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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. I reverse proxy the unifi management interface through just fine.
  2. Once you establish the connection between VPN client on your remote machine and VPN server on your LAN, it's like you were connected directly to your LAN, except you may need to use IP addresses instead of server names, depending on how the VPN is configured.
  3. This characteristic of Unraid is one of the extreme differentiators from other RAID systems. With traditional RAID, when you exceed the redundancy level, you lose everything. With Unraid, each parity protected array drive is a separate filesystem, so normally you only lose the content actually on the failed drives, all the intact drives are readable. Just be very glad one of the failures was the parity drive, otherwise you would have lost the contents of 2 data drives instead of one. This was a very hands on lesson on why parity is arguably the LEAST important drive in the array, as it holds no data by itself, only if all the remaining data drives are healthy can the parity drive actually rebuild a missing drive.
  4. Well, the good news is one of the bad drives is parity, so no direct data loss there. However, anything on disk2 is likely gone forever. Disk 1 and 3 may have data corruption, but you won't know that until you start the array. Go to tools, new config, keep all. Go back to Main, and remove the faulty drive assignments, parity and disk2. You should then be able to start the array. Hopefully disk1 and disk3 will mount properly, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you format anything if asked.
  5. Tentatively fixed, I overwrote the config.php file with a copy from the fresh pull, and it looks normal so far. Fingers crossed.
  6. Since you have access, NOW is the time to back them up to another location, before you start changing things around and possibly getting in a worse situation. Anything important should always be backed up elsewhere, preferably 2 other places if it's truly irreplaceable and valuable. Unraid or any RAID is not backup, it's high availability so you can still access your files when a drive goes down, and rebuild to a new drive.
  7. I doubt it, considering it says the current php version is still supported, but perhaps not in the next version (s).
  8. As safe as your last full backup. Given all you've said here, you would be better off copying anything important to you onto your spare drives and keep them away from the server. Parity depends on the health of all the drives, not just the parity drive, so you would be better covered as far as data loss is concerned by concentrating on keeping 2 up to date copies, one on the server for immediate access, and 1 on your spare drives for when the drives in your server quit. Parity doesn't protect against data corruption or deletion, doesn't matter if it's user error or hardware. Since you don't have money for more drives, using a drive for parity is a waste when you could be using it as an actual backup. As it stands right now with your screenshot, you can easily back up the entire content of your server (645GB) on to the 1TB drive you propose to use as parity.
  9. From the deafening silence here, I'm guessing nobody else's container partially broke on the 3.0 update? Apparently there is something incompatible in my appdata, because a fresh pull of the container on a different server works properly and looks like this But my both my active version and fresh pull look like this after I copy my appdata to the fresh pull. Shopping list and recipes are similarly borked. Any ideas what I need to nuke or rebuild from my appdata? I would love to import my items, but apparently backup and restore aren't a thing, unless I dig into the database manually.
  10. That's not what he was saying. The RAM can be rated to run faster, but the CPU and motherboard are limited in how fast they can access it and stay stable. You need to manually set the RAM you currently have to the specified speeds in the BIOS and see if the errors continue. I'm not saying your RAM is good or bad, but you won't know until you run it at the speeds specified by your CPU and memory configuration. The memory speed rating on the chips is the maximum for that RAM, not the CPU.
  11. https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/issues Where did you search?
  12. Sounds like PSU or wiring, like too many splitters or a bad connection.
  13. Since you are just getting set up, I recommend updating to 6.9, there are some major updates and fixes that address SSD speed and longevity. It requires reformatting the SSD, so get it done before you go any farther. The shares you want to live on the cache should be cache: prefer
  14. Tools, New Config. Adding a SATA HBA would be a viable option, but if you aren't going to need to add much capacity, it would be cheaper and faster to just use larger drives. My suggestion would be to add an 8TB as parity, then when you run out of space upgrade one of the remaining 500GB with another 8TB, and you would be set for a while. BTW, parity is NOT backup, it's high availability. It allows you to continue to use your server uninterrupted if a drive fails and you replace it. Parity can NOT repair corrupt or deleted files, or fix a corrupted filesystem. It only rebuilds a failed drive with exactly the content that was on it when it failed, if the content was corrupted, the rebuild will be corrupted as well. Parity also relies on ALL the remaining data drives to be read perfectly from end to end, so you must be sure all your data drives are in perfect health. Since some of your drives are over 10 years old, that may be questionable.
  15. Default is RAID1, which provides redundancy at the expense of capacity. The pinned FAQ has a post describing how to change RAID levels if you wish.
  16. Format the USB stick FAT32, label UNRAID, extract the contents of the zip archive onto the drive, run the make_bootable_linux script.
  17. apcupsd is not affiliated with APC, it's a third party program that tries to work with as many UPS models as possible. Try NUT, it's a similar situation but sometimes some models work better with it.
  18. It will "restore" the exact same corrupt filesystem on the new disk. Parity keeps track of the bits on the disk, not whether or not files exist or are corrupt or not. Parity doesn't have any concept of files or filesystems or data, only what bit was recorded at what position on the disk. Organizing the bits into valid readable data isn't part of parity.
  19. Did you keep any of the power cabling in place or was it all swapped?
  20. Can this eventually be used to attach server connected USB peripherals to VM's with no USB passthrough? For example, instead of passing through multiple sets of keyboards and mice, or trying to get several usb chipsets passed through cleanly to multiple vm's, could you manage all the mice and keyboards on unraid and connect them using the client inside the vm? You say the host module is not included, is this something you plan to add, or is it up to limetech?
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