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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. How would that look on unraid, exactly? Can you walk us through a sample attack that would use a privilege escalation on a typical unraid setup?
  2. I don't use the samples, I just set things up like a normal nginx install. I learned from tutorials I searched in google. My personal preference is to keep my sites all in one main config file, with common blocks for repeated lines defined in other config files I reference. My install doesn't follow the included examples.
  3. May already be fixed in latest release candidate of 6.9, please retest.
  4. Not entirely sure what you mean, but I reverse proxy sites on multiple vm's and containers on a second unraid using a single instance of swag. It all depends on how your network is set up. If you can access the site using a lan ip and port on a web browser, you likely can reverse proxy it for wan access.
  5. Shot in the dark, maybe try putting a USB hub between it and the server and see if the error changes.
  6. Confusion averted. When you said... I was concerned that things weren't going as planned. I see it's actually a Parity Sync, which is proper.
  7. See third from last question in the general section.
  8. Do you have python 2 enabled in NerdPack? Simply installing the plugin doesn't actually install any packages, you pick and choose which ones you need and no more.
  9. I'm confused. Could you please post a screenshot of the Main tab in the GUI?
  10. Draw or describe in detail the connections starting from your ISP modem. It sounds like you might be double natted or accidentally set up part of your wireless as a guest network.
  11. If you haven't transferred the license to a new stick in the past year, it's just a matter of copying everything over to the new drive and running the make bootable script, then booting up unraid and going through the license transfer wizard. However... I highly recommend NOT moving to a mini drive, they don't have very good lifespans compared to full size drives, the concentrated heat seems to kill them. You would be much better off getting an adapter to move the stick inside the case. Something like this, I typically bend the L shaped bit back straight and stack it to an unused slot.
  12. Well, if you want you could always comment out 90% of the code and use the script to notify you if you are 429'd again. 🙂
  13. I think that the preclear function already has very limited usefulness, other than a few niche applications like prepping a drive and leaving it on the shelf for rapid expansion. What you are speaking of is expanding the testing portion to be more thorough and useful. I submit that preclear is the WRONG place for this. I would much rather see the preclear operation pared back to ONLY a single pass of writing and confirming zeroes, then applying the secret sauce. Please consider writing a plugin specifically for testing disks, with various levels of thoroughness. I would much rather get behind an unraid disk test suite than continue to hear about people saying preclear is needed when replacing an existing disk. Better to separate the functions to what they really should be, preclear for the very VERY few times it's warranted, and optional thorough disk testing for every disk that is introduced to the array. You could get quite fancy and write a mostly non-destructive test that includes writes, by reading a sector, flipping all the bits, writing the sector, reading to confirm, then flipping them back, then reading them again. For extra points flush the disk cache after every operation. It would take days on a large drive, but you could be very sure the drive was good.
  14. Instead of advanced, I think "established" is a better descriptor. So, @Squid@trurl,what does 20,000 posts get you? I already have no life, what can I look forward to?
  15. I wrote a quick little script to deal with my specific 429 errors. If you are routing youtubedl through one of the vpn enabled containers, this should work for you with some modifications. #!/bin/bash # This script will attempt to get a new IP for the Youtube DL Material container. # It assumes you are using the binhex-delugevpn for your connection, and already # have that process working, by setting youtube-dl-material network to none, # and adding --net=container:binhex-delugevpn to the Extra Parameters: field. # You also have to add a mapping for port 17442 to binhex-delugevpn container # and use your own shortcut to access the WebGUI for Youtube DL Material. # If you are using a different VPN enabled container you will need to alter this # script for your specific setup. If you don't want to be notified, comment out # the /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify line. # Set this script to run however often you want to check for 429 errors if docker ps | grep -q youtube-dl-material then echo "Youtube DL Material container running, checking for error 429" if /usr/bin/docker logs youtube-dl-material --tail 1 | /usr/bin/grep -q "HTTP Error 429" then echo "Restarting VPN container and Youtube DL Material" echo "_stopping Youtube DL Material" /usr/bin/docker stop --time=60 youtube-dl-material echo "_restarting Binhex DelugeVPN" /usr/bin/docker restart --time=60 binhex-delugevpn echo "_waiting 5 minutes" sleep 300 echo "_starting Youtube DL Material" /usr/bin/docker start youtube-dl-material echo "_sending notifications" /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Youtube DL Material restarted" -i "warning" -m "Too many requests error detected" -d "Too many requests error detected" else echo "No 429 error found" fi else echo "Youtube DL Material container not running" fi
  16. Docker containers are in essence tiny virtual machines, so the base distro that the app runs on can be different, the frequency and method of updating can be different, the supporting apps inside the container can be different. All of these differences are reflected in the type and frequency of questions on the support thread. If you want actual technical details you will have to examine the docker build lists for the different containers, or ask the container's authors for more info.
  17. Not sure what you want to hear. They all run the same application, but each has their own style of updating and responsiveness to issues. The recent history of the support threads are the best way to evaluate that.
  18. support Browse through the support threads for each of the options and see which seems to fit your style and needs.
  19. Change your lan network variable to and use to connect.
  20. No. Please add more detail to what you are asking.
  21. Look for a CMOS entry like "disable int13" or similar.
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