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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. No duplicated topics, stars on threads I've posted in, and the search seems to have caught up with some stuff that was posted and not showing as unread before, as I was caught up less than 5 hours ago with nothing showing unread, now I have a day old post showing unread. This is a good thing, because I know for a fact I didn't see that old post even though it wasn't listed this morning as new.
  2. Did something just change? Things are starting to look a little better.
  3. Yep. That's why you must never let a drive with signs of failure stay, it must be replaced ASAP. As soon as you get more drives failing than you have parity drives, you stand a chance of losing data. Like you said, better to learn now than when something really valuable is at stake.
  4. Tools, New config. If that's not what you are asking, you need to give us more info. "Reset everything" could mean different things.
  5. Why not download to a user share set to cache : no?
  6. The issues you are having is a good example of why you shouldn't use questionable drives in Unraid.
  7. Post your docker run command and a screenshot of your download path in qB.
  8. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/44140-support-binhex-nzbget/?do=findComment&comment=834897 Adapt as needed.
  9. Once you have come to grips with how much the data is actually worth to you, I suggest shopping around. There are services that will handle circuit board issues for much less, since no clean room work is required. I'm not saying it's a $50 repair, but like I said, pick a reasonable number in your head for what you expect and then go shopping. If it's still too much, fine, but don't write the old data off yet. There are multiple threads discussing this exact scenario on this forum. Also, there are multiple levels of OCD for data management, I like to think I'm on the more sane side of things, but I still keep track of which content is on which disks, and out of double digit number of disks in my hoard, I would only feel obligated to recover 3 physical drives, and those are duplicated elsewhere. So, would you need to recover all the dead disks, or could you live with recovering a small subset?
  10. Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I mean it still shows up in my unread queue, even after I've clicked on it and viewed.
  11. Even more annoying, posts that aren't yet approved won't go away for me, they always show in unread even after clicking on them. Typically that wouldn't be an issue, as a post would either be approved or banned, but with foreign language posts I'm not going to make that call either way.
  12. Yes, it really does make me less enthusiastic about reading the forum, it feels more like work now.
  13. I'm sure that would be appreciated as more and more folks are stuck behind CGNAT without a solid IPV6 solution in place.
  14. https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=6042 It works fine with mice and keyboards, no experience with printers, but it's not a super expensive experiment to try. If that doesn't work out, maybe some of the more expensive solutions could. I'm pretty sure for less than $20, the adapters I'm using are passive with impedance matching circuitry at best.
  15. Either one. SSD's can be used either in a cache pool (single or multiple device) or as an unassigned device. Don't use them as a parity or data drive. That said, if you have all high quality SSD's as parity and data with no HDD's at all, it will work with acceptable performance. Mixing SSD and HDD in the parity array is counterproductive as the write speed is limited by the HDD. There are several ways to deal with this, varying in levels of complexity, performance, and resource sharing. I recommend watching SpaceInvader One's youtube videos on Unraid, he covers many useful topics.
  16. Sure, but it's even easier than that. You can create a trial of Unraid, mount the drives read only, recover your backup, redo the flash drive, done. Keeping a copy of the backup in a more accessible location makes it easier, but it's not undoable to get it back off the array, just more of a pain.
  17. No opinion on whether it will be helpful, but it's ok to run 2 PSU's as long as the grounds are connected. If everything is wired correctly that's as simple as plugging them into the same surge protector.
  18. Possibly, but not a sure bet. At the very least you need to run a long SMART test on any drive before you use it with Unraid. Just because a specific model has a high failure rate doesn't mean all drives of that model are prone to early failure, just something to keep an eye on. I would trust one of those 3TB models that passed a long SMART and a preclear cycle more than I'd trust that 4TB if it failed SMART. Drives must be fully tested for Unraid, no point using drives that are bad or untrustworthy.
  19. Unraid doesn't support linux users in the traditional sense. It's a NAS with additional features, and the only linux user currently supported is root, and only for management. The users section in the GUI is for NAS network access, root is denied login for SMB, and users defined in the GUI are not allowed console or management access.
  20. Also worth noting that the 3TB drives are a model so notorious for failing they have their own wiki about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ST3000DM001
  21. As long as you keep the case closed, you should be fine.
  22. Check the motherboard's fan profile to make sure it's ramping up fan speed when needed.
  23. Keep in mind many (most?) server grade boards assume a high level of airflow that rack mount cases provide. Desktop cases are mostly designed around noise levels, so you very well may want to arrange some ducting or add a circulation fan so the factory heatsinks get a constant airflow.
  24. Spacing not relevant. We need to see the overall picture of how air moves through the case.
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