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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Some combinations require a valid display to be connected to the graphics card in order for the card to work. If you get past the bootloader issue, you may still need a dummy monitor plug. I'd leave the monitor connected until you get to that point.
  2. Why can't you see the output on the monitor plugged into the graphics card?
  3. Yep, that's what I'm complaining about, but my ideal solution isn't to add the collapsing function, instead just show the range as entered, X-Z/TCP
  4. +1, @Squid, the template supports it just fine AFAIK, but the view on the docker container page is not ideal. It sure would clean up my container page, I have a container that requires about 5 pages of scrolling to get past since each port in the defined range is enumerated individually. The template supports ranges just fine, they just get expanded and fill several pages on the docker advanced view. <Port> <HostPort>5000-5150</HostPort> <ContainerPort>5000-5150</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> <Port> <HostPort>5000-5150</HostPort> <ContainerPort>5000-5150</ContainerPort> <Protocol>udp</Protocol> </Port> etc... etc...
  5. Depends. If you pass through discrete USB controllers to each VM, not just individual devices, you shouldn't have a problem.
  6. Need, perhaps not. Want, yes. Putty makes it easier, as you can save a single click connection for multiple devices in a list. Just a touch faster than typing out the full ssh connection each time.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network#Private_IPv4_addresses 11.X.X.X is not allowed as a private network.
  8. Each drive in the parity protected portion of the array has an independent file system, so reads are limited to the performance of the specific drive that contains the file, no striping. Writes are further restricted by the fact that each write to a data drive is also written to the parity drive(s), meaning multiple drives being written at the same time will slow down to the speed of the parity drive. The writing algorithm can be set to reconstruct write, also known as turbo write, to accelerate the writes, but it means all drives must be spun up to write. Unraid trades high read and write performance for the ability to keep drives spun down when not used, and keeping each drive as in independent file system so failed drives are the only data lost when parity protection is exceeded. If you have an array of 10 drives with 2 assigned to parity, you can lose any 2 drives and they can be emulated and reconstructed. If you lose 3 drives, ONLY the three failed drives will be lost, the remaining drives are still readable, unlike striped RAID volumes. You can also assign drives to cache pools, which can utilize any standard BTRFS RAID levels, striping or mirroring, whatever.
  9. Yes, you can map user shares to any number of machines on the network, VM or physical, doesn't make a difference. I hope you are copying a successful build with your hardware, getting 2 full passthrough VM's with good performance requires specific hardware.
  10. Since you failed to attach the diagnostics zip file as requested, the only guess I can make is that you have a server grade board with a virtual drive typically used for remote management.
  11. In that case, your only option is to add and passthrough a separate pcie usb card, or get a different motherboard that has multiple usb controllers on board, or possibly change the BIOS settings for the USB configuration.
  12. Worst consequence is that surges can't be directed harmlessly away through the ground, so the basic premise of a surge protector is pretty much useless. Any surge protector, not just UPS's. You just found out something that's been a fact all along, so it's not like anything has changed. Until the wiring is corrected, any voltage spikes will just be absorbed by your equipment. The UPS should still provide power, so that part will still work fine, plus you can configure your server to shut down properly if the power fails, so you're good there. Properly fixing the issue would require rewiring, which, as you said, isn't likely to happen.
  13. Do you write prose professionally? If not, why not? Your story construction and execution is excellent. Also, welcome! Feel free to ask for help any time you feel you may be treading too close to the sand with your flippers. We are slowly but surely attempting to iron out the worst rough spots in the user experience, any feedback on things that could use some polishing is helpful, especially from the perspective of fresh meat.
  14. I feel attacked.🙂
  15. Physically replace parity drive, build parity, check parity, ensure 0 errors on check, physically replace disk3, let it rebuild, do a non-correcting parity check, look for 0 errors.
  16. Make sure that the temporary download location isn't effected by mover. Only the completed downloads and destination folders should possibly be in a location that may be moved. Test this theory by turning the mover schedule to a week, or something like that, and see if you get any partials.
  17. No, that's hardware redundancy, it should allow for one of the SSD's to fail and still keep running. Backup is a whole other concept. A proper backup will allow you to recover from corrupted or deleted files.
  18. You really need to replace the controller with one that allows for proper drive passthrough. As you are seeing, Unraid really isn't suited for RAID controllers.
  19. You may prefer to use capital letters as a style, and when you use it as an email it doesn't matter, but no, your email doesn't have capital letters. It doesn't have lower case either, it just has letters, numbers, and possibly symbols. https://www.mailigen.com/blog/does-capitalization-matter-in-email-addresses/ There are exceptions to this, but the practical application means that all alphabet characters in an email address are treated as lowercase for processing.
  20. Yes. However, the enclosure may not pass that ID through properly, and many USB SATA adapters mangle the numbers or substitute their own ID instead of passing the drive's true ID. Also, some enclosures properly pass SMART info, some don't. It depends on the enclosure. But, since USB is so bad about connection integrity, there isn't a body of knowledge on what works best, because even when it works the best it can, it's still slow and problematic compared to SATA or SAS. So, it's possible to get something to work the way you are asking, but you will be dealing with trial and error, mostly error. Is the hassle factor worth it, when the final product is guaranteed to be slower and less reliable than the well established alternative? How would you cool them? External drives aren't engineered to be run continuously, they will overheat without some sort of forced airflow or other cooling. All that being said, there is nothing stopping you from forging ahead and trying it. Unraid will definitely let you set it up exactly as you propose, as long as each drive sends a unique serial number that Unraid can use.
  21. There is a small chance that it might work sometimes, but the odds are good that it will not work well or at all. Unraid requires constant reliable communication with all array devices that each have unique and unchanging device identification. USB typically fails on multiple of those requirements. Even if you get almost all of those solved, USB protocol in general is bad about momentarily dropping and reestablishing connections, which will fail a drive out of the array.
  22. The username you put into the container variables must work at this link. If it doesn't work on the web, it won't work in the container. https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-sign-in
  23. Is there an actual problem with the app? Some programs just work, and don't need to be updated, but the container still needs updates to stay current with security issues. Think of containers like cut down virtual machines, with an OS and everything. The OS part still needs updates, even if the app inside doesn't. Also, remember for 99% of the apps listed, the container and unraid specific templates are the only thing really being supported here, the application itself is the responsibility of some other party, typically not involved with unraid at all.
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