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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. You need to relocate the flash inside the case, many of the super small sticks have a very poor endurance record. Get a cheap adapter that plugs into the motherboard 10 pin USB connection and has a port at the end of a short cable, then tape the stick to the inside of the case.
  2. You could use the https://wiki.unraid.net/The_parity_swap_procedure, but since there is no data you want to keep on the drive you wish to remove you could also set a new config and simply assign the drives as you wish. It would shortcut the procedure by MANY hours at the expense of keeping parity valid. How healthy are the rest of your disks? Have you run extended smart tests on them recently?
  3. Yes, but it could get tight depending on what customizations you do. 3 of my servers are around 500-700MB used on the flash, 1 is 1300MB. Honestly I don't know what's taking up the extra space, it's a 16GB drive so I never bothered looking. I'm betting it's stuff that's unnecessary, but it's not worth my time to investigate.
  4. If you are using a secure (SSL) connection to a newsgroup provider that you have an account, very little to be gained by using a vpn with usenet. Your ISP will see the traffic's true destination, but not the content. Totally different than torrents.
  5. If passthrough is working properly, the VM screen should appear on one of the outputs of the graphics card. The easiest way to troubleshoot this kind of thing is to install something like nomachine while you have VNC access, then you can connect using nomachine if the VM is booting completely.
  6. Unraid runs linux, and Blue Iris is windows only. Not possible to reasonably run resource intensive windows programs in a linux docker container. You will need to set up a Windows virtual machine on Unraid and install Blue Iris there. There are threads on this forum discussing Blue Iris.
  7. Only if you stop the array, change the settings, and reboot.
  8. On the Main GUI page after you apply the new config. If you select "None", then the Main GUI with all your assignments would be blank, and you would need to recreate the proper assignments. If you select all, the slots will be prefilled with the previous entries, but you can choose to change any that you want before committing to starting the array.
  9. Vdisks are sparse files, which means they can show the full capacity as available to the VM, but only use the actual amount of space on the host drive. Deleting a file normally inside the VM doesn't clear out the data, it just shows it as available, so the amount of space used by the vdisk file doesn't ever decrease, it just keeps growing until it hits the full allocated size. There are settings you can use for a windows VM to allow the space to be reclaimed, but I don't know if it can be done with a hackintosh VM.
  10. Depends where you want newly created files to go. Disk1 - cache no, Cache drive - cache only. However... it would work better if you set each container to the specific path instead of using /mnt/user. You still need to use one of the two for the system share, no or cache only to keep those files from being moved.
  11. You would be better off data safety wise using the second 16TB parity as offline backup for critical files. Parity can only recreate a drive complete with all corruption and deletions exactly as is, it can't fix file system corruption or bring back deleted files. Parity is for high availability when a drive fails, it's not a substitute for versioned backups.
  12. I'm not aware of anyone doing it, but since Unraid uses KVM, this would be the place to start looking. Don't know if Unraid has all the commands included that could be needed.
  13. No. The only restriction is that no data drive can be larger than either parity drive, as you said. For planning purposes, I tend to only add space when the free space in the array drops below the size of the largest data drive. There is no point in keeping drives in the array unused, each spindle adds power consumption and a point of failure. One of the strongest points of Unraid is the ability to seamlessly expand the parity array, so use that to your advantage. Unless you have 60TB of data queued up to populate the array, I wouldn't set up with all 11 of those data drives at first. Only put in enough drives for your initial data load with one additional drive. As long as the controllers are in IT mode you can move drives around between different controllers and Unraid will find them with no issue. Unraid supports several bonding schemes for network, keep in mind the switch must also support the scheme you choose. No native iSCSI, user plugin available, but it's only a month or two old, so rather untested right now. SAS drives do not consistently support spin down, this is also being tested with a community based plugin, but best advice at the moment is disable spin down on full SAS drives. SATA drives on SAS controllers spin down fine.
  14. Ok. The copy speed is a good reason. Parity syncs all the bits on all the drives, regardless of whether or not the specific bits contain any data. That's why parity can't help with corrupted data, it doesn't know the difference between a file and random ones and zeroes from long deleted files. Parity recreates a complete duplicate of the missing drive, corrupt, formatted, or fully intact, parity doesn't care, it's all just meaningless ones and zeros as far as parity is concerned. https://wiki.unraid.net/Parity
  15. This can be easily done with scripting if you wish. Granted, a GUI option would be slick, but who knows how long before it shows up, and you can do scripting right now. User scripts plugin, set to run at startup of array, turn off the GUI auto start option for the VM's. #!/bin/bash sleep 120 virsh start <VM Name> sleep 60 virsh start <VM Name2> You can do all sorts of tricks with scripts, personally I have my pfSense VM set to GUI autostart, and a script that waits until pfSense is fully connected to the internet, then starts my other VM's.
  16. https://www.amazon.com/Duttek-2-Pack-Female-Dupont-Motherboard/dp/B06Y5C7DKH or similar. Any idea what that youtuber's forum name is? I haven't watched anything of his, @SpaceInvaderOne is who I would recommend for youtube tutorials. https://www.youtube.com/spaceinvaderone
  17. Better longer / larger with metal to dissipate heat. Ideally the USB should be inside the case, IDC 10 pin to USB female are cheap, and you can fasten them securely inside so the drive doesn't get lost / damaged. My favorite is the Kingston DTSE9 form factor in USB 2.0 for reliability and compatibility.
  18. @SpencerJ will know for sure, but my guess is that you get a total of 45 days from the issue date of the trial key. The difference is not so subtle, since the license is only verified when the array is started. You can run indefinitely on the trial as long as you never stop the array, so my assumption is that the extension is purely date driven.
  19. Upgrade to the latest beta, then define a second pool using the GUI.
  20. Many times AV software will insert their sniffing software in the network stack, if it's not well optimized, it can gum up the works for everything. Typically stopping the software does nothing to remove their filter from the network. I always recommend scorched earth removal to test the true effects of a specific AV / security software.
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