keep their machines totally firewalled with no outside communication allowed, which the USB GUID verification scheme accommodates with no issue. I'm not saying Limetech isn't willing to discuss options, I'm just trying to get a feel for what your solution is.
  8. People have been opening up their Unraid servers and getting hacked for years. The "my servers" is hopefully a step forwards in that it requires ssl and passwords to be enabled to even work.
  9. Before you fight with it any more, get nomachine installed in the VM and see what you think.
  10. BTW, I wouldn't use the built in VNC to use the VM on a daily basis, only for troubleshooting and tasks that involve the VM's boot routine. For everyday access I recommend installing nomachine in the VM, the graphics are much better and it can pass sound.
  11. Each VM as it's started picks the next unused port, so the first VM is 5900, the next is 5901, etc, etc. Look on the VMS tab in the GUI, the graphics column shows the current assignments.
  12. Yes, that means for VNC you should connect to the IP of Unraid, NOT the VM, as I tried to explain.
  13. The built in VNC management is hosted by Unraid on the server IP when you use the VNC graphics card option in the VM setup. You can set up any remote access you want in the VM itself, like nomachine or vnc.
  14. You may need to manually change the XML, the boot order may not work properly from the GUI. I recommend not doing that though, it's easier to define a new VM with Gparted and temporarily assign the vdisk to the new VM. Even better, set up a whole VM with all your normal disk manipulation and recovery tools, then assign whichever vdisk you need to operate on as a second vdisk to that VM. Think of it like setting up a whole other computer to repair or operate on a physical disk vs. booting a live cd in the target machine.
  15. I'm assuming @SpencerJ and @jonp are already on the case?
  16. http://youradsor.appspot.com/u?purl=L25lbG90cy1zdGVnLXRuZXRub2MtcnVveS01MDA0MDEvY2lwb3QvdGVuLmRpYXJudS5zbXVyb2Yv LzpzcHR0aA%3D%3D Talk about meta.
  17. Definitely possible by rebooting Unraid completely between types of uses. Scripting the changes needed may be challenging but doable. You will need to do some homework on this, I don't remember seeing anybody actually doing it.
  18. JonathanM


    This has been an ongoing request for the last 10+ years. 🤷‍♂️
  19. Try /usr/bin/plink -ssh -pw password root@tower "/mnt/disk1/scripts/retro-win10.sh VM-2 VM-1 > /dev/null &" Because you didn't post the content of the .sh file, I'm just assuming that you want to reverse the VM-1 and 2 parameters. If it doesn't work, post the sh content.
  20. That's determined by the BIOS. Some motherboards have settings to change it, some don't.
  21. No. If possible, leave one SATA port available for troubleshooting purposes. If you run out of space, you can weigh your options then, but for now, leave it empty.
  22. 6.9 allows multiple cache pools, so it's preferable to just set up another pool rather than using UD. The best way to move user shares is to assign the appropriate cache pool and mover setting, make sure there are no open files, then run the mover.
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