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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Go back to basics and only plug in the minimum possible. NOTHING connected to the motherboard except power, power button, CPU and heatsink, and speaker if it's got a header for error code beeps. If possible, remove the motherboard from the chassis and set it on a piece of insulating material, the motherboard box is ideal for that. At that point you should get an error for no memory. Add RAM, try again. Keep adding things one at a time until you hit the issue.
  2. Keep in mind that you will still be the "owner" of the license, as Limetech does not allow transfers. If your friend has issues with the license key you will need to handle that. It would be much better to let your friend buy their own license, that way they don't have to rely on you to contact Limetech for them.
  3. Agree 100%. I feel that links should look different by default, to draw attention to the fact it's a link. Just underlining isn't enough. I like the idea of defaulting them to Unraid orange, if someone feels strongly about it they can always customize like you can currently. Link
  4. THIS would be huge. There are MANY threads on here of people saying their VM is broken because a passed through USB device is no longer attached, and the VM won't start. If you can help limetech provide a single point of USB comprehensive device management it would be very helpful.
  5. Where is that documented? I'm not aware of this, and since I script container pauses for some of my automation stuff, it would be nice to see if this behaviour can be changed. BTW, it's easy to pause containers, just put this command in a bash script docker pause <containername>, so you could set a userscript to run when the parity check is scheduled that would pause all the containers you listed.
  6. Some UPS's can be configured to kill power to the outputs a short period of time after a shutdown has been commanded. Support for that feature is spotty, you will need to confirm the specific model you are looking at supports that feature properly through apcupsd or NUT. Otherwise, yes, it will continue to run, draining the batteries until the UPS turns off to save itself. That won't hurt the DS, but it will reduce the useful lifespan of the batteries. How often do you have power outages?
  7. tldr; Get a large enough single UPS to treat your server as a single entity all on the same UPS. You can use the small UPS to keep your modem, router, and switches running. Keep in mind that if you have the computer and the DS on separate supplies, you must ensure that the DS is always powered up before the OS boots, and powered down after the OS has completed a clean shutdown. How you manage that is up to you, but be mindful of what happens during all plausible scenarios. Normal startup and shutdown All power loss scenarios assume you aren't around to manage things. Power loss short term, power restored in less than a minute Power loss long term, power restored after 10 minutes, subsequent power loss within a minute or 2. Power returns after several hours. I'd advise planning for the array to stay down until you can supervise and manage the startup, there are just too many moving parts and interconnected events to try to coordinate.
  8. Same notification on both 6.8.3 and 6.9.0 rc2 if that helps troubleshooting.
  9. Speculation here, but I think the reason it is excluded is so that the slots don't get detected as drives and count against the license limit.
  10. Why? The reason you haven't seen much movement in the flash backup topic is that Limetech is working on updating that procedure, so any work done by third parties right now is likely to be superseded.
  11. You only changed the host side on the second instance, right? The container side should be the same on both containers.
  12. If you manually type in the 8223 port on the address bar, does it work?
  13. The voltage going high sounds like the motherboard isn't happy with the PSU, but that could be a wild goose chase. I'd run a few hours of memtest and then look at the motherboard logs.
  14. It probably won't show errors, but any errors should be logged in the motherboard BIOS. Have you checked the motherboard diagnostic logs?
  15. Gut feeling says UPS, but that's easy to test with your dummy load.
  16. What you are asking generally requires some pretty stout server grade stuff. Your best bet since you don't really need gaming is to have a single passthrough VM with the two other VM's using VNC as the management interface and nomachine to actually connect and work through the single hardware passthrough VM. Honestly though, 16GB is not going to cut it, you really need more than that for everything to be happy running 3 simultaneous VM's, never mind hardware passthrough.
  17. Did you reset the battery date in the UPS firmware?
  18. A parity check reads all sectors on all drives in the parity array. You can initiate and check results of SMART tests in the GUI, and if you wanted, you could script them.
  19. You can't restore files and folders, only complete disks. As long as parity is accurate when the disk went offline, the emulated drive is a bit level copy. Unraid does its best to keep parity valid, but things like power cuts during a write can corrupt parity, so if an unclean shutdown is detected, a parity check is triggered, and it's a good idea to do periodic (monthly, typically) parity checks just to make sure all the drives are returning good data. Parity has no concept of files, folders, or file systems.
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