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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. That sounds reasonable to me, I can't think of a good reason to use a routable IP inside a private network unless you own the IP range, in which case you probably have your own DNS scheme in place and don't need to use Unraid's .net service.
  2. After you successfully complete the procedure, I recommend walking through all the settings on shares and individual disks to make sure everything is set back like you want it. Keep in mind that include and exclude are to be used either / or for each area. Don't populate both, use the one that utilizes the fewest entries for any given area.
  3. Yes. Are the drives you are planning to remove already empty?
  4. That's the thing, I never know what specifically I am going to need to unmount or shut down, sometimes stop works perfectly, other times it hangs on unmounting disks and I have to SSH in and see what's still open that I need to stop. I can't reliably predict when intervention is needed, so I always look for a cleanly stopped array before I initiate shutdown or reboot.
  5. Exactly. I regularly have to go in and clean things up to get the array to stop using the Stop button. I would much rather see that the stop is not happening in a timely fashion and go hunt down the culprits than allow Unraid to force things.
  6. How then do you cleanly shut down in your reboot scenario? I always stop my array before shutting down or rebooting, as I've had many instances where I needed to chase down one thing or another keeping something open and mounted, and I'd rather cleanly close things instead of relying on Unraid to not corrupt files when it forces a shutdown.
  7. Possibly reiserfs is to blame. Do you have a drive you could add to a new slot and see if xfs behaves better?
  8. Most likely a container path mismatch. Be sure both the downloading container and sonarr have identical mappings for both the host side AND the container side for the download folder. If one container has /data and the other has /download, it won't work, even if they both map to /mnt/user/downloads. Both parts must match.
  9. I would not count on that as a differentiator, because some manufacturers may not use different connectors. The cost of keeping an unnecessary SKU in the manufacturing process may not outweigh the cost savings of a less complex connector.
  10. You don't. Formatting always destroys the data. You must have enough space available to completely empty your largest drive, change its format, then you can proceed down the line copying from drive to drive, formatting after the copy is complete. There is a stick thread describing several methods.
  11. Forward goes from SAS controller to 4 individual SATA drives, reverse goes from 4 SATA controllers to SAS backplane.
  12. What type of cable did you use for that, and did that specific cable ever work? There are 2 types, forward and reverse breakout, they are not interchangeable even though they physically connect and look identical.
  13. data is not the same path as /data. Add the leading slash and you should be fine.
  14. After plex quits, go to the Unraid webgui and download the diagnostics from the tools page. Attach that zip file intact to your next reply in this thread.
  15. With the array stopped click on the cache in the main page.
  16. The point was to see if the system restarted itself when you DON'T attempt to put it to sleep.
  17. Did you select the encrypted option for the preferred format type of that cache pool?
  18. One indication is improper light activity. With the ethernet cable plugged in and connected to a known working port on the switch / router, are the green and amber light on, or blinking? When you unplug the cable, do the lights go out? If the answer to either of those questions is no, then there is a good chance the NIC is bad. It's possible that a good NIC will stay dark if the drivers aren't loading properly, but I've never seen a good NIC keep the lights lit when the ethernet cord is unplugged.
  19. I strongly recommend finding an existing 2 gamer build and copying the parts list as far as motherboard, cpu and video cards. Only certain combinations work at all, and some work better than others. If you can search the forum and find someone using the parts list you already have, great, but trying to make your specific setup work could be quite a challenge, or not, I don't know. It's possible it could be easy peasy, but it's also possible it simply won't do what you want. There are so many thousands of possible combinations it's hard to make good predictions. I suggest looking over Spaceinvader One's youtube channel, he has some excellent information. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZDfnUn74N0WeAPvMqTOrtA
  20. I suggest renaming it to something akin to "Look here for upgrade advice if you are currently running a very old (6.5 or older) version of Unraid"
  21. Same as you would any other computer on your LAN. In the VM either add the lines into /etc/fstab, or use the VM's mount network drive function.
  22. IF the USB external drive doesn't remap the drive geometry as some do, then it should work ok. It might only mount properly when it's attached to the USB adapter.
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