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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Thanks! Now I know I'm not nuts. I was seriously doubting my sanity with all these posts saying it was messed up. Apparently it's not consistent or predictable yet.
  2. Marvell chip based controllers can be very problematic.
  3. I feel like I'm being gaslighted here. Can someone ELI5 what exactly you are talking about? Is it the couple of pixels space that appears under the t's on the screenshot @jbartlett posted? Because if that's the case, I'm not seeing it on any of my screens, which includes a wide mix of screen resolutions, OS types, and browsers. Everywhere I browse the forums looks perfectly fine to me.
  4. Try using 6.9 rc2, you can select that version in the creator.
  5. Third option, rebuild on a totally different drive and keep the dropped drive intact. True, but if you use a new drive to rebuild on, at least you still have some hope of possible recovery from the excluded drive. No. A long smart test would be a good indicator of condition. No need to erase everything currently on the drive, even if it's partially corrupt, it still might be somewhat salvageable.
  6. Happy 39th birthday again!
  7. Think of a clear disk as an empty room. You could just throw your papers (files) into the room in a pile on the floor, but that wouldn't be very useful, as you couldn't retrieve things easily. Think of formatting as empty filing cabinets, with labels and everything needed to organize your papers in a quickly sortable and retrievable fashion. The room is no longer empty, it has all the structures in place needed to hold your files, even though you haven't added any yet. That occupied space on the drive is the file system.
  8. Yes, the features required for the new functionality were only recently added to the rc branch.
  9. Yep. container ID != container name. Reference them by name and you will be fine. The container ID will change regularly, the name will not.
  10. All of Binhex's VPN enabled containers include privoxy.
  11. https://www.nomachine.com/getting-started-with-nomachine-for-android If you don't explicitly jump through the hoops of port forwarding, it will only be available over your VPN.
  12. Ding ding ding! That's my first choice. Distant second place in my opinion. Another option that you didn't list, and possibly for a good reason if you already practice this, but if you don't already have full backups of anything you don't want to lose in a separate physical location from the array, that would be my first choice for all the drives. I don't add capacity until my total array free space is smaller than the size of my largest data drive. I always want the capability to move things around and free up a drive completely. I also don't ever fill my last SATA port, so if I can't accomplish my free space size goal, it's time to start upgrading drive sizes instead of adding occupied slots.
  13. That's correct, the default layout for pools containing multiple drives is BTRFS RAID1. What were you expecting? You can change BTRFS RAID levels if you wish. If you have disk shares enabled it would show up as \\servername\poolname. Otherwise it doesn't show over the network directly, but any user shares could be set to use it just like the regular cache pool in previous versions.
  14. Private IP's can not normally be mapped to a domain. If your private IP is changing, you need to fix that by configuring your router's DHCP to give Unraid the same IP every time.
  15. Ethernet autonegotiates the speed, so check the physical condition of the sockets at both ends of the cable, the cable itself, and the capabilities of the equipment at the other end of the cable.
  16. Yes. The key file is not human readable, it's a binary file intelligible only to the Unraid program itself.
  17. Just make sure the toggle for Privileged is ON in the container configuration screen.
  18. https://aws.amazon.com/caching/ Why are you cutting and pasting irrelevant content here? Unraid cache pools don't work like this.
  19. Just move all the drives, boot USB included, to the new board. No need for a new license, it follows the USB key.
  20. Why? I currently am using the method recommended with the post at the top of every page, but if you convince me, I'll switch the recommendation, or recommend both posts. I haven't taken the time to look at the differences, so don't be offended, I'm genuinely curious, just not curious enough to do the work myself. 🙂
  21. Not that I'm aware of. If your writes are headed to multiple shares, or could be configured that way, then 6.9 would allow you to separate out the two drives into individual pools, each with a set of target shares.
  22. Depends on how many concurrent logins your vpn provider lets you use vs. how many you are currently using.
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